What is he doing?
How the fuck did this buffoon win.
What is he doing?
How the fuck did this buffoon win.
The people voted user.
Dropping truth bombs
Hes right though
There were busses in Austin, Texas bussing protesters in
>professional protesters
What did he mean by this
never underestimate the amount of backward ass hillbillies living in the usa
This made me so relieved, I thought we had lost our guy
You know he could've just said something positive.
He doesn't have to be a douchebag anymore.
This guy is a fucking wrecking ball.
(FYI I voted for him)
except Trump won the electoral vote and lost the popular vote
So much for being anti-establishment i guess
Why stop telling the truth?
I fucking love how Trump makes a statement then punctuates it with a brief emotive reaction. Amazing!
What about what he said is wrong?
Why is he so unprofessional?
So now he is taking on HIllary's boss Soros.
Please go back to facebook.
Honestly burns most politicians like sunlight and non twilight vampires.
Kill yourself CTR
still our fucking guy
This. A bunch of uneducated rednecks from bumfuck nowhere have decided our future. Nobody is happy.
Dude you're supposed to be the president of EVERYONE.
Yeah kick out the illegals, but do it kindly and humanely.
He could've said something positive and told everyone to come together or something, how hard is that?
He keeps playing the victim like a fucking SJW, HE WONT HE PRESIDENCY AGAINST ALL ODDS
I can't wait for a book of Trumpism in the same vein as Bushism. Entertaining!
>wins presidency
>(((they))) expect him to start kowtowing
>he continues to BTFO liberals on his personal twitter again and again
how much more based can one man get?
There are lobbyist groups like Acorn that literally collect salaries for stirring shit.
Occasionally over the year you will see the same people at two different riots hundreds of miles apart
Ferguson authorities observed this too, most of the rioters arrested there were from far out of state - they had commuted to riot.
I wonder if they talked about the whole speech thing.
the media is next senpai, bunch of idiots with liberal arts degrees a few thousand users using an ad blocker away running a fucking smear campaign for the past 18 months are about to get
The truth never sleeps user
The rage is manufactured, the protests are not organic. People need to understand this.
good one
hes dropping truth bombs
i want him shitposting about world leaders now that he is one himself
The insiders showed their hand today by flooding banks and financials with billions of dollars. There is no way insiders would do this if they felt Trump was going to be elected. (He has said he wants to break up the banks, with the GOP) huffingtonpost.com
The same thing happened before 9-11. Insider money tells all. Follow the money.
I don't know how, if it's the electors or a bullet, plane crash. What ever, but something is up.
>away from working at mcdonalds*
Paid agitators funded by George Soros and his conglomeration of DNC fronted-globalist subversive organizations throughout metropolitan America.
If ever there was a man walking this earth who deserved a Presidentially ordered drone strike, it's that guy.
Sorry you picked the absolute worst candidate in modern history that couldn't win spending 10x the money. Sorry your party corruption was exposed for the world to see.
Sorry your party is the laughing stock of global politics.
Nevermind fuck you!
i feel sick thinking about all the LGBTQ+ who are going to be pushed to suicide because of this bigot manchild elected by a bunch of loser hillbillies from redneck whiteboy states.
Meme magic summoned an elder god. OR time traveling god emperors can't lose. OR the people finally shitcanned corrupt Clintons. OR all of the above.
where do i find a gf like this?
CTR is disbanded shill, no more money for you
shoo shoo
You know, it's people like you who make me want to vote for Trump even more. Your arrogance is unsubstantiated and your tears even sweeter.
He was pointing out that cities are being victimized by profesional protesters, not that he is ya dunce.
if by sick you mean totally unaffected then yes i am sick too
and sick of your shit, leaf
You're next
He's calling out the faggots that Soros had bussed in by Media Matters in order to make it look like people are genuinely trying to make a stand against him when it's all smoke and mirrors.
How have you libfags already forgotten the lesson that we know all of your plans as they happen, that you're not fooling anyone with this shit?
Hahahahahaha cry harder you beta
many of these events for the general public are staged as if they're concerts. someone needs to liaison with the local police and ensure the integrity of the event.
It's like you're not even trying to hide that you're from Reddit.
Watch this if you don't believe these protests are manufactured
Image is fucking glorious.
Except this isn't the United States of California and New York.
Trump won the popular vote in most of the states, so he gets to represent them all. Fuck off retard.
>CTR is disbanded shill, no more money for you
Many laid off nerd virgins are still in the denial phase. They don't know what to do other than come here and shitpost.
Well he's president so you got your wish, cletus
Please don't speak logic to liberals. They're like babies, let them cry themselves to sleep.
he is fucking people up left and right like a champion
do you need a tissue to dry your tears?
Trump is actually projected to win the popular vote after the final count comes in.
This been happening here in our country for years. One time, a reporter asked someone in a rally about their cause but they can't even respond on their stance.
Not an argument
He can do whatever the fuck he wants on Twitter.
He's fucking 100% right, problem??
