Racemixing is good

you realize when you mix races you activate hidden strands of DNA and produce smarter more beautiful children right?

>inb4 low IQ meme


gonna need sauce

>hidden strands of DNA


Day of the rake.

>not activating your DNA in the current year
I mean COME ON!

the only way for mankind to progress forward is to unlock all hidden 12 strands of DNA, this is done through race mixing

why does Sup Forums dispute this highly scientific fact?

You don’t have to race-mix, Mustafa. It’s enough to not fuck your own cousins.

Sounds look bullshit to me leaf, post sauce.

I have only ever seen one good looking mullato

8 strand dna german detected

Not when its with retarded races tho


>whitest skin ever

>bright blue eyes

>non nigger skin

>non nigger hair

fuck off leaf

I am Ron Paul and I endorse this message.


>whitest skin ever

>bright blue eyes

>non nigger skin

>non nigger hair


either prove that she's not fully white or fuck off, leaf scum

>>whitest skin ever
>>bright blue eyes
>>non nigger skin
>>non nigger hair
>fuck off leaf
you want your kids to be as smart as the others don't you user?

White kids are smarter than brown kids. Not yellow kids though. That's how it works.

Yes, just look at Brazil, the paragon of racemixing. Smartest and most beautiful people in the world.

I am 1/64 Jew
Mixed enough I would say.

IQ tests are a meme.

the indigo children of tomorrow transcend all common intelligence measurements

activate your DNA today!



Mud huts and cow asshole sucking are also a meme.

>Racemixing good.

>Use recessive white blue eye genes as example

yes, exactly like Brazil, we are a frist world contry lol


>leaf trying to justify getting cucked
why am I not suprised?

how many strands of DNA do you have?

did you even decalcify your pineal gland you pleb?

>hidden strands of DNA

where was it user?

It's an ugly fucking bastard. It's fucking ugly as fuck and it's fucking degenerate.

fake picture is fake

how's it feel to be on the stupid side of history?

>leaf calls something fake
>leafs are always wrong

Holy shit chem trails are real.

he made it up with his soccer skill
>in b4 homo sport

This the almonds need activating too

this really activated my almonds

And this is when I knew it was a meme


how will you're so called "pure" white child feel in a class where they are intellectually and genetically inferior to their classmates?

don't do this user, activate all 12 strands

Actually, there are more genius level whites on the planet than Asians, even though Asians are 5x the population of whites.
Asians have a higher average, but smaller range.
And the average is only slighty higher than some groups. Poles and Germans are at 107, east Asians are around 111.

And did you know that dragons eat gold? That's why there always sitting on a pile of it.

>inb4 Dragons eat humans

Okay thanks, Schlomo.

inbreed lil shit

Just looks like another nigger to me.

How do you guys feel in those brief instances you realize everyone outside of yourself are also thinking human beings exactly like yourself?
Your conciousness will one day dissapear from the world forever and the rest of humanity will remain.
Does it matter if those people who are completely separate from you anyway were white, yellow or black?

A fucking leaf!

Just annex us already America or Russia, this country has gone to shit.

don't you want your future children to break the societal barriers?

don't you want your children to be enlightened and create a world of goodness?

it's never too late

unlock the potentional


The only attractive features are the European ones.

Here's your (you)

I would much rather have my decedent's living in a white country than a Mexican or an Arab one. The environment is the same thing. Why should I throw my trash away and keep forward clean when I won't be around to see it all go to shit? Think of something bigger than yoirself for once.

I'm mixed with Korean. I have shit grades but score extraordinarily well on SATs

melanin is worth 50k a gram


Name me one brown country that's nice

It's an issue of wealth and standard of living more than race. Whites are the wealthiest and therefore the most educated. Nigeria is climbing ranks as there country gets wealthier. See what I mean?

Huh, so that's what my kid would look like if I went for the qt Japs at uni. I think I'll just try to find a nice Italain girl as planned.

White mixed with nigger is different
It's not unlocking shit and I see Halfrican Americans walking around everywhere

Non-whites desire to race mix with whites is proof of "white supremacy".

>Ah lawdy! Give me some light skin babies with blue eyes!

Just look at how non-whites always praise the most "caucasian/fair skin" people among their race.

Only more beautiful children when when mixed with white...

Well yeah that is the correct counter to that question.
You should still recycle though, there might be life on the planet for millions of years after we're gone, that's thinking of something bigger than yourself as well.

Still not good to be that racist tho, we can't control the actions of the people around ourselves. We're just programmed to breed and continue existing.

it is possible this will be the outcome of a 10 strand EURASIASOID HYBRID

>race mixing is literally magic and shit

Fuck off.

