This is a dictator's reaction to protest. And not even a smart one's.
You've been warned.
This is a dictator's reaction to protest. And not even a smart one's.
You've been warned.
It's gonna be a civil war.
Hungary for more?
Keep supporting the corrupt backstabbing cunt who robbed the left of the rightful Democratic nominee.
Probably a constitutional crisis leading to impeachement after 2018. You can bet the protest vote turnout in 2017 will be yuge.
Thanks for your useless input.
whoa this really made me think
Step 1 buy bus charter company
Liberals don't vote in non-president years.
You don't understand how our constitution works, do you? He was elected constitutionally, you idiot. What basis would there be for either constitutional crisis OR impeachment?
Also, vote on WHAT in 2017?
You're so insanely misinformed
i guess you shouldn't piss him off then, huh?
You don't have to wory about that cunt. Or any other political even from the past. This is now, this is real.
Go be boring somewhere else you cunt
>This is a dictator's reaction to protest
>PROFESSIONAL protesters (i.e. funded by SOROS)
>incited by the media (objectively true)
You fuck.
>their president isn't in the wwe hall of fame
What did OP mean by this?
The dictator is on our side for once. Its all good
What did he mean by this?
I kinda hoped he'd stop whining after he won.
>dictator's reaction
Literally isn't and you're incredibly delusional to think that, but that's exactly what Sup Forums would want, you fucking idiot.
Keep crying about it, your tears are delicious.
I just had a thought that this might be his "legendary use of confirmation bias". He wanted to drop the hint that this is a contrived Soros coup. He tweeted it to delete it
that was a foolish thing to hope for
this is a joke right?
k keep me posted
That OP is a fag
You'll be the first one taking a helicopter ride.
I was hoping for this as well. It's kind of embarrassing, especially after he won.
> What basis would there be for either constitutional crisis OR impeachment?
He'll overreach because he has a dictatorial mindset and no understanding of the constitution.
Ah, nothing says "fight the power" like being paid to espouse convictions you don't even believe.
Hey OP, are you running out of Zoloft?
You spelled "winning" wrong, and no, he's just begun.
This. A bunch of mental cry babies are going to run the whitehouse now. Nobody is happy.
And Trump is already famous for giving helicopter rides. This is going to be delicious.
it's real
Well, they're not professional, but they were definitely incited by the media.
This happened after Obama's election too, there are just more protesters this time because they're younger. That was when we got the Tea Party, remember? Remember when Texas was threatening to secede like California is now? Just let them scream and tire out.
The irony.
There's also a fake hate crime tracker, now.
>constitutional republic, not a democracy!
made think
Nobody ever cared about Obama overreaching and basically ignoring the constiution
really makes your synapses fire
>You've been warned
But we want a dictator, user. We want dictators in every Western country.
My fear is that Donny isn't the US's dictator. Because he would be so wonderful as it.
>This is a dictator's reaction to protest. And not even a smart one's.
One can only assume that you are speaking about what you typed and not the image. You are the dictator, correct?
Trump btfo'ing the liberal machine
Oh fuck there goes 90% of liberal Twitter posts
Should check out /r/thathappened
Literally full of that shit right now
Stories have a running theme
>omg racist/sexist white guy
>Luckily a good hearted felon came in and saved the day
>Felons should have the right to vote!
>he has a dictatorial mindset
There really are people who don't understand that candidates act differently when campaigning and when in office
Stay mad fags
thank you based hungary
I love the massive amount of people (a lot of them not even in America) who have gone out today and had encounters with racists who shouted (((suspiciously))) long and specific sentences at them.
But he's right. 99.99999% of the shit protesters are claiming are debunked bullshit fed to them by the media with no basis in reality. And it's been 100% proven that these events are being organized by professional protesters.
I came here to post this.
We Chilly Nao
>Nigger making Pro Trump, racist graffitis in the hood
made me chuckle
I honestly don't understand why don't they just napalm them?
I don't give a fuck if he becomes a dictator, at this point that's the only thing that will save our country. If these protest continue after he's elected he needs to summon the national guard and military police to clear the streets of these vagrants and idiots once and for all
> Random picture of buses, no proof of protesters getting off of them
Keep me posted senpai
You're a faggot.
You've been warned.
This post put me in a pensive mood.
Growing up, I always wondered how people could elect George W. Bush. How could they elect such an idiot?
Now I really understand it. Rethuglicans are just really, really stupid, and have elected George W. Bush on steroids. God help us all
>This is a dictator's reaction to protest. And not even a smart one's. You've been warned.
Soros agent from Hungary!
Soros is mobilizing for a Maidan style coup in US!
Watch out!
Powerful people will go to prison for the rest of their lives if Trump sets special prosecutor on Clinton foundation.
Youtube -> George Webb
(this is what Clinton foundation has been up to, Hillary's "we'll be all hanging from nooses" was not an exaggeration)
He tweets? What's next, an instagram post? >literally
You forget that Republicans run the whole show now
He'd have to do something to piss off them and the Dems
Protip: the second one of your BLM bros tosses a brick through my window Ima light up every motherfucker on my lawn.
You've been warned.
Protest is for when your rights have been infringed upon, not for when liberals didn't get their way in a fair election. There's still evidence that Soros and Clinton are funding these protests and bussing people in to protest.
>I don't give a fuck if he becomes a dictator, at this point that's the only thing that will save our country.
You need to go, you are what is ruining America
Thanks for Correcting the Record
Smelly immigrant detected
There won't be elections in 2017. There will be elections in 2018, but liberals never show up for midterms because they're too stupid to know there's an election happening.
Where were you fags in 2010 and 2014? You got crushed in the last two midterms.
Democrats don't vote during midterms to support their leads
When they're this far behind, you better bet your ass they are going to come out in force in 2018, all 435 seats are open for reelection, even with gerrymandering there are going to be a ton of opportunities for a bloodbath
Which brings us back to 2018
How much do you think he can get done? Abolish Obamacare? Maybe? It took almost the entire time Obama had a majority to get it passed, how much change you think the Congress will pass with the GOP's tiny-ass margin of power and a minority party that is epically pissed off in the two short years they have total control?
You're assuming that the Dems won't continue on with the "blame whitey" narrative which will just piss off people more, so the Repubs will still run the show for the 2 years after that
Weren't pissed off people that got Trump elected, potential Hillary voters just didn't show up because she sucks.
>You've been warned.
Ok boznog
Move on CTR. It's over. Leave.
Actually, and I say this non ironically, Obama did some genius things that at the time looked stupid in legislation but are now proving to be big fuck you's to who ever came after him. 1/2 the stuff Trump has promised to do in the first 100 days are either undo-able or effectively only half do-able.
Check out 2006.
Those are Soros mobs, not real protestors. He's telling the globalists he's on to their tricks.
>This is a dictator's reaction to protest. And not even a smart one's.
Thanks for correcting the record.
>"Free Speech against me is unfair!"
>But we want a dictator, user. We want dictators in every Western country.
Move to Iran, they've got a good one there and you'll be used to the demographic Britbong
> Someone disagreed with me, they must be paid!
Keep conspiring, going to be a great two years
I guess it's "unfair" to the extent that people shouldn't protest merely because their candidate lost or a candidate they really don't like won. Something merely doesn't become "fair," because it's "free speech" or against something.
>ever not being a manbabby
Pick exactly one