Trump is already making Europe great again and he's not even sworn in!
Trump is already making Europe great again and he's not even sworn in!
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And so it begins
Of course increased federalisation would be good for you, fucking good for nothing non-country.
Idea's above your station Belgium.
>EU reacts to trump presidency by building massive and bulked army
This is it, the final push. Russia, America, Britain, Straya, all liberating Europe from Globalism and Islamic dominance in the final crusade. We need to begin to set the stage for this by liberating Leafistan first.
EU commission really is becoming the enemy.
Germany with another army? WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?
>Tfw you realize WW3 will be Russia, UK and America against Germany yet again.
>Tfw Trump is reincarnated Patton.
Are you ready eurobros
>Britain, Russia, and America will come together again and drive down the Hun for good
>Won't have to feel bad about it, because this time it's the EU
Guess I better start learning a second language.
Romanian I think!
I'd give my life gladly in the war to bring down the EU.
The continent needs saving from this.
This is another precursor to WWIII.
You see, nations will keep trying to leave the EU now that Brexit won and then Trump won in America, emboldening all the other right wing movements in Europe.
However Germany and Brussels will absolutely NOT let the EU fall apart. The only way to prevent that is to put together an EU army and then if such "exit" referendums or votes pass they declare them "illegal" and now they have the hard force projection to keep those nations in the fold.
This will trigger tension with Britain, the US, and Russia. As they focus on Europe and tensions rise China is eventually able to make their gambit for the entire region around them. They also invade parts of Russia.
That's when the war starts. Globalists backing the EU and China.
So we wind up again with Britain, USA, and Russia allied against an EU (German) Empire, and they will probably need to liberate Japan and parts of Asia again.
Globalism is BIG money. It will not go away peacefully. Too much wealth at stake.
Losing Britain they could afford or even capitalize on since they could isolate it... but with their grip slipping on the US they must take drastic action. Britain is tiny and not a threat on its own... but US is a big problem.
Great, now can you please tell everybody else on this fucking continent now please?
Honestly, I'm glad you really know how it is.
They'll do anything to try and survive, like any of us would, but they want to suppress and replace us.
>Britain is tiny and not a threat on its own... but US is a big problem.
I disagree with that part though. Who the hell is anybody to underestimate the British? History is my source.
Also, good luck isolating us when we're at the front of the queue for a sick deal with the US and "mutual investment"
United States + Britain + Russia + Japan
European Union + China
It would be my honour
First Brexit, then Trump.
Now we must stop the European Union.
This will be our final battle and cement us as meme overlords for centuries.
>Europe needs own army
>EU needs own army
Oh fuck that. I can already hear the germans trying to invade us.
Final Boss
>jumping into the trenches with the God Emperor actually might be a reality in this timeline
Sign me the fuck up.
She's just a puppet. Soros or the Rothschilds are the final boss.
We don't eve realize the full scope of what we have done.
Soros is currently gettined sued for $550 million dollars, he is the next step.
I do. We saved the fucking world.
>550 million
Great news, but that's like pocket change for him.
If it's true that he was behind the riots he can be charged with manslaughter and see a jail cell.
Suing him is thinking small.
anon5 stated recently that Europe would be next after uncucking the US.
>Europoors when they realize America isn't around to protect them anymore
I wonder how the bongs feel about brexit now
It's a shame he would probably not go into a federal maximum security prison where he can get fucked up by the poor minorities that he championed so much for.
Dude, we memed an orange reality TV star into the White House.
Anything is possible now, and if you don't realize that, then I don't know what to tell you.
I love you ameribro;s
Great Britain
Israel because the growing Muslim population in Europe will make the EU more anti-Israel and once the fighting begins and Israel is alone the Arab nations may try to get rid of it. Only there is one complication: Iran. Iran is Muslim but it is shia. They also want parts of Iraq anyway and of-course are strategically placed near Pakistan and India.
India will fear the Chinese mobilization and with the backing of the EU and the rest of the Arab nations Pakistan could try to take territory in India.
