How will Republicans win without the growing Hispanic vote? Arizona, and maybe even Texas, will likely be a swing state by 2020. Old white men are dying, while more young Hispanics are voting. As Michael Moore said, this election is the angry white man's last stand.
How will Republicans win without the growing Hispanic vote? Arizona, and maybe even Texas...
a lot of legal established hispanics i know voted for trump.
You craccers are going extinct
Will Democratic Party still be around in 2020?
They cratered pretty hard recently.
The upcoming Dem civil war will make the Repub one look like a kiss on the cheek in comparison.
Bad break for the craccers.
It must suck to to be too stupid to be a good bigot Tyrone.
This is the harsh truth that GOP supporters don't want to admit.
Their victory on Tuesday was epic, but it won't last. Whites will continue to go down in numbers, hispanics will continue to go up, blacks will go up, asians will go up, and they will virtually all vote liberal and for more government handouts.
This is honestly the fate of the country, and also in Europe. I think at some point the tensions will get too much and racial identity will become a major talking point in the media and white people will start to openly embrace it.
But it's worrisome. Despite the huge victory, demographics do not favor conservatives going forward. The only way to stop it would be for Trump to take utterly massive measures, deportations; he would have to completely embrace "racist" policies that liberals would throw a shit fit over and I don't think he will.
Not a nigger kek
This electorate is now who can trick over the undereducated white working class, and who can scare the spics the least.
Prove me wrong.
2020 we will see Warren/Biden or Warren/Poo-in-loo
Trump will literally have to build the wall and establish a deportation force or he is done in 2020. He is going to have to bring the jobs back or the rust belt will not vote for him again. He has to end the stupid wars like he said. He has to make good deals like he said. If we are not winning all the time that motherfucker is going down in 2020.
>How will Republicans win without the growing Hispanic vote?
Build the wall to buy time, and push integration of the Hispanics that are already here. Same reason why the Republican party survived the tidal wave of Italian immigrants in the early 20th century.
Doing an earnest pivot to a "workers and small business" party would also help make inroads into minority communities.
This is why they should stay the hell away from abortion. Blacks and hispanics have far greater amounts of children and abort more often. Whites are having less children and don't abort as often. They are going to push an anti-white agenda by trying to limit abortion.
They'll build a wall
Blacks never go up, they have been the same since the 60s
Right now, the democratic party is the weakest it has been since 1928 as far as representation in government goes. The 2018 midterms have far more democrat seats up for grabs than republican, and if the democratic party continues burning, it might become the weakest it has been since it rose to power in the first place in the 1820s and 1830s.
If Trump plays his cards right he will just run unopposed. The only person the DNC has left is Michelle Obama.
By deporting them
Trump increased the Hispanic vote though. It will take a bit and a lot of recruiting but they can get more spics. The hard part is convincing them that socialism sucks ass and that is why they ran barefoot across a desert to get away from. They don't need to vote for it here.
America is going to be so great that even anti trumpers will vote for him in 4 years. Lower corporate taxes and better trade deals will fix 99% of this countries job problems. Reagan BARELY beat Carter in the 80 election. Then won every state but 1 for years later. If trump does his job hispanics will be republicans.
Wowe! That close without Texas
It depends on how this presidency goes. The hispanic vote tends to lean conservative socially.
Likewise, I imagine the worst thing for the left right now is that nothing bad will happen. The current tantrum has to dissipate eventually because it will lose momentum. So, 2 years at least of Republicans passing laws effectively. If it goes well, it'll effectively destroy the left.
Hispanics are working class people. Build a platform that isn't lowbrow and based around identity politics.
Sailer strategy.
The Hispanics may actually be valuable allies, in the long term. With the mongrelized population, there will eventually be a split between those who view themselves as Spanish/Castizos, and those who identify themselves as Mestizos/Amerindians. The more European inclined will have more potential to prosper while the darker gradients would likely suffer. Luckily, because of the election, PC culture and affirmative action will no longer fuel the Hispanics dependence toward the government. The Hispanics will not go the way of the Negro, and they will eventually develop their family foundations and hopefully move up in life.
Hispanics aren't niggers.
They have minds. They tend to vote conservative and will become more conservative.
We'll enjoy these 4 or 8 years first.
Well if that fucking idiot is right, it seems like the Angry White Man has won
Easy, deport/kill them all before the next election. Or just get rid of elections alltogether
> Lower corporate taxes and better trade deals will fix 99% of this countries job problems.
Sure will. Think they'll finally share some of the money?
