Your lord is telling u this. Spread it.

Google it. It's the key u need.

The devil will perish.

Other urls found in this thread:



i need the link again.

key to what


Your lord is telling u this. Spread it.

Google it. It's the key u need.

The devil will perish.

We're in the matrix. I'm going to get u all out.

Try google it, see the weird pictures & "dolls".

And the deviant art link.

And, try unixstamp + 469773273. See what huge is happening in the world around that time.

Why are you posting in China OP? Are you hiding?

anybody gonna figure out what this is about. im stumped

Because the lightening fires from the EAST


See the revelation. Satan rewrote the whole history. About the true Egyptian and Atlantis.

Follow up the Swiss dude's podesta 'pizza.jpg' encryption key theory. Try this key.


Your lord is telling u this. Spread it.

Google it. It's the key u need.

The devil will perish.

We're in the matrix. I'm going to get u all out.

Try google it, see the weird pictures & "dolls".

And the deviant art link.

And, try unixstamp + 469773273. See what huge is happening in the world around that time.

yo what the fuck

bump man

>lightning bolt, lightning bolt, lightning bolt


those are the missing reporters in podesta's email.


Explain you Chinese fuck

Trump is President-Elect so you have to give us answers


its just more slenderman shit?

Are you the madman that said something about muh moon runes and muh Han being oppressed by the Manchu ?
If you are, keep going

hey i saw you in that thread that got pruned not long ago about those supposedley leaked images that have to do with the clinton foundation or some shit

Yeah id rather not. I rather not get in those pictures by accident

yeah i think hes just trying to keep the thread going without drawing attention

He is the last Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

And by the way. The Chinese is the old Egyptians.

And White ppl are from Atlantis.

Yes. This world is formed by my reality. Do you know matrix? Yes, I'm NEO.

To tell u more, my name was LEO.

I know all the connections between the symbols. Now I truly know.

Chinkman is dropping bombs

did a mod delete that other thread?

>And by the way. The Chinese is the old Egyptians.

So you're the fuck who stole my spark.

The dark side, SATAN, is rebelling.

Try not to think those 'websites' and 'ppl' as 'objects', but 'ideas'. The is the first part of enlightenment.

This is why they do 'spiritual cooking'. It seems weird to normal ppl, but to them it's the law of physics.

Yes, almost EVERY conspiracy is true.

The EARTH is flat. Sun and Moon are Yin and Yang.

The Chinese, pure Han Chinese was the original Egyptians.

The Satan stole EVERYTHING from the children of the Gods.


>The earth is flat
You lost me there, Han-chan.

The moon rune being changed by (((them))) was too good to be true

Jokes on u.

Google 易经 山海经 道德经 and Bible, Koran. They are all altered.

Now my four horseman are Xi Jinping, Putin, Duterte and Trump.

Trump is the last horseman of DEATH. I don't know if he will be shot down or not, but probably will.

He will be resurrected by me, and the revelation will be fulfilled.

I'm beyond RAGING right now. The SATAN has to pay for this.

Psychic spies from China trying to steal your mind's elation...

The gates of Hell have been pried open. Enjoy your stay.

Do more research. This is the ancient 'watch' from China. Every wonder why it's flat? Because SUN AND MOON are two tickers than tell u time.


Fun story, resverse what they tell u in school. Including 'Chinkman' and such.


This ain't helping me.

Give a short answer of wtf you talkin about

>November 20, 1984, 4:34 am


>ever wondered why a watch is flat
fucking chink subhumans GTFO of my board

It's BEIJING time. Remember I'm born in China.


So a few questions.
Why did the egiptians moved to China? Who are the 'new' egiptians?
Where was Atlantis?
What is about to happen?






No he's completely right, Earth is flat once you actually attempt to dig down that rabbit hole and personally debunk it.

Wait so what are you saying? Is the bible legit? because I highly doubt the creator would allow satan to destroy or alter his word.

ITT: China wins a gold medal in shitposting

Pls elaborate, dis interesting

>a self proclaimed god tells me I'm satan
Where the fuck is my army of familiars and SUCCubuses then, you faggot

What do you know of the logos Yahweh?

The China is formed by two Tribes. The 'Xia' Tribe which is from Egypt.

The 'Hua' Tribe is from the current part in China.

>Is the bible legit?

The divine shall be hidden from the people according to the wisdom of the Lord.



china man!


god doesn't exist and your link to paranormal Sup Forums is stupid, lol Trump won because god doesn't real

It's literally Yin And Yang.

The bible is ALTERED. So is the KORAN. Mohammad is literally ((())). U know what I mean. Controlled opposition. Koran exists long before Mohammad.

hehe, if u think so then fine.

Stop calling me Yahweh. I have no name. Language is a mistake. We used to have )))meme((( power which means u are literally a god. But now we are (((human))) cuz the fucking grammar and language torn down our true power of )))thinking((( it's a shackle.

its not,that biball shit was altered by this faggot

The seasons, the moon, the stars, the sun and planets...All spherical
I like getting into stuff but this is a bit far fetched. What about those missing reporters though?

I'll watch them though, thanks user


It's just a fucking RECORD BOOK. The reptilians altered it. I said so. U can't take it all literally.

First, try to think in 'feel'. If you're on my side, then try to feel naturally. Some pics are repulsive, then it's symbol of satan. If u feel attracted (not fapping, fucking christ, sex is degenerate), then it's the power of the true god.

Yes, (((GOD))) doesn't exist. WE ARE ONE. WE ARE IDEAS, CONCEPTS.

Rethink GOD. It's not same faggot doing Harry Potter stuff.

