So everyone has been saying that the democrats will gridlock, serious question, how exactly do you gridlock when the GOP owns the house, senate, and soon to be the supreme court? Isn't that a full sweep?
So everyone has been saying that the democrats will gridlock, serious question...
they're idiots.
the pendulum is swinging hard.
USA is full steam ahead in the RIGHT direction now and they can't stop it.
By the rules of the senate it takes 60 votes to end a filibuster. The republicans don't have 60. So the democrats can talk and talk until the republicans give up on the proposed legislation. Nothing will ever get passed. Same as the republicans did to Obama.
let them filibuster until they drop dead. then pass everything
>the pendulum is swinging hard
that sounds scary as fuck
im not surprised if we lost some states next year
someone put a star of david on one of them
So is it pretty much a given that Trump will turn congressional battles into major television events? Like have primary style rallies to mock and berate individuals in government for not pulling their weight or being faggots?
He'd be the most accessible president in history
Last time they had a sit in it lasted like 4 hours and they had food shipped in as they sat on the floor. They won't do shit
right into debt
America has enough military might that all debt owed to the Chinks is meaningless.
If Trump made an ally out of Putin and then invaded China with him & split the spoils, he would ensure the dominance of the USA for another 50 years.
Realistically, who is going to challenge America given that scenario? Canada? AHHAHAHAA
He should shit on all Republicans giving him lip via Twitter.
They will filibuster on Obamacare. But some tax reform, maybe immigration reform and muh roads/schools projects could get pushed through
More like the debt owed to the chinks is chump change compared to the debt owed to ourselves in the form of government bonds.
The nice thing about running your own economy is that you can choose to accept your own IOUs with no quibbling.
wish I was eating pizza with Ben to watch his reaction
he worked so hard with his comics this entire election
This, that would get people riled up to reach them via calls
You don't.
>having any balls
I'm so happy when I see people this absolutely delusional about our politics
bright future ahead
repubs did it with obama and it worked
i like the one where elizabeth warren tweeted some snarky shit about trump and he replied with "tweeting all day, this is why you never get anything done"
i imagine that being from a business background, he will actually want results from the people under him. the gravy train may well be coming to a grinding halt
This is actually a fantastic idea I hadnt thought about. With his experience as a tv show host/producer it would be unprecedented if he self-funded major broadcasts of congressional hearings, putting a spotlight on each one of the slimeballs so that people find a sense of humanity to latch onto rather than a soulless branch
I never want off this wild ride
You're expecting cucks to do a man's job. Filibustering runs in the Paul family blood, it takes genetics to be able to do that well.
They should bring back congressional barfights and force filibusters to actually be filibusters.
It used to be that the senators would get completely shitfaced and beat each other half to death and then take the stand to ramble about their neighbors or the weather or the exact wording of random laws and have an assistant hold a pissbucket for them so they wouldn't have to go to the bathroom and interrupt their "speech".
Those things should be brought back.
Yeah, that would imply people with backbone though.