I have accepted that I am inferior

I have accepted that I am inferior.

I have accepted that white people have higher IQ than me and I am inferior to them.

I am half-aboriginal (Torress Straight Islander) but am not sure what to do with this information? Do I kill myself?

If this information becomes mainstream and let us say that there will be laws in place to do something about this.. what will happen? Will white people just kill all the low IQ people? or what/??

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Don't be stupid, IQ is just a method to determine how quickly you learn new information like logistics, spatial reasoning etc.

You can still be intelligent if you become educated and understand relevance of evidence and objectivity.

Why are you actually falling for this 1/10 Sup Forums meme?

Unless you've been sniffing too much petrol which killed off your brain cells, I wouldn't worry about you being inferior.

Learn to play the didgeridoo and perform in hipster coffee shops. They'll praise you for being so pure and authentic.

IQ is important, but it doesn't tell the whole story.

The important thing is that you marry a nice aboriginal girl and have beautiful aboriginal babies.

If you care at all about the future of the world, you will do the right thing.

Cuckism is worse than shit race, cuckism is never accepted, you do your purpose, fight and prosper.

IQ is an arbitrary test. If there were a darkness quotient test you would have a high score

>there's another half abo on pol

g'day m8

White people arent even particularly smart, they're average.

Don't kill yourself. Do what any respectable person of moral character would. Uphold the values which generation after generation have fought to protect. Help your fellow citizens who do the same. Ensure the propagation of a just and great world.

Also help us keep the fucking boat people out.

How are you not taking advantage of our system. I 100% would if I had your blood.

Free Uni, Free loans etc. You can also call leftists racist.

also don't be discouraged by accepting race realism

it goes both ways, while our brains are usually smaller and we have a lower general IQ our visual intelligence is higher than whites and it only confirms that there are differences between the races


"The super sight is the way their retina and brain is wired, and they are probably like that from childhood," said Professor Hugh Taylor, who pioneered studies into super sight.

"There may well be a number of the Aboriginal soldiers in NORFORCE who have much better vision than mainstream Australians or regular soldiers," he said.

In fact Professor Taylor's studies have shown that some Aboriginal people in the NT, WA and SA had 6:1.4 vision, meaning they could see things from six metres away that an average non-Indigenous person could see only from 1.4m away.

Not all people studied had such high vision, and others were sometimes recording 6:2 or 6:3 vision, which was still far better than is usual for the general population.



Visual spatial memory was investigated in Australian Aboriginal children of desert origin.

Aboriginal children, from 6 to 17 years, performed at significantly higher levels than white Australian children on the tasks.
Item type did not affect scores of Aboriginal children, while for white Australian children familiar items were easier than less familiar, which, if potentially nameable, were easier than items unable to be differentiated by name.
These indications of strategy difference between the groups were supported by overt differences in task behavior. Aboriginal children appeared to use visual strategies, while most white Australian children probably attempted verbal strategies.

Most people never make full use of their IQs. If you learn to be self-aware and become disciplined you can achieve success greater than most people.

>"Hard work beats talent when talent refuses to work hard."

Mate, get off it.

Genetics works in various ways.

Asians are smartest, Blacks are the best as physical shit. There's a range.

Did you know, abo's are SUPER resistant to poisons and venoms?

You have advantages you can utilise. Black people being shit is a meme. It's behavior and identity and moral that defines you, all which can be defined and changed.

You're here, you're already a sickcunt. I grew up in a rural town full of abo's. I was racist as fuck and still am pretty bad for it, but I had good abo's as friends too.

>Black people being shit is a meme

It's mostly a meme on their culture. And guess what? You can opt out of culture.

You can't change your dna.
You absolutely can change your personal culture.

You can't change your dna.
You absolutely can change your personal culture.


Whatever. Do your own thing and don't sweat it. I'm not smart either.

Game the system, get that free money.

>Did you know, abo's are SUPER resistant to poisons and venoms?
Uh, what good is this genetic advantage in modern civilization?

In the event of a zombie apocalypse you can be The Beekeeper and have a hoard of bees to unleash on your enemies, snakes to throw at them, you can run a kingdom of fear

Also it makes you a top teir S rank survivalist by default

Just act like a white person then

Population IQ distributions overlap you big spastic. Unless you're a proper mong you're still probably smarter than a big chunk of white people.

Here's what you actually do, and I'm a racist cunt.

You gotta go cash in on those abbobucks, I don't know the system, but I'm sure someone will explain it to you. Try and get a job in a coffee shop somewhere and go to TAFE and learn a trade - a real trade like electrical engineering or even lab work. You can get a good job making asprin, etc if you go through with like lab work, and it's super easy if you put your mind to it just a little bit. You HOARD those abbobucks and those casual work bucks and get a house (there might be abbodeals for house loans), then you live in that house and save for another house and become a landlord. It's the current optimal strat.

I want you to do well, man. Maybe one day I'll meet you and you'll change my mind about your people.

>Marry and aboriginal girl
Who the fuck would do that?

Marry an Asian girl.

>Do I kill myself?
Nah, just don't be a nigger and you'll be fine.

>If this information becomes mainstream and let us say that there will be laws in place to do something about this.. what will happen? Will white people just kill all the low IQ people? or what/??
Nah, whites are nice enough that they'd still treat others as equal. Likely case, governments make scientific study of racial traits to tailor funding towards racial demographic based medicine, crime rates, educational needs, etc.

It's not so bad since expectations are so much lower for you, just don't be dumb nigger and people will be impressed with you wherever you go.

>Abo posts on Sup Forums
>Is immediately encouraged to make something of his life instead of giving in
This is why I love you Sup Forums - you hate people because of their actions, not their race. You are more liberal than the fucking progressives who scream that all whites are privileged, and you don't even realise it

>Do I kill myself?

just look at your Indian bros (Australoids) for inspiration. they Australoids that even into space nao.

stop being so melodramatic. do something with your life. plan ahead. raise a good family.

You need to go back

Niggers can be just as smart as everyone else if they're not surrounded by other niggers.

ur good

Half of White Australia is Half Irish m8.

No one is enforcing I.Q. segregation laws around here.

Fuck off idiot. Abbos and islanders are chalk and cheese. And they hate each other!

How do you guys look like? I've never seen one of your kind before

Spot the victorian

!!!!! THIS IS GREAT!!!!

Sup Melbourne.

like moroccans/maghrebis/kavkazis

Self realization and humility is the first step in becoming a superior human being.

It was a serious question desu
Yesterday i think i saw a Muslim, not quite sure since it was the first time tho

Im too drunk to see how you guys look on Google

Thanka jewbro

>Don't be stupid

Keep sniffing gasoline. Most whites get nowhere despite their superior intellect. use your privilege: it's ok to sniff that shit when you belong to the people you belong to.

these men are mixed to various degrees i think the back one is full aboriginal