Welp fuck it

Well fuck it Sup Forums I just defended my anti abortion stance on facebook.

probably lost a lot of social points here but when was the last time you actually fucking stood up for something right?

Please take me through your arguments and I will let you know if they think you're retarded.

>In the court of law, if a pregnant mother is murdered, its considered a double homicide. Why would our justice system seek retribution for a dead person and a bundle of cells? They wouldn't consider it a double homicide unless 2 people died, and 2 people did die: the mother, and the baby

Been doing it on FB since I joined, but heavily in thus election. Friend loss count currently at 14 and going stronger

Fuck it I'll just show u guys some screencaps, give me a sec im taking my name out of them.

It was over a Hillary Clinton video saying unborn children have no constitutional rights

>anti abortion stance

literally nothing to do with Sup Forums or the alt-right. you're a faggo religious retard.



That's a good point. But they could come back at you and say, "If a pregnant woman is murdered before the third trimester, it shouldn't be double homicide" -or something like that.

So far, not retarded. Okay, next one.

Abortion is a good thing. It's the only thing keeping down our nigger population. Look up the demographics of people who get abortions, and you will see

Nobody cares about your social media activism.

If you actually cared about defending the lives of unborn children, you'd be out bombing abortion clinics.

>Abortion is a good thing.

no it's fucking not why should we conduct infanticide when we should just have free sterilization for women.

here's my radical take, it's baby murder but everybody else thinks it's okay so i don't care

When did Sup Forums become a bunch of christcucks against abortion

Please tell me you dont know this person.

Saw her at a few highschool parties when she was a grade below me, I'm 22 now.

You stomped her here. Refer to Bill Burr's theory on women arguing: if they're right, they stick to the point and make sure you do to. If they're wrong, they change the subject and try to insult you and get you off-balance. You won this exchange.

Pretty much the same thing here.

Verdict: you're not retarded.
Decision: when you engage in a controversial political topic, find out early if the person you're speaking to is trying to have a debate or just exchange one-liners. If they aren't interested in hearing your point of view, it's usually not worth sharing it. Especially online and not irl.

PS: you should probably quit using steroids.

>Well fuck it Sup Forums I just defended my anti abortion stance on facebook
Why though? I can understand in all-white countries like Poland, but in America most abortions are niggers.

You can't claim to be redpilled and still be anti-abortion in America.

nice bait.

>if you actually cared about keeping children safe, you'd be out murdering bullies and suspected pedophiles.

I defended Trump in mexiland.
I might have it worse off than you

Hey OP did you tell them all abortion clinics were temples to moloch? Child sacrifice was the foundation to the worshippers of this evil ancient Cannanite God that the Jews were sent out of Egypt to wipe out but didn't. They are still with us. Hillary Clinton is one of their high priestesses.

This, so much of this.
Abortion shouldn't be a moral dilemma.
It comes down to whether a person has the immutable final say on what happens with their body.
So, yea, it's murder, the same what shooting someone breaking into your house (in castle doctrine states) is "murder".

>You can't claim to be redpilled and still be anti-abortion in America.

I understand abortion is keeping the floodgates on the black population I feel as if sterilization is more ethical, not practical in the long run


Jesus Christ, her argument really got my synapses firing.

Jesus fuck, I'm pro-choice but people are really retarded sometimes.

Or maybe you just got baited. IDK

The person who posted the video was pro life, I responded then this rando girl came in.

You should have said something like: "don't worry, nobody cares about your uterus, I mean, just look how ugly you are lmao".

You've got more nerve than I do OP. Most of my family and friends are left leaning at the very best. Can't quite convince myself to call out the hypocrisy and bullshit

This is because it must be assumed that the mother was going to carry the child to term, considering that is the intention 99 times out of 100.

I'd post a Venn diagram of conservatives who think that abortion is murder but the death penalty is great, but it's a fucking circle. I'd post a Venn diagram of conservatives who think that abortion is murder, but carry guns so they can be an amateur-hour hero, but it's a fucking circle.

>Most of my family and friends are left leaning at the very best.

saw my other friend's family literally go in on him for posting a video about Clinton's corruption and why he's pro trump.

Keep doing God's work, user!

Don't let the moral relativist fedoras in this thread discourage you.

Maybe it's because an unborn child has the potential to not be a piece of shit who deserves the death penalty.

I committed social suicide today by supporting Trump. One of my friends asked me why I wanted him to die. I hate this place.

It should be obvious, but abortion is murder because the killed person is innocent, whereas the death penalty is not murder because the killed person is guilty.