Might have the Middle East in reverse in terms of events. China mobilizes and attacks (probably first North Korea, but then must unify Korea proper and Japan is now a threat which must be neutralized but the US has all its attention on Europe and so does Russia. It's complicated and I'm no expert but all of a sudden it seems like all the seeds are planted and need only to sprout.
I swear, if any boots step on UK soil...
So are we going to fight Germany in a third fucking war?
The EU army would be a pretty good idea if it wasn't run by the EU.
Brexit was a fluke. It clearly was not supposed to happen and only succeeded most likely because the Globalists were complacent. However in the aftermath they still felt confident because they could always gradually sabotage the British economy over a few decades and convince the people to vote them back into the fold.
However the next upset happens when Trumps win the US election. He was CLEARLY not supposed to as everything was against him and the polls had him safely and surely losing. Then in a matter of hours that is all on its head and he has won and the public now more than ever has no reason to trust the media. What is interesting is how the stock market took a hit right as it was clear Trump was going to win but then within hours they are rallying, and it seems they are rallying precisely because of the policies Trump has been running on. Meaning a prosperous US without globalism. A prosperous US provides a non-globalist alternative for Britain's own economy to trade with and thus a prosperous Britain has no reason to ever go back to the EU.
Now a nation has left the EU and is doing well and the other anti-globalist movements in Europe pick up even more traction as it is clear the EU isn't necessary at all for European prosperity.
What will happen is
>Trump elected
>EU becomes more isolated from US and increases federalisation
>Builds army
>Countries elect to leave
>EU army will end up invading a country to prevent it leaving
>Britain declares war
>US joins
>it happens
screencap this
>own army for Europe
P-Please, have mercy..
Its called being an ally. Fight with your friends against a common enemy. Europe seems to have forgot that
Going to war to stop the (((globalists))) is still a much better scenario than the timeline where we're forced to go to war FOR them.
lol thanks Putin
>the US army isnt already cucked
We've been doing it for decades. Now #ItsYourTurn
Does this mean I'll get to fly a supersonic carrier based fighter for freedom and justice?
exactly, that's why we'll actually go to war this way
because it's our duty to liberate the continent again together from tyranny
and we'll be proud to do it
God bless our strong alliance in this year to come
Just leave the reserves. Remember the speech Niinistö gave at the NATO HQ? I'm pretty sure he would've announced that Finland joins NATO now that HRC is the president, but then Trump won and they went for plan B.
Soldier's oath hasn't been binding for a long time, we're not even independent anymore. Fuck the EU.
>eternal anglo
>finally teaming up with eternal slav once more
>wiping out the eternal kraut
This is it this is the endgame. Time to finish what they started.
The question is, does it go nuclear?
If not, what are the terms at the end for either side winning?
It might not go nuclear just because everybody wants to win and doesn't want to lose everything. So nobody has the guts to launch all the missiles.
However this means that a side/country that is losing and faces occupation might. The end conditions might look more like WWI with the losing side agreeing to an armistice.
If the Allies win then the terms will be to allow nations to elect to leave the EU. Globalism whither away, for now.
Otherwise, likely Britain is directly brought back into the EU and the US changes its economic policy to favor globalism.
hopefully meme magic will help
It wouldn't go nuclear
It's UK/US/Russia
who wants these countries nukes firing at you?
we won't join any such union for the rest of our nation's existance
>United States + Britain + Russia + Japan
>implying that wouldn't literally steam roll fucking everything
+ SK + Australia + France (let's be honest, they're definitely comin' with) + Canada + Poland think this is a fucking game? This would be over in like 4 hours.
Good. Maybe now we can have a more less functional army.
Won't happen
It's clearly evident that we aren't going to war with Russia now, but war has brewed, it's still brewing and the European Union is the one doing it, since Clinton is gone.
I think you can safely count us in too.
Shit, forget that. Thought this was about trump telling the nato to build up their armies individually.
Leafistan is lost. I say we build the Great Northern Wall and catapult poisoned poutine and kebabs over until the population dies then reclaim the land and call it New Alaska.
> Italy during the last two World Wars
I think we'll pass....
