>you faggots just got tricked into electing the most liberal Republican ever
Hes already came forward to say he will protect LGBTQ rights. Suck it
>Hurr muh wall
Youll fall for anything. I should run for prez next.
Trump: protector of Fags
Other urls found in this thread:
He never said otherwise. It's like you weren't here during the campaign. It was well known that the media was making him out to be a monster that he isn't.
>got tricked
>he openly said he'd protect LGBT
The doublethink is incredible
Someone obviously wasn't there during the election,
Pence will also ban abortion and electrocute faggots and trannys if he becomes president.
Thank you for making this thread. It does more to undo the damage the lies about Trump's homophobia have done than any amount of explaining.
That's why he picked him as his VP. It's called insurance.
>Sup Forums actually believes his campaign promises were anything that he actually wants to do
Admit it. There wont be a wall. The Embassy in Isreal isnt moving anywhere, and we will stay in NAFTA
You rednecks got rused for votes
Good, this combined with Mike "Crank The Amps Through The Nipple Clamps" Pence as VP makes for solid assassination insurance
>he's a liberal faggot lover
>he's literally Hitler
>im shaking right now
Abloo boo hoo. Sad.
Shows how bad Hillary is, huh?
Actual tranny here that's done as much research as I can into this.
As far as I've been able to gather, Trump is very likely the most liberal Republican anyone could ever hope for. It's my educated guess that he picked Pence as his VP to deliberately deter the far left from assassinating him, as then America really would become a nightmare for LGBTWNAIEOREMIDXGHGFKFL.
He's always taken a very relaxed and tolerant stance of the LGBT. It is 100% unlikely at all he'll push a social agenda himself at all, as all of his policies involve economics or international relations or infrastructure and the such.
However he says that he'll elect conservative supreme justices. It's exceedingly unlikely the SCOTUS would go back on any liberal polices they've made in the past such as federally protected gay marriage.
By and far it's incredibly likely not much will change, and individual states will have more power to decide LGBT laws with little or no federal interference. This means if you live in a far left state, it'll stay far left. If you live in a far right state, it'll stay far right.
Of course, if you are LGBT and feel strongly enough about your state laws, you can exercise your American given right to campaign for a liberal governor and representatives to bring in more LGBT friendly laws.
>you faggots just got tricked
I love this spin. Trump literally got up on stage at the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION, said that he would protect the LGBTQ (yes, he even appended the Q) community, AND HE GOT A CONVENTION CENTER FULL OF REPUBLICANS TO GIVE HIM A STANDING OVATION.
We knew exactly what we were getting when we supported Trump. Your attempts to revise history are doomed to failure.
This isn't true, we knew what he was (he told us continuously), but I think everyone should push this narrative anyway.
It gives liberals an out to preserve their ego. "Ha, look, those silly racists actually elected a progressive! btfo!" Doesn't matter why America unifies under Trump, it just matters that it does.
Trump has something like a twenty year history of supporting gay rights. This isn't a surprise.
>proudly waves a gay flag
>was against the South Carolina bathroom ban
>said trans people could use whatever bathroom they want in any of his properties
>first Republican candidate to have an openly gay speaker at the RNC
>made protecting LGBT people part of his speech at the RNC himself
Trump was a dem before he joined the republicans and only necause the dems wouldnt take him.
Or so other anons have told me.
So its not surprising in that case.
idk i'm a bi femboy and i'm incredibly happy with these results. what would you rather have, hillary? cruz? don't be a fool. trump is the righteous protector of all good americans, regardless of sexuality or gender identity. pence is just there to keep the crazies from killing trump.
Thank god. If the next 8 years is a Dubya tier christfag hell trump will go down as a monster.
>Not expand
What are you crying about again?
Cuz he said he'd protect lgbtq by vetting muslims.
The left doesnt care about gays anymore now that protecting the religion of peace is the new flavor.
>bi femboy
Please refer to chart you potential traitor
i don't think i see your point
>be trans,
>go to trump property
>ask to use exec washroom
>i can use any bathroom i want
>piss/shit in comfy of exec bathroom
Well he is a degenerate too
16 years ago Trump was criticizing the Clinton's for the way they treated gay people.
So I take it you're all reddit users ITT
A true Sup Forumsack wouldn't take this faggotry from Trump but you losers spread your assholes for him and his liberal agenda
Fuck him. Traitor
go back to stormfront stormweenie
>>you faggots just got tricked into electing the most liberal Republican ever
Wtf i love trump now
Memes aside, my favorite take out of your link is that trump is a meritorious person. Which is my favorite thing.
