Does Sup Forums lift?
Does Sup Forums lift?
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yeh thats taking it too far tho
Used to. A lot. Broke my back in a workplace accident. Got fat. Played World of Warcraft. Got fatter.
I don't lift anymore.
What happened?
Yes but I don't obsess about it
How tall are you senpai
Looking like a nugget is never too far
>not afraid of the work
>can't stomach the nutrition involved
I used to be a beast, trying to get it back. Ive worked 2400 hrs this year by the end of Oct. Full time is 2000 with two weeks vacation and 10 sick days. Hard to make it to the gym when you barely have time to do laundry.
206 pounds of PURE BEACH BOD GOD
Bench 225x11
Squat 325x5
FSquat 305x5
Dead 455x5
Your mom everynight x7
Once or twice a week.. I do jiu jitsu 5 days a wek. Choking people is more satisfying.
bet you're the type of faggot that complains about drinking water
lol fuck nutrition. just eat a bunch of meat and lift
If you are a man and you don't lift you are making a terrible mistake.
Go get gainz of the body, mind and spirit Sup Forums.
too artificial, lifting for the sake of lifting[gains] is silly.
Water isn't my issue, its largely protein.
I like very few meats and without sufficient protein nothing happens.
only my dick
Stay small.
Yep. On third cycle of body beast, next is hammer and chisel.
Used to. Got with a girl and moved from family. Didn't work out, got stuck up here. Got pudgy got fat got lazy. Nothing to do, three years of shit. Started hitting take out really hard. Depression and anxiety and shit.
Got another girl met during visits to family. Moving back down there after Christmas. Gonna start hitting the gym and lifting again, get back to normal. Should be great, I miss feeling ready for anything.
I sure do
>"I'll show you who's the boss of this gym is..."
it changes your body chemistry and improves cognitive faculty.
You dont need to do isolation workouts, or aim for a shredded physique. Basic moves like the squat, bench, deadlift etc.. will make your body stronger overall, improve your mood and raise test.
there is no reason not to, you do want to be a better man right?
I do, I still am in skelly mode tho, but I'll make it one day
I just started back in april, I herniated my disc in my back doing barbell rows. I dont know if ill be able to anymore..
Start lighter mate and make sure your form is good. No reason to ego lift and get hurt.
If your abs and back are strong and you do the exercises correctly you won't injure yourself.
used to
i even wanted to participate in Russian Wrestling. With a name like RASPUTIN or shit like that. I was into powerlifting.
now im fat because im lonely and sad.
but yeah lifting is awesome.
Yeah one time I was doing barbel flys and a simular thing happened to me
Yeah I found out that I had shit form. I am wondering if its permanent
Dont give up Russbro
I got the reference, fellow /fit/izen.
Nah it feels good, I'm a weak skinny nerd but even lifting only 90lbs over my head feels amazing. I never took drugs but it's what I imagine euphoria feels like.
>muh weights
Do free body exercises you degenerates.
If you doctor said you are ok to start lifting again then you can. You need to talk to a doctor though not internet md bs.
Also if you haven't you should read about bracing your core and the valsalva maneuver. This video is about doing squats with it but the same concept is used in deadlifts, rows ect. to keep your core tight and spine straight.
Take your time working up you'll get it.
Yeah. I spent all summer eating right and lifting and got pretty /fit/. I plan to do even more soon.