>tfw I will finally stop paying for a military to defend Europeans
>the same Europeans who tell me I'm dumb for spending too much on a military
Trump is my savior
Italy never lost a World War. Whichever side we're on automatically wins.
It will be civil war in France first
and Germany will be the war goal again
We're coming home, Dresden.
The Lancasters send their regards
>The Lancasters send their regards
The Lancasters send their regards
>The Lancasters send their regards
>Switches sides
This faggot has been saying that for years
U wot m8
Good you guys got out before they have a military. Before you know it they won't let country's leave like they did to states here in the 1800. Obviously our circumstances were different but something like the EU should be completely optional at any time to its people.
Fight for your freedoms user.
We have been the Northern European army for as long as there has been the EU. Swedish defense is laughable and if Russia gets through Finland they're already in Berlin.
I have nothing in common with southern europeans and don't give a fuck if that shithole gets nuked to oblivion, I only care for my fellow nordics and a few balts as do most finns. Nobody gives a flying fuck about greeks or turks.
I don't want to leave the reserve. I want to be there in the frontlines shooting Ivans when they finally come, but I don't want to fucking fight wars the germans, french or the fucking soon-to-be-european literal shitcurdle Turkroaches will eventually start. Especially the fucking turks.
Rapefest 2018
>Russians are working hard to conquer the Baltics
>somehow we're the bad guys for wanting to defend ourselves
United States + Britain + Russia + Japan + South Korea + Australia + (France?) + SUPER POWER INDIA
European Union + China + North Korea + Middle east + Random african countries
Have you played Half Life? Do you know how long the Human Combine war lasted?
Americas involvement in NATO subsidizes european welfare statism. The feeding frenzy of free shit ends now.
you stupid cunt. an EU army would only be made to ensure we cant fight back when they force millions of immigrants into our countries.
FUCK EU and FUCK AN EU ARMY you cuck
And? We still won the war.
The Baltics are rightful Russian clay
he power of an EU army and the Economic power of china would be difficult battle. I don't think France and SK would switch. Canada would most likely stay out of War unless there was an attack against Canada. I believe that Ukraine will end up in the EU.
I don't think Iran would join
R8 m3 m8
No they're not
forgot to add that I think turkey would join the EU
This sis not a good thing. The EU is trying to coopt national armies and put them under the control of the EU. The EU already has an army it is called NATO. Individual nations maintain control of their own armed forces.
>These retards fail to see how powerful Sup Forums is with its combined autism
It's like you guys actually like globalism
>The EU already has an army it is called NATO
You misspelled USA. And they don't have it for much longer
>south korea
>new zealand
>not red
>the EU and the US must work together.
must we? we can't just deal with the individual countries?
The United States if the biggest contributor to NATO. If Trump pulls the plug on NATO, then i will crumble apart. This is how the European Union will get it's own army and have the public follow along.
>Germany and Brussels
Stopped right there buddyboy.....
>an E.U. army
Fucking Belgium.
This for the love of God
Checked Heil!
I'm sorry dude, but you don't know what you're talking about. China has a lot of people, sure, but they don't have the pride in themselves that the Japs fucked out of them. And their design is absolutely fucking shit. Just look at their latest plane. Flies like a paper airplane and is as controllable as a teenage trust fund baby on a 3 day ecstasy and acid trip at burning man. No way in hell France and SK don't join the party.'re telling me I'm supposed to worry about Ukraine and Turkey and whatever's left of the EU? In a war against the US + Britain + France + Russia + Australia + SK + Japan + Poland?
Like, nigga you serious?
Do you fags want a race war or not?
>EU army was just a meme they said
You guys already have the Mujaheddin
And down come the northern socialist utopias
Without US protection, they will never have the funds necessary to take in millions of refugees
It's not that China's army sucks, but they are a major economic power. It's like how the the United States won WWII. The Germans couldn't keep up with America's ability of mass production. China doesn't need to have the strong army, that what the European Army is for. France wouldn't be able to leave even if it wanted too. Brussels wouldn't allow it. Especially right after brexit. With regards with SK, I'm just going with my gut feelings.
Fuck off, rabbi
is belgium basically bitch-mode D.C.?