I noyl hope trump is able to change peoples perception as he drains the swamp.
Egalitarianism is a fucking joke.
Sup Forums doesnt hate homosexuals
We hate fags
Like the difference between blacks and niggers
>the most liberal Republican ever
I would cum buckets if he turns out that way
There is no difference between blacks and niggers, a well dressed ape is still an ape. Find a better comparison.
He is you fucking autism.
The only reason he's a """republican""" is because the democrats wouldnt take him and he had no chance in a lesser party.
Dont you remember all election that even the republican party hates him because he plans to fuck them over too?
Cannot fucking agree with this angle more
I'm trans and I keep to myself in life.
Screaming faggots ruin it for everyone.
People who try to push 18 made up fantasy genders or no genders ruin it.
I'm not a faggot but I am trans.
>go to NY
>30 recognized genders
>dont talk to anyone cuz $250k for misgendering
>the most liberal Republican
He supports FADA. He is not your friend.
>go to Melbourne
>120 recognised genders
>fined $200,000 for being a "traitor to my people" for not being a super left wing faggot
I want to own historic firearms, need to get out of this place.
>Cuz he said he'd protect lgbtq
>by vetting muslims.
And what is Trump going to do about ant-LGBT hate crimes committed by Christians?
Which like, are the majority of all anti-LGBT hate crimes?
Do christians believe gays can fly and are only trying to help them get to jesus faster?
Please lonk me a recent article of christians or other white religion, harming more than one gay in a violent manner up to and including death.
Didn't get tricked. I knew he supported the gay community. So what. Fags deserve to live in peace just like the rest of us.
I smell a beaner.
The Emperor protects.
>le true scottsman
Wew :^)
>being cucked by a closet liberal with Jewish grandkids just because he pisses off the open liberals and LOL MEMESuu
Sup Forums is DEAD
Actually, I didn't. I was interested in him because he seemed like a centre-right Republican that would be soft, or indifferent at worst to social issues. Trump's brand of politics is actually very good and a matured evolution of GOP principles.
Putin also 'protects' their 'rights', then he bans gaymarriage and faggot parades.
>Not using LGBTQ's as an excuse to commence the next great Crusade against Saudi Arabia
Top kek, this motherfucker doesn't even understand 11D Inter-Dimension Hyper Space Pachinko
Believe it or not most people on Sup Forums would prefer a moderate NY Republican than a hardcore conservative like Pence. I don't think anyone on here really gives a fuck about gay marriage, abortion or any of those other stupid as fuck Christian Conservative issues and if they did we wouldn't have people posting anime in every single Trump thread
Don't you fucking get it? That's the best part. That's the part two of our meme magic bonanza.
He's actually not extreme. He isn't literally Hitler wanting round up all minorities and rape women. All the wailing, asspained, daddy issue SJW autists are going to wake from their Play-Doh therapy sessions to realize that he's actually working to their benefit.
They won't know what to do but mentally implode.
Is this how leftists are trying to save face after the massive ass-whooping they got Tuesday, and losing control of all DC to Republicans?
>Crank The Amps Through The Nipple Clamps
Fags are just afraid of pence and how much """power""" he will have
Mike "love cock? Have an electric shock" pence
That's a good thing. Gay rights are finally where they should be and don't need to be touched again. There are way more important things to focus on now.
we knew
most of us don't care
Dick Cheney has a lesbian daughter.
GOP is usually cool with lesbians and bisexual women because straight dudes are into watching them eat each other out and bi chicks will get into threesomes.
That was actually one of the things I disagreed with him on. So if he's not going to take away gay marriage and will keep Pence from doing similar shit that only makes me feel better for voting for him.
Country Club GOP has mixed feelings about the lesbos.
>they're going to wake up
No they won't. Every time he does something in their favor, they'll look at it as some sort of fucking policy Obama implemented or him caving to "what is obviously right." Every time he does something against them, even if supported by the public, they'll scream and wail about it being proof of him being Hitler. They'll always look at Trump and see a horrible -ist and -ic, never thinking for one second they were wrong.
>Drain the swamp
>Anti establishment
>Newt Gingrich and an army of lobbyists advising him
Holy shit trump fans got cucked, it's glorious!
You're a fucking idiot if you think no one knew about this already. No one cares about fags. Fuck off.
You tell me Mexico, seems like it's more common in your brown, shithole, drug lord country.
The worst we have here is leftists flipping their shit because Christians won't spend their time to make a cake for a gay wedding; and kike lawyers hype it up so they can have another way to get shekels.
