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Good, we don't have time for nonsense like this. Let's fix the economy, our international relations, etc. Then we can worry about gassing all the gays.
This is such a non-issue. What toilet someone uses doesn't matter at all. This is such a stupid non-issue.
Damn it mr. president you should have never said that, maybe more traps would have an hero'd...
>you got conned
This is the only thing that matters:
who cares? bathrooms are just small enclosures with toilets
Really. The less time we spend debating stupid shit like this, the more we can worry about like actual issues.
It's called tolerance.
i thought we already know he was pro LGBT?
he use to be a dem for fucksakes
this is a non issue
>he doesn't know that /pol is pro-tranny now
Come on, do you know what year it is?
>spams Sup Forums BTFO and DRUMPF BTFO threads for a year and a half
>gets his shit rekt on election night
now reduced to this, a non-issue we already knew about. laughably pathetic
>when you bring up something that 99% think is a non-issue
Look at the date retard
who cares
What are you smoking retard? Sup Forums has been saying this shit since the left started slamming Drump as some racist bigot.
He's going to make machine guns legal and allow us to open carry them, who gives a fuck about trannies?
the reason we supported trump is because he wasn't a typical republican
Trump has never been Hitler.
Trump has always been very tolerant of gays and trans.
To say otherwise is a media invented lie.
He doesn't really give a shit about fighting the LGBT brigade. He doesn't really give a shit about fighting against Roe Vs Wade.
There are lots of political fronts that Trump doesn't give a shit about.
Because those are all DISTRACTIONS that the Dems have used for decades to try to bolster their voter rolls through identity politics.
Trump didn't play that game. Instead he talked about building the wall. Draining the swamp. Better trade. All that shit.
That's fine.
Total non issue.
To be honest, if you are a passable trap, no one will stop you because nobody will know. But if you are just some creep in a dress, I don't want you in the same bathroom as my daughter.
Mike "suck cocks get shocks" Pence isn't going to stand for this.
Jeez you're dumb.
you realize this went
TRUMP: hello mr. nsa person, so you're here to tell me all of the secrets in the great usa, huh?
NSA: (silence)
TRUMP: Well, that sounds pretty gosh darn neato!
NSA: (silence)
TRUMP: so how does this presidency thing work, anyway?
NSA: the American people are completely insane and you have to do things to keep them from killing themselves. here are list of 10 things that would help
TRUMP: ok, it says here I have to tell the trans folk they can...use whatever bathroom they want?
NSA: yes, we have all of the psychological data, considering the protests, it would be a wise decision
TRUMP: well these protestors are really screwing up the beginning of my getting a black eye when you get out of bed in the morning
NSA: good luck
TRUMP: *sigh*
Did you honestly think this is about picking a conservative? No!
It's about setting a chain of events that leads to something. This is the long game.
Your feeble, libshit mind could not comprehend. Just go back to sleep.
Fine with me, because unlike faggot liberals, he did not
A) Propose a new bathroom to be created for special snowflakes
B) Did not say that trannies won't still catch shit for using the bathroom of a gender they don't look like
Fair enough for me.
We already knew this, he confirmed to being gay friendly a long time ago. Which really is a non issue, would you rather have gays keep it a secret and possibly be your close friends?
One time, I was pissing at urinal and this cute little girl comes in the bathroom with her dad and she went in she didn't close the door on the stall so I could see her. That was, that was s good day.
I hate LGBT (((people))) and I live in North Carolina
However I don't care one way or another about what bathroom faggots use
good post
>i thought we already know he was pro LGBT?
he said the exact same thing in the past, yes
upsetted some of the Cruz people
but their missile flunked
>“My 5-year-old knows the difference between boys and girls,” Mr. Cruz said, referring to his younger daughter. “That’s not a reasonable position. It is simply crazy. The idea that grown men would be allowed alone in a bathroom with little girls — you don’t need to be a behavioral psychologist to realize bad things can happen and any prudent person wouldn’t allow that.”
Cruz's position is actually kinda disturbing. When I think about going into a public restroom, I'm thinking about taking a piss or shit. Not about fuggin'. It makes me wonder how many glory holes this degenerate has seen in his time.
We have priorities. Caring what bathroom some faggot uses is moronic. As long as they're not being creepy, in which case call the police. I know this is a Sup Forums BTFO bait post. But for the newfags among us, I don't want them getting confused.
Caring what bathroom a passing transperson is using is what some loser would obsess over. TPP, open border, and media kikes are a million times more important than non-issues like this.
There's a reason Trannies4Trump was a thing. No one is surprised, retard. It was a big deal in one of the debates.
You seem to forget how he let Bruce use whatever bathroom he wanted in his hotel
Funny how the media totally forgot about that
Trannies are mentally ill. You want some abomination freak in the same bathroom as your daughter? They're sexual deviants
Why do I care what bathroom they use? Is it because much children? So I should worry over some guy dressed as a girl in the little girls bathroom but not the other strange, grown ass men who us a bathroom with little boys?
on the list of political issues i care about, trannies in bathrooms comes in 1,000,000th
This is exactly how it should be, you cuck. Just pick a fucking bathroom. That's how it's been for like forever. No need to be so fucking progressive and create a third restroom for fags and shit and giving them more attention then they need.
Wtf is he doing ahah he's turning full democrat in full maximum force for the past 48 hours.. what is his agenda guys?
Leftists are going to be doing this constantly as they realize things about Donald Trump that we've known THIS ENTIRE FUCKING TIME.
The liberal media brainwashed you guys real bad.
In regards to this whole bathroom situation, why not just mandate single stall bathrooms? Small rooms for one person.
>media isn't biased and didnt hide the fuck out of this shit
it's almost like he doesn't care about made up narratives to advance the regressive agenda
Old news. Trump isn't actually a hardcore social conservative, everyone here who follows him knows that.
I voted Trump for nationalism and to fight the globalist kikes, bathrooms don't mean shit
They're like Norks coming to terms with the world outside of North Korea
Media brainwashing is effective as hell on certain groups
What's next?
Amnesty for all the illegals? Accepting a gorillion refugees? Pardoning Hillary Clinton?
like any of those fucking fags leave their house
I don't give a fuck what bathroom trannies use.
I just want to gas them all.
Trump sexually harassed my dad.
Im a cute passing 18 year old tranny and i use the girls room because i have a vagina now and i wear dresses so why the fuck would i go into the mens room?
Because XY means you're a man. No amount of genital mutilation will change that.
I don't give a fuck about the social issues. I just the economy to improve and for us to have fucking jobs. That, keeping our guns, killing ISIS and stop getting involved in petty international shit.
But in no way shape or form do i look or sound male so why punish me for the old fetishists? Dont lump me in with them
true 4d chess
shut the fuck up and get a real job CTR
thx user, it's proof that liberals are sponges to anything they read and see on social media
If I can't tell that your a man in a dress at first glace, then idgaf, it's a non-issue for me. We need to focus on draining swamp and building wall. Let the states bicker about it.
He said that shit months ago. Everyone that voted for him knew well in advance his position on the loudly outspoken mentally ill
you know he said the same thing at the beginning of his campaign? Besides who gives a fuck we need a working government and a working economy.