Will trump catch up? Some animals are saying the gap is widening, others are saying the opposite
What states haven't fully counted?
Will trump catch up? Some animals are saying the gap is widening, others are saying the opposite
What states haven't fully counted?
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Who cares?
It doesn't matter. Is the nation-wide popular vote even a defined metric in the US constitution?
Just wanna know so we can BTFO Leftists
pretty sure that already happened
Even if he does we won't ever be able to find the real numbers in a search. Too many whining leftest spamming the internet.
hope so. just to btfo those cucks that say she should have been the president because of the popular vote
Only votes that need to be counted are red states and the military absentee votes which add up to roughly 2 million. We got this in the bag.
Popular vote doesn't matter, he has the electoral votes to win. Those fucknut snowflakes that keep harping on the popular vote are going nowhere. The electoral college is not going to go against the will of the states and elect hildebeast. Doing so would mean the end of the U.S. and a civil war that would result in the deaths of more than half of the citizens in America.
>Only votes that need to be counted are red states and the military absentee votes which add up to roughly 2 million. We got this in the bag.
Can't wait for the REEEE
How many millions of illegals and dead people voted Killary? Subtract them and Trump wins popular vote in a landslide
Whats happening Sup Forums, her lead is getting larger.
It does matter, because the left will latch onto this to whine about how Hillary really won.
>all these butthurt "it d-doesn't m-matter, hehe!"
Fuck off. It does matter. You've lost the popular vote.
Hey Ahmed, ask a real German what happened the last time they tried to fuck with USA and Russia at the same time
don't ever try to appease the unappeasable
Which has happened 5 times in the last hundred years.
Fuck off, the system works correctly.
This is the united STATES of america.
Not the united people of america.
California and New York don't get to flood their state with third world immigrants then team up to tell the rest of the republic what to do.
Trump supporter her.
Saying that he didn't get a full out blow-out win is fucking disgusting. He should've swept over them like a hurricane, but he didn't. He got less votes than Romney and that is being mentioned on MSM every minute. Expect it to be mentioned the next four years.
>caring about the MSM
60 million americans heard the MSM call drumpf a sexist evil retard, and they didn't care.
MSM is dying, boyo
Fair point. But wouldn't you want a full-blown victory for the weeping?
trump will suddenly pick up steam and win
let the numbers show
it is looking like a full blown victory desu senpai
Can't wait. Jew from the other thread here. Already shorted the stocks before the elections
thank god the founders were not plebs
Source? All red states have been counted.
Yes we won...
no they haven't. Michigan has not finished, new hampshire is close and virginia may or may not have been added to the popular vote just a few moments ago.
>Using google chrome.
He's not gonna catch up. New York alone has 43k votes left to be counted, Oregon has some left, CA has some left. Her lead is gonna stretch
Plus the 600 inmates that the Virginia governor gave the right to vote in October. Progressicucks cheated there ass off and still lost.
More than likely, a lot of the Hillary votes came from Soros poll machine shenanigans, Dems and labor unions busing illegals to multiple districts to vote more than once, and the classic dead person and baby vote.
Hillary's numbers are more inflated than what they truly are.
Where are you getting this from? CNN is way behind on their updates.
NYT shows every state but WA and UT have 95%+ reporting. That would not be enough to close the gap and actually might extend it.
>face it guys drumphf wont win the election! mistress president!
he was retarded and wrong for saying this
Digits confirm he takes popular vote and democucks kill themselves
but i dont???
He hit 270, nothing else matters. He is the president.
I'm not saying he hasn't won, he's just not gonna catch up with the popular vote. Doesn't even matter though other than it gives libs a reason to legitimize their riots and not just go "he's le unfit and racist! ):"
It is because the pres is not directly elected but by the delegates. Keep everything the same but let the 4 votes or so get directly to the president instead of some guys who may or may not elect him
every site showing a live map has not yet called all of the red states.
just to clarify, the votes from the non declared states have not yet been added to the total popular vote tally.
>a lot of the Hillary votes came from Soros poll machine shenanigans
Doubt that. Soros and HRC knew they were busted and it'd be too risky to go through with. They thought they could pull off a victory with just good old smear tactics.
Well, he won and Romney fucking lost, so stfu. Election night all they were talking about was how he out performed Romney's Mormon ass.
What surprises me is that 100 million people didnt even bother voting, thats huge
I pretty much believe this to be the case. Soros plans to influence future elections that way too, so no sense in risking that now.
He didn't give inmates the right to vote. He restored voting rights of felons who have completed probation in VA. I know, I am one, and guess what? A ton of us voted for Trump.
