>The candidate with more votes loses the election
How is it possible to defend this without either:
A) Arguing that America is better off not as a democracy or
B) Arguing that some citizens should have less voting powers than other citizens
>The candidate with more votes loses the election
How is it possible to defend this without either:
A) Arguing that America is better off not as a democracy or
B) Arguing that some citizens should have less voting powers than other citizens
Other urls found in this thread:
it's the way it's always been
they had a reason for it when creating the constitution
There was also slavery and they had a reason for not abolishing it when creating the constitution
times change, so should the systems of government
electoral college helps keep the rat breeding grounds in check when it comes to voting.
>change the whole government just because IT'S 2016 COME ONE
Why didn't you fight for Bernie when you had the chance? She LITERALLY stole the election from him and you didn't do shit.
You aren't a serious leftist.
>A) Arguing that America is better off not as a democracy.
A is right.
We are not a democracy.
We are a constitutional republic.
democracy is mob rule, and fuck that shit.
yawn not this shit again
amend the constitution if you dont like it, bitch boy
good luck!
>Arguing that some citizens should have less voting powers than other citizens
They do. Try being a republican in california
we're a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy.
fuck off loser
>How is it possible to defend this without either:
>A) Arguing that America is better off not as a democracy or
>B) Arguing that some citizens should have less voting powers than other citizens
It's not. fortunately Sup Forums is happy to argue both, especially B.
The smaller states desired the elector system because without it they'd have exactly zero influence on the presidential election.
Though I do think it should be amended anyway because as it stands solid blue or solid red states are almost always completely ignored.
B) Arguing that some citizens should have less voting powers than other citizens
Actually this is true, but it's the opposite of what you think. California, Florida, and other high population states have FAR more voting power than lower population states. The electoral college allows small states to have some semblance of a say in a presidential election. Otherwise, the few big states would completely dictate who wins and the rest of the country would be at their mercy.
Repeat after me,
Get used to hearing it.
America is better of as a Republic, which it is.
We were never a democracy you fucking bird brain
so if it had been Trump winning the popular vote and Hillary winning the electoral vote, you'd be saying the same thing, right?
It gives more powers to the minority rural areas.
A popular vote would hurt the minority. I thought you people wanted to help the minority.
Why should Rhode Islanders have more of a say who gets to be their President than New Yorkers?
Vermonter who voted Trump here. I know this pain. I am one of only ~60,000 people.
Maybe you should learn how your country's elections work before you piss about it.
When you vote, you aren't voting for a person. You're voting for which person your state should give their electorates.
>they don't even pay him to post this shit anymore
>it's no longer business, this is personal salt
There's still a reason for it.
It ensures that the presidential choice represents all states to some degree. And the electoral college scales based on population, so it can never differ to severely.
It also pretty much ensures that the winner got the 'real' popular vote if you were to poll every last citizen - since red votes in smaller solid red states are less likely to turn out. While frothing liberal states that are voting to show their frothing liberal friends that they did have huge blue turnouts despite being guaranteed blue.
Yep. I've been an ardent defender of the electoral college since Bush vs Gore.
Checks and balances.
I like the electoral college because it does its job, even in 2016.
Also, I'd bet Hillarys plus is due to Californias population.
So no real surprised she'd get the popular vote.
>Imagine 51% of people vote against 49% of people
>How is that fair?
Are you retarded?
No, I don't want LA/NY completing dominating the decision making process for states like Montana. Anywhere not one of the 7 major cities would be an utter wasteland in political discourse. You think the middle-class is thrown under the bus now, just you see what happens when a popular vote shows up.
>what is balance of power
If the popular vote decided the election (CNN still projects trump to win it by the end, btw) California and NYC would be determining the outcome of every election.
technically true but it's hidden. even on most ballots, it just lists candidates for president, not the slates of electors. people are voting for the candidate.
You can't.
And the worst part of it is battleground states. They ruin American voter turnout because they basically make it useless to vote in most states. It's a retarded outdated system that should be changed with an amendment to the constitution.
If it was by population, more republicans in California and new York would turn out for national elections dumb ass.
>california should make EVERY LAW
America isn't a democracy you fucking moron
>unironically wanting land to have votes
Since when are we giving citizenship to rocks?
wtf, we aren't a democracy you dingus
>It would be better if candidates campaigned by squatting in cities the whole time instead of having to travel the whole country
>it would be better to count the popular vote when each state has different voting laws
Yeah, I didn't complain once before the election started. If I did only because my candidate lost id just be a sore loser wouldn't I?
>mu-muh popular vote
might as well make the capital city fucking LA by that point
It'd be better if people got checked for their IDs when they vote.