This. A bunch of uneducated rednecks from bumfuck nowhere have decided our future. Nobody is happy.
>Smug liberals still don't realize this is the attitute that forced people to vote for Trump
Oh man I love this shit
We fucking get it, Soros already lost because his candidate didn't win.
Trump needs to act like a fucking adult not a manchild, he's 70 years old.
Let things cool off and try to get people to come together. He's pushing the left far left and the right too far right, this is a dangerous precedent.
I know you fuckers want a civil war but c'mon, I want to sleep safe and sound.
I love this. The whole 2016 campaign in a nutshell
Awwww, you sound mad. I would be if I was a faggot leaf also.
No hes just pointing out the subversives who have been trying to destroy the country for decades.
>Ferguson authorities observed this too, most of the rioters arrested there were from far out of state - they had commuted to riot.
Source please
They're paid organizers
>Voted for trump
>Wants him to be someone different now
This. A bunch of uneducated rednecks from bumfuck nowhere have decided our future. Nobody is happy.
i feel sick thinking about all the LGBTQ+ who are going to be pushed to suicide because of this bigot manchild elected by a bunch of loser hillbillies from redneck whiteboy states.
>Let things cool off and try to get people to come together. He's pushing the left far left and the right too far right, this is a dangerous precedent.
bullshit you nigger, the media has been doing this for years
>have quite time so people with autism don't get too much sensory input
>in a toy store full to the brim of colorful and loud products designed to stimulate children's minds enough so that they want them and buy them
>Tells the truth, which about half the country is currently thinking
>Obviously correct
Sure, user. Sure.
>No hes just pointing out the subversives who have been trying to destroy the country for decades.
So you want a totalitarian state you dumb nigger?
Let things play out themselves.
Soros isn't going to fund protests for 4 fucking years. Maybe a month or two until inauguration.
Soros is pissed because Trump named the Jew and put him in official videos.
Trump went to the White House today and met the exiting president. How the FUCK can you tweet that after doing this and trying to bridge the gap?
>Just had my first meeting with Pres. Obama and met Consular Tzzkred who wants us to build some kind of CERN portal to save his people. You need to go back!
Who wants to go to this quiet hour, start recording video, then pull the fire alarm
It's not my fault lots of people live in those states.
We're a country of the people, not a country of the states.
FYI he erased the tweet.
Fucking impulsive moron.
Obama and Hillary did the same shit its just a double standard, let him keep tweeting, give the people the confidence to speak their minds and against the sjw medium.
Well it's true. Why are you afraid of people telling the truth? The leaders of each and one of these protests are paid by activist groups connected to Open Society Foundation(Soros) without a doubt, agitating and counting on locals to chimp out, it's disgusting to tell the truth, and should be banned. Foreign powers shouldn't be allowed to openly drive political opinion like this.
He's made several speaches, as have Obama and Clinton to the effect of everyone moving forward peacefully and together as a nation.
How do you think he should react to violent demonstrations after already reaching out to the swarm of lefty Trojan Horses that are spouting togetherness?
Nevermind, twitter had him shadowbanned.
He has to be humble to his opponents after destroying them, I think this will continue for a bit, maybe even into his presidency, but then go right back to the way he was before
President Trump reminds of a Kung Fu master in those 80's grindhouse martial art flicks. They all attack him at once, yet he calmly proceeds to fuck them up.
Fucking lmao
How do you jump from pointing out subversion to a totalitarian state? Fucking kek these tears are sweet. You guys can't even think straight.
Why are you still around?
> bunch of illegal immigrants and sjws almost decided our future no one is happy.
how fucking short sighted are you? you do realize that mass liberals generalizing is what pushed people to vote for trump?
By suffering our slings and arrows, apperantly.
A lot of us are ecstatic. And even non-sjw normies who voted for Clinton are more willing to give Trump a chance now after being appalled by the "snowflake protests"
>the day of the shovel is coming
its the truth tho its Hillarys last attempt to do anything. Because she knows what awaits her if a fair trial is held >:3
fake and gay
When it's election we get it.
But he already won you retard.
Some things need to be unsaid Jamal. He's trying to drop a redpill on 312 million people at once.
>pointing out that people holding up signs, screaming death threats, and burning cards are paid troublemakers and nothing more is somehow an authoritarian state
The media is the first to go in an autocracy. Putin had it under control within a year, and our country has been set up for it for well over a decade - we're already living Brave New Word light, Wall Street banana republic, constitutional rights eroded by the Bush administration, the great division of Americans and rise of pussified nu males under king nig. It's all in place.
The butterflies in my stomach when it became clear Don was going to make it and we had smashed the establishment gave way to an odd sense of dread the next morning when the meme magic elixir of the past year wore off and the frontal lobe started spinning again.
Perhaps I'm full of shit and just sleep deprived, or perhaps dark days lie before us. I hope you will fight for liberty if it comes to that my beloved anons.
no we literally are a country of the states, the founding fathers never intended for mob rule to control the country
Well he's president so you got your wish, cletus