Hispanics don't give a shit if the president is white, black, women, etc. We will vote for a white guy if that's who we think is the best person. We just want america to be great again.
In fact some of us are kind of pissed at liberals for thinking we're automatically on their side just because of our skin color and race!
Hispanic America
It's call a wall you retard.
>Minnesota is historically the state with Swedish/Nordic immigrants
>Imports Somalia.
Every time. Swedes are truly a cancer. My grandpa was fresh-off-the-boat Norwegian and he despised Swedes with a passion. Never understood why until now...
Trump got 33% of the male Latino vote. I'm not worried.
>angry white man's last stand
They say this shit every year. They also flip shit on abortions and fags if any republican wins. Nothing new, white men still run this country
You do realize that one in every three hispanics voted for Trump. As long as Trump is firm but reasonable going forward, there's literally no reason that number won't grow.
You better flip Virginia faggot. Thats how.
Decreased, actually.
They won't.
If trump does not enact voterID laws the GOP is done for. If trump does not kick out the illegals the GOP is done for. He has a lot on his plate. I can only hope we can get through it all without tearing the country apart.
>Hillary Cliton become America president and her First Lady was Michelle Obama.
>implying they won't be lazy again and not vote
Deporting all the illegal invaders.
I literally can't stop crying right now.
I thought I could sleep knowing America had turned a new leaf and that we could reject all of the evils that infected our country. As kids I think most of us just took for granted that many of us didn't think that anything like this could happen that love and tolerance were just engrained into us in order to stop the cycle of hate. But I'm walking home from work and see a poor pregnant 13 year old girl just talking on her cell phone. And this is normal now because she knows she can't just get an abortion. The Trumpets made sure of that; the first thing they did was to storm the local Planned Parenthood and vandalize all the equipment and I heard the staff was so scared they just decided to close it down.
So that 13 year old girl I was talking about? Get ready to see more, you selfish assholes. Get ready to just walk past men in Trump hats raping women and doing nothing because you know the cops are just gonna wink at you and say Nice. Get ready to see black people beaten in broad daylight and innocent Muslims terrorized by our religious nutjobs. Get ready to have our schools teach our boys its okay to rape, and to teach our girls its okay to be objectified and even paid less on top of it. Get ready to be afraid of everyone you meet, because odds are half the people you see walking around want to rape or subjugate you.
Well, way to go you stupid ignorant pests. You won. Hope you feel good about yourselves..
>"old white men are dying off with no replacements coming"
>"the republican party is dying"
>says the nervous democrat for the fifty seventh time
>In fact some of us are kind of pissed at liberals for thinking we're automatically on their side just because of our skin color and race!
Why don't blacks realize this too?
Why don't democrats in big cities realize how poorly their elected democrat mayors are running their cities and demand change?
Also I thought hispanics are big on family values, which would also somewhat align your interests with republicans?
>Texas and Arizona
>Blue ever
Actually emphasize the importance of citizens and illegals and encourage and endorse Mexican adoption of American patriotism
this country is great, thats why they come here. throw the criminals out
What growing Hispanic vote? They're going back.
I think this election proved that the average person responds best to low brow. Simple beats complex when it comes to public relations.
Identity politics win public support. The key will be targeting the correct identities. Working class proved to the correct one for this election and race and sex the wrong identities to focus.
Dems are hoping to flip the states by importing Mexicans. This time it was 4.6 to 3.8 million. That's not an impossible hill to climb in 10-20 years.
People will learn to love Trump
This is the future, and it will make liberal cucks cry and cry and cry
There is no such thing as "the Hispanic vote." It turns out they are individuals.
>tfw you're a straight white male
>In 2007, for the first time since the early nineteenth century, Hispanics accounted for more than half of all births (50.2%), while non-Hispanic whites accounted for just 34%.
dont be ignorant
>How will Republicans win without the growing Hispanic vote
wrong, blacks increase all the time
browns and asians just increase more
in absolute numbers blacks numbers are continually growing, even if it's rarely mentioned even by racialist people
We aren't old you faggot. i'd be willing to be that the majority of Sup Forums are fucking white males 18-35.
Yoy cannot spell the most basic words. You should be impaled.
It's kinda true, even if illegals are deported, white people don't have enough kids, and Hispanics have many kids
>president elect
take washington, orgeon, and northeast. Plenty of more white states to take
Well you see, there's gonna be this big ass wall pretty soon...
