Fuck Trump and white people.
There will be an uprising and Trump will meet the same fate as Hitler and Mussolini.
Fuck Trump and white people.
There will be an uprising and Trump will meet the same fate as Hitler and Mussolini.
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You all know what time it is
Lol. The uprising happened on Tuesday.
l m a o
thats a mexican m8
Fuck niggers and race traitor coal burner nigger loving whores.
I hope you're behind 7 proxies because the FBI is on your ass senpai.
Fuck you
The people who voted Trump are the people who have all the guns in this country. You know, the 2nd amendment people as President Elect Trump calls us. Bring it.
Shitty bait, 0/10, go drink bleach.
Nah don't think so. Oh and eat a sandwich you look skinny as fuck. Gonna need my spooks strong for the fields.
nothing will happen and hes likely to be reelected.
He is going to live to be an old man upside down in Argentina, hanging around?
fuk uuuuuu nigjew
your time is over
Start buying guns and fight for your rights.
Time to start a war; The people Vs Trump and his creationist, world destroying cronies.
The people's revolution shall purge America of the capitalist theocracy as class conscious wakes up when hollow husk trump does nothing for America and bring the socialist Utopia wall street denied us.
Can confirm
holy mother of bait
Fuck off I'm spic and Trump will fix you dumb fucks. Stop hating and blaming white people for your dumb ass shit
first step is to leave the basement pizza face
That poor soon to be single mother.
>Implying Trump doesn't work for Jews
>Implying Niggers will be tough when there food stamps run out and they are starving
Top Lulz
sorry. no.
This pic annoys me.
>With a nigger because she wants to seem "progressive" and "Rebel"
>all she will get out of it is the coal burner label and a kid.
>Later after the third nigger she fucks leaves her she tries to get with a decent white working class man.
>Cant because she is now a coal burner with a niglet
Watched this happen to 2 of my edgy teenage friends, they fuck a nigger to be a rebel, but end up with a kid and no place to go because only niggers want her now.
Look at how salty the coal is before it's thrown into the oven.
>fuck white people
yeah what else is new, non whites just love to sit in majority white nations exploit the high standards of living and piss all over white people in their own nations.. instead of going back to their own place where they are majority..
Jew's think everybody works for them. Very few people do and even fewer will.
Keep dreaming kike, the only revolution coming is against you Zionist Jewish cock suckers, not phony puppet Trump government.
Hitler and Mussolini were stopped by white people. Good luck!
she'll reget you soon enough..
Btw. how much of a declaration of failure is it that you avoid your own women.
she's got herpes so have fun with that nigger
I was grounded for letting Trump win since I got high on election night though.
I'd fuck that midget mudshark, if that hourly worker hasn't ruined her vagina...
>Hitler and Mussolini.
You people are morons.
You got your pot.
Go "chill out" and let the grown folks do the adult things.
Why do all coal burners look mentally ill? I mean, literally all of them have something wrong with them.
Every time i see a couple like this, I just want to see them fuck.
There was an uprising.
You weren't invited.
They are doing fine. More worried about you neets here who never held a girl's hand
Are...Are they both midgets Sup Forums? I honestly don't know. Is it just the camera angle?
btw.. when will they be eligible to pay the full amount for burning their own shit down.. just do it 10 times on different occasions, and they will NEVER do it again i promise you.. why.. because they can't afford it.. they just burn shit down and act like a magic fairy pays for it and rebuilds it..
Start subtracting the cost of property damage from the regional welfare so they each get a little less every time.. watch them eat their own to stop it :D
I'm shaking in my boots
just end his reign before it starts!
Good luck degenerates, you are now prey.
Be careful with that anti-semetic propaganda girl of yours.
>1 post by this ID
fuck Trump black cock only.. white boys you lose!
Some day that nigger is going to chimp out and slit that dumb kunts throat and I won't give one fukkkk.
Some kunts gotta learn the hard way. I hope her last thought as she bleeds to death is "around niggers never relax!"
you can't impeach someone who hasn't been sworn in yet retard
The face and eyes are a window to the mind. The body is the mind's temple.
You can tell if a person is mentally ill by looking into their face without preconceived bias.
You can tell a person's self esteem and energy flow by the shape of their body.
You can tell their awareness and acuity of mind from macro body language, and their character from micro body language.
A tatoo signifies dissatisfaction with the body, possibly low self esteem and/or a complusion to seek approval.
Never date a woman with tatoos, they are more likely to cheat on you unless you are why they have tatoos.
Really i mean i often wonder how easily black criminality and destroying and looting their own neighbourghoods could be totally annulled by simply levying the property damage against their own welfare.. in that particular area.. just subtract it "wtf i only got half.. yeah that's cause some people were destroying stuff couple of months ago.. WTF we need to get at these assholes to stop that shit i need my drink on"..
Collective punishment is so effective against people who won't take responsibility for their own socities.. someone does bad, they are all held responsible for it.. what happens they make sure that person or these persons don't do it again since they don't want to pay for someone elses bad shit, in this case.. hitting them on the finances is the best thing.. They would change so fast if someone were to do it!
You could even tie it to crime and/or disturbances in neighbourghood.. "your welfare is now going down because there were crime/disturbances in your neighbourghood in this and that area" "wtf let's go after them and stop that" YES! they have no incentive, give them an incentive and they might probably do it!..
Nice meme bruh
this is what it means to be educated beyond intelligence. This is what it means to have too much free time.
Poor guy, paper is dead but it was the only job he could get, but at least he shitposts for a paycheck.
We need more protests. We need to block roadways in every major city in America to get our point across. It couldn't hurt to torch a few cars either. We need to show Trump what we're capable of.
i've been worried for almost a year now that at some point a bunch of filthy wetbacks are going to block a bridge or something and start pulling white people out of their cars and killing them.
I've been avoiding bridges since then and taking the scenic route to work.
whatever, guy is tiny. Im 6'1" and I'm a lumberjack and I'm also Ok.
>this happens
>trump proceeds to drone strike an entire apartment building to show what he's capeable off
would be funny d e s u
>he threatens the President elect
well that was pretty stupid, huh? enjoy the ass raping in prison.
At best he'll meet the same fate as Berlusconi.
So will nigger crime drop now that pot is legal?
says the person on Sup Forums
oh (you)
lynch yourself nigger. you ppl are done. we know how cancerous you ppl really are and there will NEVER be another black president.
Good luck fielding an unarmed uprising, faggot.
Did Gabe go tranny on us?