I still ask myself. How. HOW, did they fuck up so hard.
>The mainstream media is biased
I know, I know, but it wasnt only the MSM, it was EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE. I have only seen anons actually believing Trump would win.
I still ask myself. How. HOW, did they fuck up so hard.
>The mainstream media is biased
I know, I know, but it wasnt only the MSM, it was EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE. I have only seen anons actually believing Trump would win.
they didnt believe, hue. that's all there is to it.
Because most of the media are Hillary's biggest donors to her foundation.
Fox wasn't one of them.
And the rest of the world wanted to drive the shitty liberal agenda.
Liberalism is a plague to objectivity in media.
Because they started the grieving process early. They were always in denial. We're now on anger.
>Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. So of course our model has no reason to think there will be disasters in those states.
It's not a liberal/conservative thing. It's an urban/rural thing.
Urban centers are completely out of touch with rural people in all possible ways. Urbanites have no understanding of rural people's world views, living conditions, philosophical motivations or the issues they face in day to day life.
Since the internet demolished publishing, media companies pulled back from rural areas into large offices in major cities, New York, DC, Los Angeles, etc.
ALL produced media is coming from urban areas. They are all locked into the urban perspective, and because every other news organization - liberal or conservative - is locked in in the same way, they are completely oblivious to it.
Urban people produce media. Urban people generally vote democrat (aside look at the Florida district map for a great example, every city is blue while every urban area is red). Urban people saw what they wanted to see, and called it for Clinton right down to the end.
that was satisfying to read
>tfw when their "nightmare scenarios" come true
Yeah, they describe it as a "nightmare scenario".
They drank their own kool aid.
People in the rust belt saw it coming. Moore called it, Cenk called it after he came back from Ohio, look at where the campaigns were in the last few days before the election, they all knew it.
Those who didn't see it coming are mainstream media pundits and pollsters who have never left NY or LA.
I guess you are right.
Do polls actually work in this day and age? Do they have to make strong changes?
It's hopeless, most people don't even have landlines. There is no way to make even close to representative sample simply becuase of how hard it is to reach everybody through a single method of communication.
This one the polls were never going to work for. The demographics coming out were so dissimilar to previous years that nobody knew what to do. Pair that with record primary turnout for R and a stolen primary (plus pissed off Berniecucks) for D and all models go out the window.
They did not fuck up anything. They faked the numbers to show popular support which the cunt never had.
All of the information regarding oversampled polls was available on this board and others. Even in the rigged polls, the relatively large percent of respondents saying "don't know/won't answer" didn't raise an eyebrow that maybe those margins of error would be erased?
It was known Trump was right there in Florida, Clinton had pulled her money out of Ohio like a month before the election, and North Carolina was positive for Trump. Just getting those three states opened everything up for Trump.
You would have to be a blithering idiot to not see how good his chances were.
Polls are half pseudoscience half witchcraft. They have different factors that are given different levels of importance based off a little logic, a little history, and some guy at the end of the day deciding what it's worth.
Here's an interesting LA times article about a poll that predicted the Trump win that gives an overview of how polls are interpreted.
>The poll’s findings caused dismay — even outrage — among some readers, especially Democrats, who have denounced it and often criticized The Times for running it
russian hackers desu senpai
is anyone emailing and posting this image to their site lol
Huffpost is run entirely by women
Feels before reals
Math is oppressive patriarchy developed by the white man to keep the poor and minorities helpless.
They made it so that any person who admitted to supporting Trump was committing social suicide. It caused the creation of a literal "Silent Majority."
You can't walk into a room, establish that anyone who likes apples is a pariah, then expect accurate results when you take a survey of who prefers apples to oranges.
while accusing trump and his supporters of living in a bubble, they were in fact living in one themselves.
on nov 8 trump's supporters went into the ballot booths and popped the bubble.
social media + mainstream media+ sjw hugbox
created their own alternate Beyonce/Kardashian/Katy Perry Hugbox reality and almost pulled us all into it
We are all about to find out how small that world really is
>when they realize the universe is based on fact
They didn't talk to different types of people like they thought they did.
And those they did talk to that were Trump supporters were too scared to speak out due to the backlash they thought they'd receive.
"lol how can Trump win PA, look at these polls. Lets make up our own poll and give him even less of a chance based on other polls. lmao"
To be fair, he almost did lose PA. It was those damn Amish that put him over. Why were they voting for him though?
The reason you only see anons believing in Trump is the same reason the polls were off - people sure as fuck were not going to associate their identity to supporting Trump out of fear of liberals ruining their lives. Meanwhile you can say what you really think while anonymous.
These things don't think the same way humans do.
Actual people will observe and then react accordingly. If information suggests that a stove is hot, they won't touch it.
SJWs don't do that. They react to the world that they make up out of their own imagination. They'll keep touching the stove over and over and then blame white males for coming into their houses and burning their hands.
Oh, I bet all the useless academics are gonna milk THIS for the next decade
They didn't fuck up though, they just lost. Everything worked exactly as designed. They fired too early with pussygate, but otherwise the machine ran perfectly. Biased is an understatement. The media is a mass manipulation machine. It just wasn't enough this time.
Urbanites are out of touch with urbanites in their OWN FUCKING CITY.
I grew up on the NW side of Chicago in the German diaspora. So its basically us Germans and then the Poles (who are fucking everywhere in Chicago) and that's the old neighborhood. EVERYONE voted for Trump. Like every single last one of them voted for Trump that I know. These are the cops, streets and san, water reclamation, firemen, sec of state workers, union laborers, ironworkers etc. of Chicago and they ALL voted Trump. And so did their mexican and black coworkers, particularly in police and manufacturing.
Meanwhile you go just a few miles SE to where all the bougies live (few, if any, grew up anywhere near Chicago) and everyone is in disbelief that Hillary lost. And I gotta wonder--if they cant recognize that entire swaths of this city they think is some liberal haven are solid red how the fuck are they supposed to know what people in WI and PA (ironically this is where many of them grew up) are thinking.
They have insulated themselves to the point of being completely walled off from anything that threatens their worldview. Mom and dad bought them a neighborhood in old hispanic neighborhood that since been overrun by boutique cupcake shops and they've turned into some parallel reality fantasy land. Well, Trump just crashed the fucking party because these people are straight up inconsolable.
Notice the decreased levels of JDIF on Sup Forums
Its scary how a group of about 500 people manipulate public perception.
>They'll keep touching the stove over and over and then blame white males for coming into their houses and burning their hands.
This is very true. Even now they are scrambling to blame white women and pro-Trump minorities for Trump's victory. The people they were sworn to protect.
Now you know you can't trust any of the (((media))) on tv
Welcome to where the rest of Sup Forums was when Trayvon Martin was shot