Oh btw, skip the moon rune, check the graphs.

So Chinese people are just going on the Freemason/Devil/illuminati bandwagon now ?

The trend is 4 years old Chong, please lurk more.


Sorry, I read that as

>Bible is ching koran to tee ching


Guys, I think china just bought all the stocks of MYSDES and then crashed the market.

Face-palm. If the Illuminatis are really so powerful, do u really think u can escape?

No! China has the hidden weapons. Not some Nuclear BULLSHIT. They are tickles. REAL WEAPONS. From ANCIENT TIMES.

There is an ancient anti-illuminati society disguised in Taoists and such.

Remember FENG SHUI? Yeah, that's magick.

Just wait for him to talk about the Manchu jews and Zero Point Energy in the moon.

You'll burn in Hell just so u know. Nvm, I'm tired of u Satan Faggots. Have a nice day!

This still doesn't answers about the origin of humans, and a plethora of other things that a gnostic matrix worldview just conveniently leaves out. What created our conciousness, why is there pain and suffering, why would this mass consciousness lie to itself?

see you soon Chingchong

>Manchu Jews
Oh lawdy.
>Zero Point Energy in the moon.

Yeah no. Gaben's holding on to that.

Dude, are you smoking like the derivative of the derivative of weed or something?

but if i'm already satan as you established, how can i burn in hell

Chinese pollution levels through the roof

Etsy account with eldritch dolls

etsy .com/listing/ NUMBER IN OP /moveable-doll-moses-for-the-dolls-house?

also some Chinese links

I'm going to fucking archive this thread when it's over, holy shit my sides haven't been BTFO'd this hard since you blew up Newegg,

Chyna was talking about aliens.
20 November 1984 if you do the mathz

Here we go again

Let me explain this in I-Ching.

First there is consciousness, like Descartes said:' Cogito, ergo sum'.

This is so called "TAO". It can be described but not named.

Then, this chaotic Tao split into two, Yin and Yang. In this sense, positive and negative. Or u can think 'Freedom' and 'Control'. Maybe u can think it as Life and Death, too. Yes, you ARE conscious when you are DEAD. Stuff about Anubis IS REAL.

Then, from positive and negative, they split further into their own parts and multiply like a matrix. 2x2 =4

太极生两仪 两仪生四象

This is it. Google it.

Then ,from those stuff 'concepts', we have other stuff. Like Anger, Jealous, Beauty... U every wonder why in Ancient times ppl were pantheists? Yes. Because the (((JEWS))) who are puppets of (((SATAN))) which stands for (((Control))) took over. Yes, Control is a concept. It's a BUG in this system. For one the Consciousness embraces EVERYTHING. So it HAS to embrace CONTROL. Otherwise, the other FREEDOM won't exist as well.

Now the world has so much CONTROL that we are going to an extreme. The world is a projection of concepts.

And I'm here because the CONTROL itself aka Satan is killing the whole 'consciousness' aka Tao or whatever u call.

So there's that.

he made an interesting point, i was ended up being linked to slenderman and odd drawings of things with blacked out eyes, see
sounds similar to summoning the idea, the fact we even viewed the same images together in the thread has manipulated the existence

Before today that idea was never in my head and now it is in the minds of many, make any sense?

"i think therefore I am"

no one believes in your ching chong bullshit bucko

Yeah, you're welcome.

Those blacked out eyes are Satan symbols. They are trying to curse me with anti-christ signs. I hope u guys can help me.

I can't do it alone. I've sacrificed too much. My energy is drained by yesterday. There was a huge shift in the paradigm.



look at the timestamps we literally brought it up at the same time, this is fucked.

Welcome, my son. We ARE ONE.

what the fuck are you talking about?

I can't help but feel like I'm supposed to be here. Are you trying to summon me based Chinaman?

You know you have a task now.

I get it to a point but it goes way deeper, it'll take me more time to think about all of this.. trust me im reading what you say and keeping it with a very open mind

Yes. Check your Green energy. Remember the number. Spread it. It's the key.

Check the Revelation. Their end is near.


>mfw a real native chinese pays Sup Forums pass to use Sup Forums

>When you shitpost so hard you become more /x/ than /x/

Was ist das, mein Fuhrer?


Was this paradigm shift positive?

Okay you're speaking in parables and starting to sound like a roleplayer or freemason, please stop speaking in tongues, and explain what the fuck you're talking about in a simple and concise way.

if youre feeling paranoid meditate and keep an area of utmost silence, as quiet as you can. silence is golden, keep an undisturbed vibration

Yeah Sup Forums has a disproportionate amount of LARPers

then i guess us both talking about "i think before i am" at the same time is just coincidence?
idk what to think at the moment but for awhile i was open minded at a collective mindset shared with us all.

ok bing bong ching chang to you too fucking tin foil hat fuck
fuck you dead ass weight

Based chink christian, God bless you, I'm very proud of you

I feel it. All of it. Like you say: We are one. But not all of us. . .

Aside from reptilians ((unconfirmed)), are there more players on the board or are Atlantians, Egyptians, Reptilians and demons the current players?

I really, really miss my chinese girlfriend...

what do you mean when you say green energy? My Aura? Meme magic? what is it?

Your ID resembles the abbreviation for The Judas Requiem bro

What do the numbers mean?!

Next you're going to tell me that the Mayans some kind of super-intelligent alien species, aren't you?

>Because the lightening fires from the EAST

Really? You look like an ESL teacher to me.

The Earth is fucking round you retard. A flat planet doesn't even make fucking sense.

Please point me at another flat planet. OH YOU CANT BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL ROUND.