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How does it feel knowing that almost all of these SJWs will be full blown Trumpites after he's made America Great Again in 8 years?

honestly i would prefer to see them all in a mass grave.

A much more realistic goal.

How scared are u, u black bitch

They're terrible people.

I hope women start to see what a god awful group the SJWs truly are.

>SJW needs a good raping
>implying this is a new phenomenon

>Liberals claim to be the compassionate ones
>keep posting shit like this and rioting

how much longer can they keep getting away with it?

They embrace fake hate crimes...

They embrace terrorism...

jokes on her, i'm a female trump supporter and being raped (by someone sterile and with no STDs) is a fantasy of mine

someone should go to a country where prostitution is legal, and build a theme park where you can get raped by certified STD-free condom-wearing professionals

rape isnt even unenjoyable
what pain?

...And now they want you to be raped for disagreeing with them.

I'm sterile and have no STDs.

It's not as great as it sounds.

do you smell good

>being raped (by someone sterile and with no STDs) is a fantasy of mine

so you like consensual sex??


this is worse than when obama got in and people lost their minds and said nigger a lot...a lot worse.

and the false flagging...dems really are out of control.

oh wait...satire...i'm a cuckold

I bathe and hate having bad breath. Shits gross.

>Love Trumps Hate

Why the hell is there so much jpg artifact on that pic? Why does pol keep doing this? Just post a screenshot of the original post.

Perpetually. They control the media and nothing is true until the media hammers it.

>Rape victims should know their fucking place!
lmao, what a cunt. They know they're nothing without the plantation democrats.

>Democrats are hypocrites that claim to be for the downtrodden right up until the downtrodden don't agree with the democrats, at which point they viciously turn on their self-proclaimed electorate

What else is new? I live in one of the cucked states that remained blue and have to endure retards talking all day about how everyone who voted Trump was an idiot who didn't graduate college and that he's going to start WW3, and in the same breath proclaim that Hillary's sabre-rattling against Russia was justified and that she's going to help take care of the poor.

>"Why use a gun? Just call the police, they'll help."

>"This shitty thing just happened to me or my friend, totally true!"
>"Did you call the cops?"
>Awkward silence

if it's to be believed, we've at least got few thousand to kill themselves

They are some of the most violent and irrational people in the world. They're sincerely mentally ill and they're running free because they created an atmosphere where it's taboo to criticize people. And this is what happens when they don't get their way.

They want you dead. They want you raped. They DO NOT CARE.

Haven't you heard about the jpeg artifact filter? It instantly makes an image look like it's been reposted everywhere and therefore popular!

All of this posts online should be collected as evidence that people who support progressivism are not only way more intolerant than conservatives, but also extremely hypocritical.

Not only that, but the whole world treated Trump like a piece of shit, celebrities, media, politicians all around the world insulted him, threatened him.

They are all a bunch of evil shit.

Who cares what some piece of filth thinks? Not me.

Whether we care what they think or not, the problem is that SJWs are crazy as fuck and they're getting more desperate and more violent. They might start pulling some really nasty shit.