> Why basketball is so retarded? The one team, that weights the most loses to team, that scored the most?
not an argument
>Arguing that America is better off not as a democracy
America got to be the superpower of the world as a Republic I don't see how switching to Democracy would improve it now.
The real problem in this country is not the Electoral College; the failings of the Electoral College to adequately address the concerns of people across 50 states is just another symptom of our bloated and overpowered Federal Government. States should have more autonomy, they are closer to their constituents and better able to address and be shaped by the specific concerns of the people that live there. There's just no way to satisfy a diverse population of 300 million fucking people. Even California should be two states at least just by itself.
California makes up 12% of the USA population, retard. It therefore deserves 12% of the votes.
>>It would be better if candidates campaigned by squatting in cities the whole time instead of having to travel the whole country
You fucking idiot
States are not provinces. America is a union of STATES. When voting for president you are voting for who your STATE will choose.
they get a few states where they get a big porportion of votes
if clinton got 51% of california shed get the same electoral votes if she got 100% of california
same with NY which are the dems biggest honey pots
Communist faggot!
The candidate with the majority of votes in the majority of the electorates wins the election. Understand?
So if every state is split 51/49, and California can't decide the entire election by being a outlier 20/80.
Take away the illegal immigrant votes in Cali and he won popular
as long as the EC voted according to their voters, then I would have no problem with it.
Electoral college is antiquated sure.
But its president of the united STATES. Not president of the united people. The presidency never has been about popular vote.
World Series analogy:
>game 1 : win by 10
>game 2: lose by 1
>game 3: lose by 1
>game 4: lose by 1
>game 5: lose by 1
Should game 1 matter more than the other games?
>Implying illegal mexicans deserve the same voting power as citizens
Stay mad you big baby
Because people are in different situations for one thing, if some referendum were to benefit urban populations and hurt rural ones. Well that wouldn't be very fair would it?
hey retard both candidates campaigned to win the electoral vote. because of that strategy and the fact that the electoral college system suppresses the turnout of the losing party in states that lean heavily in one direction, the aggregate NPV winner is completely meaningless.
trump eviscerated her in the electoral college model and he would have won just as dramatically were the election designed as a nationwide popular vote.
>liberals say Trump questioning 'our perfect democracy' is a threat to our country
>he wins fair and square with the rules that have been set in place for centuries
>proceed to riot and protest and start fires
It's a good system because it ensures equal representation for all stages.
Without it, the coastal areas would either dominate the shit out of the interior (and in so doing fuck them over)
Politicians would completely ignore about 40 of the 50 states (and in so doing fuck them over)
Your founding fathers did this for a reason, they chose a Constitutional Republic over a pure Democracy for a reason.
And it works, the system works. People vote with their feet, and if you were to ask any citizen of any other country in the world if they would like to be American, the answer would be an overwhelming "Yes!"
Not an arguement
How are so many elections about 50/50? It's hard to believe the US is split exactly down the middle
Yes, let my dumbass, barely alive state determine the election every four years. See how well that works out for you.
And it makes no sense why it should be that way in this day and age.
One American citizen should be equal to any other American citizen.
12% comprised of Mexicans, nu males and cucks who hate their own country. The electoral college is to ensure a 51% doesn't always beat out the 49%. Whatever someone in Oklahoma has to say in their vote should have no bearing on what someone in New York says. We're a federation of states with split views not the USSR
It's favored dems 3 of the 5 times it's happened. Cry more millennial bitchboy
Yes. You go to next elections with this in addition to ww3 and socialism.
because this has happened before
Al Gore got cucked out of a presidency because of this, and instead we got fucking Bush. I bet you no Sup Forumstard is gonna defend George W. Bush, especially after it was found out there was some shady ass rigging involved, probably due to his dad being one of the few presidents that didn't get a second term wanting his revenge.
Despite that, I still think that the electoral college is fucking dumb. Giving people the illusion that they are voting for a president is retarded and honestly should just be taken out.
The founding fathers believed that people should only be responsible for electing congressmen and senators and local govt; not presidents. The Founding fathers thought the general population would be irresponsible if they all were able to vote in a president, so they envisioned a united states where a president was elected by the elite and higher ups in government. A president should be elected through congress, just like the speaker of the house and the president pro tempore. Stop making people think they are picking a president; just make congress do it, so people can actually give a shit about voting in congressional elections.
Fucking use your dumb little brains. The votes? They are not representative of what the votes for an election for the popular vote would be.
How many republicans in solid blue states didn't bother voting? And vice versa? How many 3rd-party voters everywhere didn't vote?