In case of proven rape, execute the rapist, not the baby. (Nice side effect of eliminating rape recidivism.)

Yeah, they want to murder criminals instead of babies. Fucking hypocrites.

Just did against an angry muslim preaching "muh racism" when I posted how Donald got more poc votes than Romney, which allowe him to win

Already got texts saying I was right but they didn't wantto admit on fb

Another glorious day in this man's canidacy

>being this fucking new
>being this fucking degenerate

I don't consider expressing your true opinion and sticking to it 'standing up'. If that's the mentality you have its kind of like an Ostrich poking its head out every now and again. If you are a white guy, that has a working class value and mindset don't hide it. Fuck em', just say it how it is. If they don't like it? tough titties. Fuck em'.

And when someone claims they were raped because they had a couple of drinks and regret it?

I like how pro-choice types never care about the man's wishes

>You want the child but your wife doesn't? Tough shit

>You don't want the child but wife does? Tough shit

So women can get themselves knocked up all they want and Alt-F4 their way out with no consequences but men are entirely at the mercy of their partners' whims

But why? There's literally zero reason to do that no that the election is over. Foolish move.

Not a problem, because you don't execute for alleged rape, you execute for convicted (proven) rape.

But as a side note, you shouldn't be sticking it in someone who's not your wife, because that's it's own form of degeneracy and hedonism.

I was like you 5 years ago. My serious advice is to lay off both /fit/ and Sup Forums. They both have positive points in very small doses but you are clearly being influenced by them way too much. Keep your head down and get a career going and quit fucking wasting mental energy elsewhere. Good luck

The problem is that the 'person' isn't a person. Just cells. I am personally pro-choice but I believe that the woman should get the abortion within the first month or two. Mistakes do happen and birth control isn't perfect after all. Late-term should only be done if there is a clear and present medical danger towards the mother that would prevent her from surviving the birth.

At the end of the day though, their life their child their choice.

Anti abortionists are the right-win equivalent of l vitue-signaling cuckolds.

all the time. now I have no freinds.

I'm proud of you user. Those people will hate on you, but only because you show them what soulless, heartless goons they are. You did the right thing.

You know, the person has to be open minded or at least willing to take a discussion or it just falls into the ":DDDD PROJECTING U MAD SOUR GRAPES FUCK U" and you are wasting your time since they choose to be retarded rather than possibly wrong.

The notion of choice to carry a child to term should include the choice of the male companion as well as the female, yes. Presumably if they were a serious couple beforehand they would have already discussed their outlook on children at some point prior to intercourse.


Some asshats were rolling their eyes and chuckling at me.

So I talked to one of them at lunch and he said it was a joke.

The room was empty. I ate my sandwich and looked at my phone. THen, out of nowhere, still looking at my phone I screamed "Ha Ha, So Funny."

I think I freaked that guy out

Or try the Socratic method.

You straight sick bro. Training on a treadmill and taking "slings and arrows" for the glorious kek

So glorious

YOU are just a bunch of cells. One can continuously trace back your history and your development over the years of your life, including your DNA, and it all traces out a single worldline back to your conception. Before that, your DNA is not present anywhere, and there are 2 divergent worldlines tracing each haploid cell.

Good for you user. Abortion, whether you believe in God or not, is a very, if not the most, controversial topic to take a stance on especially being pro life.

Prove it.

You can disapprove of abortion and still be pro-choice.

I disapprove of suicide but still approve the right to choose it.

A bundle of cells is also life.

What would scientists who found living cells on mars call it?


Every fucking time with the last resort virgin card. It's a total victory.



I'm an atheist but I agree that redefining terms doesn't make it not murder. Women are retarded and should be treated as such.

Some cunt was calling my mom pathetic, disgusting, and ignorant for supporting Trump. I saw red and went Nagasaki on her, rolling in likes. She started making up stories about my mom that didn't make any sense, so I dropped one on Hiroshima and she started crying and "literally shaking." Like stocks were through the roof, she stopped saying anything, I pretty sure I took the fight out of her.

No one messes with mom.

You either don't understand how political groups are contextualized or don't understand the values they hold/practice.

Every moment of my fucking life.
People are spineless cunts with no moral principles to speak of.

Wouldn't say no... But damn how old was she when she married???

this is just the way we do prom where I used to go to HS strayabro, it was a "big deal"

I've been trying to slowly redpill my liberal gf. It's not working

Yea but I'm a fully developed clump of cells whereas a fetus or clump of zygotes has no consciousness, no memory, no real being. At least not that we can quantify anyways.