>As Michael Moore said
did you look at that fucking map it was completely read, Trump WILL serve a second term
>I've already been impaled
Yeah but world population is constantly increasing too. Relative to total population, blacks went from 15% to around 12.5% over the past 3 decades. Proportions are the important factor, not raw numbers.
What hispanic vote?
All of my relatives that were born here and later got their american citizenship voted for Trump and truly believe in the MAGA movement.
But all of my """college educated""" cousins who were born there and have never spent more than a few weeks here, were having literal meltdowns on social media because Hillary lost and angry at uncles/aunts for celebrating Trump's victory.
Yea, and their life expectancy is heavily hampered. The black population is artificially inflated by significant means, and when the Hyperinflation hits, they'll suffer the most and their numbers will dramatically drop, compared to all othe races.
by deporting and building wall you stupid essay
you don't fucking understand paco, no matter what happens texas will be red by midnight one way or the other
Trump, despite what the media told you, did well with hispanics, better than romney. As Hispanics are in the country longer they will turn to the right.
Catholics flipped from dem to republican this election and I expect 2nd and 3rd gen latinos to as well.
But woth lower taxes and fewer regulations you can start your own business and compete with these corporations
>Arizona, and maybe even Texas, will likely be a swing state by 2020
not even in your fucking dreams lol. Once Trump builds the wall and deports the illegals, the beaners dont have a chance to turn AZ or TX
hispanics can actually get kind of conservative, a GOP candidate could take their vote
Nobody calls spanish people "hispanic" they call little brown people that
Trump praised American Hispanics while bashing illegals the whole time. The only people complaining were Liberals because they believe that laws are subjective for them.
Shit dude once the spics are gone cali has a yuge fucking chance of going red.
Do you honestly think Trump won't realize this, in his desire to win and ego, and take his majority supreme court, senate and house and deport every Mexican and retroactively remove every anchor baby? You shitskins are gone
If you guys didn't know Trump isn't deporting legal Hispanics which is like 56 million, who have a higher birthrate than whites
legal in that they're anchor babies, but they'll be gone once Trump realizes that amendment has been misinterpreted all this time
operation wetback 2.0 coming up
56 million are not anchor babies
I really hope he reforms government assistance programs. The system is abused and more addictive than crack. When that happens, minority birthrates should stagnate, compareable to Whites, even.
yeah and many will self-deport anyway, hell half my block has uhauls in their drive-way and are fleeing the country knowing that they will never get amnesty and Trump will empower ICE to do their fucking jobs again
I always see this but retards don't realize the vote numbers will never be the same.
When whites become more of a minority, they will vote further a higher percentage together.
When Latinos become more of a majority, they will vote less together.
You don't even have to look past this election.
Well, whites are not even having children at a necessary replacement, if whites want to increase there numbers they need to be having 3 kids to a family
I doubt they will deport themselves to the 3rd world, but we'll see
we have 160+ million whites here, the problem isn't us, populations always rise and fall, it's a self-checking mechanism to prevent overpopulation, it's what that user said, there's no reason anyone should be able to come here with no job and shit out a bunch of kids and leech, it's suicidal
roughly 30% of latinos voted Trump, there's more conservative latinos than you think
Voter ID laws
>Whites are dying meme
most of those were Cuban, there's differences among "latinos"
I agree with that, hopefully Trump does something about it
lads we just had the biggest redpill forcibly shoved down the throat of the world in all of human history
just like obama stirred the pot and turned good people into pieces of shit liberal retards trump will redeem them
this is the biggest political event that has ever happened in all of mankind
I'm not worried
but the percentage of blacks is increasing if you look at whites and blacks only
75 to 15 (for example) would be 20 blacks per 100 whites
40 to 12 (for example) will be 30 blacks per 100 whites
the brown explosion makes the black increase look flat or like a decrease
Trump secured more hispanic voters than any republican has before.
The youngest of the millenials are actually rated as being the MOST conservative generation since pre boomers.
All the mexicans I know voted for Jill or Trump.
Christian values are extremely important to mexicans and only the republicans cater to christians.
The dems will try but there is a rising right across ALL races. This was the first time they were visible.
Next election the right will be even larger after 4 years of the right controlling policy.
>Blue Texas meme
You never learn, do you?
only 50% of the population bothered to vote, given hillary was such a shit candidate. If the only viable option, Michelle, decides to run in 2020, that number is going to surge and there's not a candidate in the GOP ruins who can oppose her.
Maybe trump won't wither into a broken old man before then and run again? I doubt it.
You better enjoy the next 4 years because they're your last
I think he was doing the stupid THICC meme