This is what happens when people legitimately think the winner is already undecided and the vote doesn't influence the pick at all.
America has been done a huge favor. The extent of the corrupting has been revealed and now people know for sure voting is still not 100% rigged in their democracy.
Expect a lot more people to vote next time because of this.
Trump 2016 would have beaten Obama 2012.
He already won the election. Are you retarded?
What would you say the split was like in prison? I'd expect most people who've experience prison to be republican/redpilled.
... you need to get some sleep user. MAGA
especially when you consider the fact that he'd still win a population adjusted electoral college
But you're probably not a nigger. It's a reasonable assumption that the majority of your former butt buddies voted for Hillary.
Why would anyone need a popular vote? Electoral College brings complete and utter fairness to the table. Why should 3 overpopulated states decide who's the next president?
I bother because I bet money on it
6 million!
>US prides itself on being democratic
>the election for president doesn't give 2 shits about the American citizen vote
come again?
>This is why we have Civics
Not anymore you don't but let's hope someone fixes your education system and gets rid of common core.
how much?
i won $5000 on the win already.
I'll get $800 or so extra if he also wins the popular vote.
Absentee ballots for those serving overseas...
doesn't matter
the founders were smarter than you bud
Yes Ahmed, just like it mattered in 2000?
Fuck off.
What part of democratic republic don't you understand? Did you not have to take 3rd grade Social Studies? Did they drop that from the curriculum to give you more recess?
this gap will only grow bigger as cities get larger and more liberal while the vast majority of land becomes whiter and more republican.
only a matter of time before city states make a comeback.
>You've lost the popular vote.
In reality, there is no popular vote.
Having the electoral college affects voter turnout in states like California. Many Californian Republicans don't bother voting, as they can't win the state.
In order to figure out who would win the popular vote, you have to have an election where people are aware that the popular vote determines the winner.
I don't think you'll be seeing Sup Forums or the trump side btfo for a long time mohammad.
You're god damn right, ameribro!
OY Vey I knew it
This. The backpedaling and crying from Trump winning popular vote as well will be almost like another Trump election victory.
trump will win popular vote and set off a whole new wave of fag meltdowns
Yes... we need... ICING ON THE CAKE.
He did catch up a little bit, but only two states are left and I doubt it will surpass Hillary.
Over 9 million votes left, mostly from red states and military
It's going to be a landslide
No one in prison voted in VA, they don't do that here. When I was in prison it was split. Whites were generally redpilled, along with some blacks. There was only one Hispanic in the prison I was in. But the majority of blacks believed Obama was God.
Take a look at
AZ - 24%
GA - 7%
OH - 6%
UT - 16%
It's probably gonna be a bloodbath.
>Soros will be alive for next election
Highly doubt it, he looks rough
What's the url on this? Why are they showing different numbers?
I'm using this one: theguardian.com
About $150, I'll get $550 if I win.
It's not much, but I'm a college student
I'm a girl, first of all, I don't have "butt buddies". And no, I'm as Aryan as it gets. However, no prisoners voted. The black population will always be democratic, however violent felons didn't have their rights restored, and that's a large chunk of blacks.
Any clue when they'll actually be counted?
I'm having troubles finding a definitive answer.
Serious: anyone *slightly* bummed out by Trump's win?
I am. I lost just about all of my friends (didn't have many to begin with ;_;).
My roommates are typical chads but they're all for MAGA, so that was great. But in class, I got into a fight with everyone - including the professor. I'm so scared he's going to grade my assignments with a grudge now. These kids in my group project moved away from me. I essentially formed an island by myself in the middle of the class, and they were laughing at me and grinning/staring and making jokes about me the entire time... it hurt :(
My highschool friends b& me too. I'm all alone... again :(
All I did was talk about Hillary's emails. No joke. This sounds like a fucking meme but it's not.
Only correct answer.
It's CNN. It was from like 5 hours ago so it could be a little different now.
I don't think those are the states which are still counting, rather the key states in the race. E.g. California is still being counted on the CNN website. Still hoping Trump can pull it out though, just for keks.
If it happens. We must spam the Web with TRUMP WINS AGAIN! Just to rub extra salt in the Libshits' ravaged vag.
The military absentee vote could swing things up big time
hell be fine
W-will you sit on my face?
Hard to say. Could take upwards of two weeks. Provisional ballots need to be investigated and certified before they're counted.
Holy fuck, the most sensible thing I have ever read in my life.
Good luck bro. It's looking a lot like we'll win it though, popular vote is red 90% chance from the numbers we're seeing in this thread.
buy yourself some 2 minute noodles as a victory prize.