What is lost by killing a few cells? We destroy millions of cells each day just by existing. We only assign these particular cells any meaning because of their potential.

Besides, our world is dangerously overpopulated as it is. Abortion is a good thing, though ideally conception would just be prevented altogether.

Now if we could prove beyond doubt that Moloch exists and takes strength from mass child sacrifices through Planned Parenthood or something, then yea I would change my stance.

Right, that's what I was trying to point out too. People who make the argument that before you exit the womb you are a non-person bundle of cells, remind me of the people who say they don't eat anything with chemicals, despite all normal matter consisting of chemicals, despite an apple containing (more than!) a thousand chemicals.

Glad you left that uncensored, I can't wait to speak with this strong independent womyn.

We don't afford children the rights of a full human, shit until the age of 16 in the eyes of the law children are basically the property of their primary caregivers.

Why should we afford fetuses that have ;little more than the potentiality of becoming full grown adult """individuals""" but not even the ability to survive without the support of their mother any rights?

Give a liberal that one time and they will run with it.

>We don't afford children the rights of a full human, shit until the age of 16 in the eyes of the law children are basically the property of their primary caregivers.

not to go full moralfag but slave owners thought slavery was legal because they were their property and not recognized as human beings.

Should people on an iron lung be killed off for simple convenience? They're also unable to survive without the force of another.

>being against abortion
>wanting even more minorities
Poor show white man


lmao if you find out who I am just please leave me out of it user

Trump was a miracle of God.

I believe in euthanasia and I believe if someone is on life support their family should be given the choice to pull the plug

>PS: you should probably quit using steroids.
fucking pussy

The thing I don't get about Prolifers is that how is bringing an extra unwanted person into the world a good thing?

Clever fuck.

You're missing the point, the family doesn't get the decision to end another person's life without their say.

>Yea but I'm a fully developed clump of cells whereas a fetus or clump of zygotes has no consciousness, no memory, no real being. At least not that we can quantify anyways.
>What is lost by killing a few cells? We destroy millions of cells each day just by existing. We only assign these particular cells any meaning because of their potential.
That's fairly mostly true (aside from the "no real being" part), but by the same token infants have almost no memory nor consciousness, not in the way we adults have it. The whole train of thought leads to the crux question of whether absolute morals exist, because if they don't, then there's just a world of opinions. One person says something is evil, another says it is good, and there is no arbitrator who can decide in any meaningful sense. That's why issues like these often fall along religious vs areligious lines.

I would argue that the potential is a very important aspect. This potential is also fundamentally the reason we treat guilty people different than innocent: we judge the guilty to have lost their potential for good to some extent, and thus no longer worthy of what others enjoy. Potential is also the reason why stocks have value: because of the potential for future dividends or future raise in market price. Etc, etc.

And we differentiate between a thing with Potential and a merely Hypothetical thing which does not actually exist, but may have potential if it did, such as a child which has not even been conceived. (I hope that wasn't too confusing!)

Just had a talk with my parents about how there's no way the Nazis killed 6 million Jews. It got awfully quite fast. Pretty sure they think I am a Nazi now

Did she just try to say that you should use latin cases in English for words coming from latin? Does she also say "mediorum" instead of "of the media"? What the fuck.

no I fucked up and didn't proofread due to jogging on a treadmill texting through a phone

Life is all about going from unwanted to wanted.

You should seek out a short book called Confessions of a Holocaust Denier, which is by a guy who is definitely not a Nazi but also just can't buy the idea that the Soviet Union was especially honest.

see I accept that they killed jews, just no where near as many as they did. I feel they just exaggerated the number to further demonize the Nazis so nationalism is looked at as a bad thing.

Two days ago

The numbers just don't add up.
>no. of furnaces
>Bodies per day
>amount of Jews in Europe during WWII
>Auschwitz Swimming pool, Library, Brothel, Theater

But the kid isn't asking to be alive, if we are going to force people to live shouldn't we assist them with a comfortable suicide? Just seems like and unjust arbitration to me.
fuck you bigotarded hitler boy

>Two days ago

please do tell

>But the kid isn't asking to be alive

Yeah just it's whole entire body's cells are multiplying and dividing so it can be born.

>bigotarded hitler boy


Because abortion is protected at the federal level from Roe vs Wade, but murder is not, thus you can charge someone with double homicide as it's murdering a mother and the fetus she intended to bring to full term.

EXACTLY what im saying. all the pieces of the puzzle dont fit together.

>bigotarded hitler boy
wtf, Reddit?
Why are you still here?