Topkek, leftists really do hate their pets
Gays hate muzzies faggot
I think it's possible as liberals warm up to his presidency they begin to like him. I'm not surprised Trump wound up speaking with Obama for over an hour. Everyone, even liberals like Pierce Morgan, liked him if they had a personal relationship with him.
Now America has no choice but to get to know him collectively.
The giant con begins.
this going to be fucking great watching you useful idiots eat the koch brothers agenda and see trump give up on the culture wars.
He'll win them over with
Just wait. The meeting with Obama yesterday was just the first step.
>koch brothers
Predictable talking point but they donated to Hillary. Or is that just a part of the vast right wing conspiracy?
Literally 0 posts by this ID
Honestly there's not much Trump needs to do for gay rights. Just leave the status quo and no one will get angry at him
do you happen to got a source on this? Ive been lookin but can't find anythin
You do realize brietbart, ted cruz, and the the top people in the trump campaign are on the payroll of the billionaire mercer family?
Darcy Olsen, chief executive of the Goldwater Institute, a Phoenix-based libertarian think tank, recalled meeting her at a breakfast for prospective donors in New York.
“This woman walks in, and she is tall and she has this gorgeous mane of brunette hair and this baby sling and a tiny, beautiful baby,” Olsen recalled. “Politics is still a bit of a man’s world, and when I saw her walk into this meeting with a baby, I was like, ‘This is my kind of woman.’ We got to talking policy, and I realized that she was smart and as committed to the same set of principles as I am.”
I want this playing on Sup Forums when in a year from now, Trump hasn't completed any of his promises and doesn't intend to, while the middle-class continues to disappear and jobs are shipped to China.
Damn it I damn near spit water all over my computer.
What did we tell you? Trump is a pleaser. H goes to great lengths to please as many people as possible in the public.
Trump is going to be a great pres.
I hope so, but I'm going to remain skeptical, especially with the shit the media is pulling now. MSM is a cancer that is to blame for this yuge backlash.
Ill enjoy the show from over here in canada tho
I voted for Trump based on the fact that he has been pro LGBT longer than Hillary and that it triggers cuckc to see an openly bi person voting Trump.
Post butt.
post dick faggot
Thats where poop comes from tho
Fucking this
He's saying gay men by and large hate the LGBT movement. I work with one that would not stop rolling his eyes and laughing under his breath in a sensitivity training class that discussed LGBT.
I cant on Sup Forums
Teh bulge is best you can has
Bekah Mercer had grown increasingly frustrated with the Kochs’ approach. It is not as politically aggressive as she preferred and also much more supportive of trade and immigration, said operatives and donors familiar with the Mercers’ involvement with the Kochs. They said Bekah Mercer also questioned the effectiveness of the spending orchestrated by the Kochs’ operatives and bristled at what she perceived as their unwillingness to heed her advice.
In other words, she only disagrees with them on trade and immigration. LOLLLLL
Trump supporters are so easily conned.
No poop only butt.
OwO what's this? :3
No, the very first one is usually true. """Bisexuals""" are just hetero in waiting. They only date gays as experimenting and will eventually move on to a vaginal jew and start a family.
Though bisexual femboy, if hes a top hes an enemy to gays, if hes a bottom hes likely not into women romantically.
I want to see the poop
What do you think it is 'w'
Its delicious boy bulge.
no ones care about your mental disorder; fuck off.
I went to /lgbt/ the other day to see how they were reacting to trump.
The board seems to be about 80% mentally ill people, and i dont mean because they like dicks.
retarded logic that doesn't take into consideration things like emotional desires which can change at any time and sexual desires wills flex to match that
besides one can have a preference and still be bisexual
pic related ur gay
>not milking the canadian trap for everything its worth so you can take screencaps to btfo leaves in future threads
>mental disorder
Pretty sure he's gay, not straight or bisexual.
>vaginal jew
Oh god I love you fascist fags!
This. Either they bend the knee or he lets Pence do some very real liberal bashing.
>liberals are lobotomized
>commies taken for helicopter rides
>conversion therapy for faggots and trannies
>turn feminists to breeding sows to create babies to turn into soldiers for the military industrial complex (and die for Israel) and hardline conservatives
Libshits are going to wish Trump lives forever, because the alternative would be a "disaster".
Im gay, who likes panties amd stockings.
So a femboy.
Im not some tranny faggot.
So now that the "trolls masquerading as CTR and possibly some actual CTR employees" can no longer do the whole "Madame President" shitposting, they've moved on to "YOU'VE BEEN BAMBOOZLED" angle. Can't say I didn't see it coming, but I was hoping for more creativity.