We don't fucking know. The popular vote means nothing until we have an election for it. So please shut the fuck up about the popular vote until we have that sort of election.
Its very fucking simple. Incredibly fucking simple but instead of actually thinking about it for at max 5 minutes you retards fucking make shit threads like this.
Hopefully you off yourselves after you digest what I've written.
We're voting as counties and states. Therefore if 3/4 of the population in one state votes for Trump, then the majority of that population represents that state.
If you were to take the excess vote that Hilldawg had over trump in the popular vote and disperess them across all the Trump leaning states, she would still lose.
Did you know ancient greeks had legal killing because they would take a vote?
If people didn't like you they could just vote to fucking kill you.
I also love how you ignore the giant difference in how much of the country doesn't want to be ruled by shithole cities with millions of people packed into them like rats, as though they have any comprehension whatsofucking ever what would work best.
2 million military absentees still being counted. That'll take out the popular vote issue real quick.
two words, one name, discredits them completely:
>al gore
First off, Trump lost the popular vote by 350,000 votes. That's is one (1) percentage point. By no means was he "crushed" in the popular vote, and his solid win in the electoral college I think more than makes up for his slight trail in the popular, especially considering people's voting decisions are influenced by the fact that they are voting in an electoral system. Were your vote to count directly, we can't say who would vote for whom.
Furthermore, the entire reason the electoral college exists is to prevent geographically small, population-dense areas from controlling the US of A. It is entirely possible to get 50% of the total American population by highlighting an extremely small section of the total land of the US. This relatively tiny piece of land could, if politically motivated, control the entire nation to bow to its whims. But, it would not represent the needs of this enormous nation, with its diverse geography, ethnic groupings, economics needs, etc.
During the Obama administration, partisan Democrats defended Obama's use of Guantanamo Bay, executive orders, watch lists, the NSA, and other things which were anti-liberty. Now, Trump has his hands on all of them and the Democrats scream bloody murder.
Similarly, radical leftists are yet again campaigning for measures that permit authoritarianism. To remove the electoral college is to ensure presidents that do not accurately represent the will of the American people.
The left has no one to blame but themselves.
If I were Trump, one of my first acts would be to change the system. He complained about the electoral college system in the past. and he really wants to make America great again, so fix the system and make the country a true representative democracy.
>A) Arguing that America is better off not as a democracy or
It was never a democracy. We're a republic with democratic elements but if this country went straight off of only the popular vote then pretty much only California and New York would be running this country.
Because we're the United States maybe? We're not one country; we're multiple ones tied together. It's a democracy of countries and each country's vote is determined by majority rule of the people in that country. How much the vote counts is determined by the populace of thd country.
Sounds fair to me.
The founding fathers knew what they where doing.
>The majority winning in a democracy is bad, we should let a privileged minority decide, trust me.
>not the USSR
How is that relevant?
Have you ever taken a history class? Why does the house have proportional members and senate have 2 per state retard? Jesus go back to twitter
>they've already rioted and burnt cities over 'SHE HAD MORE VOTES'
>yfw he gets more votes counted in the end
>implying the 400k she's leading by aren't all technically illegals and dead people.
You don't want the electoral college changed you want the outcome changed. Kill yourself
Sorry, but two states would always decide the election otherwise.
It's a way of making rural populations interests matter. If there was no electoral college more people in solidly blue or red states would vote because their vote would matter more therefore you cannot claim that if it weren't for the electoral college she would win.
You weren't complaining when king nigger got less votes than Romney?
Time to show some of that lefty tolerance and fuck off to cucktunamo bay
Wow, suddenly the left hates the electoral college after losing, despite its help in giving us 8years of King Nigger! What a surprise!
Its like this because extremely high population states would dominate the election, Leaving more than half the states with jack fuck all for representation,
Think for a moment how many people don't even vote because their state has a liberal echo-chamber of a city inside of it.
>he seriously didn't know that people have been bitching about the electoral college for decades
You must be 18 or older to post on Sup Forums.
>americans who don't understand their own government type
The US is a political union. The members of that union choose who leads the union. A person in New York doesn't have the authority to determine who Montana will cast it's votes for.
It's not antiquated, it's more relevant than ever.
so that politicians don't completely ignore and let go to waste 90% of the country, just to pander to the votes of New York, LA, Chicago and Philadelphia
It's easier to brainwash a dense population in a single area by flooding those cities with propaganda.
The electoral college ensures all beliefs and creeds and cultures in a nation are represented.
America is a republic
>300,000 difference
>being this retarded
Illegal's votes don't count, which Hillary got much more than 200,000 of
8% of the 12% is retarded.