I would argue that races that are able to raise their own standard of living were intelligent enough to do so.

If your race is relying on the assistance of other races, for over a hundred years, just so your population can stop shitting in your own water supply, your race is not as intelligent as the others.

You can argue about equity of opportunity until you're blue in the face, but the truth is all of the races of human beings on Earth were given the same exact amount of time to develop. If you're several hundred years late to the party of civilization, you're not going to be improving the lives of the people who invited you.

there is tons of scientific proof to backup my claims that race mixing does in fact unlock hidden strands of DNA

The problem is most non-whites don't like whites (racists calling whites racist), but many white females go for non-whites.

I wouldn't mind at all fuckin around with black girls, the problem is that most are cultured so heavily into their blue pilled ways that I simply wouldn't mix well with them socially.

I live in milwaukee, wi. One of the most racially divided states in the U.S.

The boomers are shitty people and the blacks are racist and cultural authoritarians who pretty much are bred into believing a way of life and see no further or simply deny new ways of life.

no. checked. why would anyone want their future to be brown shittier

Why racemix when you can just manipulate your genes in a few years?

kys maple nigger

Gotta catch em all poke fag

I'm sure there is.

>inb4 some fucking blogs about KANGS and shit.

just let white people fuck each other for 100 yrs so they can stay 'pure' and they all die out when a super virus comes along

What, we love whites.


so move to a non white country.

Like yours?


>be euro mutt
>IQ of 125

bad goyim! why don't you want to date blacks?


You mean like the various epidemics through the ages that we have already survived?

Whites have some of the best (if not the best) immune systems out there.

Well I mean we could decide to go for the unscientific approach

Or we could consider that we're not professors in this shit, and development probably has a lot to do with geography, food, resources and a million different enviromental factors.

I mean, it was literally the piece of land now called Iran that invented agriculture 6000 years ago.

Praise kek

>indigo children of tomorrow

now THIS is an underrated meme

>implying the super virus wouldn't wipe out all of you filthy sub humans because you wouldn't even know what an antibiotic was without it being explained to you by white scientists

You can't simultaneously berate white people while you live in a society that was built and maintained overwhelmingly by white people. You exist because white people are compassionate, generous, and selfless. If you think breeding THAT out of society will help society, you've never visited any African nation.

But you are not an American. American non-whites do not like whites very much.

It's indeed a strange fucked up culture here, bizarro as fuck.

From what I'v seen the blacks in other areas of the world like whites, the browns in other areas of the world often like whites.

In the U.S. Going from a mostly white neighborhood to a black ghetto is like entering an entirely different world.

Their perception of reality is so far and fucked up, there is little hope for them.

my dna has already been activated on its own.. i just meditated super hard on it and my white genes exploded with dna activation. i thought everyone has done this already

I'm an Italian and it is my job to make sure that our group surivives. The other races have their own pros and cons but that's what they are other races. Race mixing destroys our individual races and it is not something I want participate in.



Just stop

You're making us all look more fucking retarded than we already are...

Newfoundland has more sense than you.


An example you may have forgotten. Disease (from white people) is what destroyed the south American civs. The opposite did not happen.


I'm becoming devastated by how unracist pol is becoming. did you guys somehow forget the most obvious truth? have we been invaded by reddit? has moot sent the jews after us? are you morons trying to counter signal the left? what the fuck is going on?

sub-race if you will

When a nation is gifted the technology that gives power and the opportunity to become civilized, people actively destroy that technology and re-purpose it to be used as cooking oil which is coincidentally toxic, something's got to give and you need to acknowledge that not all races of human beings are fucking equal.

This is yet another example.

I'm doing my part to impregnate a many non-white women as possible.


is a proof of the superiority of the white race, we should castrate their males and fuck their women to upgrade humanity to the next level.

you motherfuckers literally lucked out the black plague took out over 60% of you

that isn't how biology works, even if whites were 'bred out of existence' their genes would survive. same way two pink flowers can create a white one

Why do Canadians insist on shitposting? Is it something in their genetics?

Brazilians are beautiful, if not intelligent

>you motherfuckers literally lucked out the black plague took out over 60% of you

Yeah. Those that lived were stronger for it. To the point that we can go elsewhere and all the natives start dying around us just because of our presence.

>>inb4 low IQ meme
People tend to get similar IQ partners. It is of course to be noted that women with high iq are scarce.

Goddamn it leaf.

Mixed people have more color variety than monoracials desu