What Went Wrong???


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These videos didn't reach the correct states

The plumber down the street doesn't give a shit about what a celebrity living in a mansion tells them how to think and live.

Donald Trump talked to these people on their level .

And constantly calling American voters a bigot/racist/idiot for not believing what they do wont help your cause.

They beauty of being American. Because deep down, we don't really like being told what to do, especially not by some out of touch elite.

Who thought this was a good idea

Hiring a bunch of Marvel actors to gang up on trump and go "lol we'll show you this guys dick if we win"

>People whose LITERAL JOB, is saying what other people PAY them to say, while looking into a camera....

>Said what other people paid them to say while looking into a camera...

>People are suprised when this convinced no-one.

He used to suck off dude's penises for cocaine

Out of touch shitheads tried to tell us they know what's best for us.

Thanks famous actors. . .

For nothing!

What didn't.


Smug out of touch elites mugging the camera and telling voters what terrible people they are for even considering not backing their candidate somehow didn't convince people to follow.

We saw the video, nodded our heads until they told us the only good vote was a Hillary vote, then decided we would vote for Trump instead. Seriously, the liberals still don't understand that you don't earn people's votes by telling them how horrible they are.

>What Went Wrong???

The most pretentious, rich snob fucks in this country tried to tell me what to do.


>Don Cheadle has been ranting on his twitter ever since the election


>#26 on Trending
Absolutely no jewery to be seen here goyim

>The plumber down the street doesn't give a shit about what a celebrity living in a mansion tells them how to think and live.
I am a Pipefitter/plumber & a proud Deplorable American. I don't have cable because there is nothing but garbage. I hate celebs, and can't stand their opinions. They are irrelevant, and live in a fantasy world. I don't have an accountant to pay all my bills, I don't have a grounds keeper to mow my lawn, I don't have a planner to keep me on schedule. I suit up and show up and do a thankless job EVERY DAY. Hard work and a paycheck are my only rewards. I am not a bigot or a wife-beater. I hate people individually.

Hillary was everything that I hated. She is a piece of shit that made millions while being in a position of public office. This is a failure of a system when a politician makes an average that is out of sync with her constituents. I don't hate her because she is a woman. I hate her, and she is a woman. I hope she vanishes much like George W Bush.

People got tired of being told who to vote for.



Iron Manlet is powerless without his special suit.

What went wrong was the opening to democracy now today. I guess they don't like democracy

Ah Rand, you always were one of my favorite not-Trumps


Theres a reason why Captain America is better than the fagboy Iron Man.

Trump beat capeshit. He has done what no one on Sup Forums thought he could do

This and Jon Leibowitz's rant are what propelled Trump into the lead. The left is more responsible for Trump's victory than the right is.

why are celebrities so stupid?

>the left
>the right

Celebrities need to shut the fuck up.

Did we ever find out whether it was him or Sheen who raped Corey Haim?
A lot of people guessed Sheen, but Feldman said it would be shocking to people, and Sheen doing that isn't shocking. So was it RDJ?

Don't worry, Chris Evans has been acting like a crybaby on Twitter since Trump won also. "I can't believe there's so much evil and hate in America!!!" and shit like that.

Iron Man lost to Captain America

4D chess.

Trump's campaign totally trolled Clinton's in the final days when he made a big distraction going into MN (which he knew he would lose). Clinton's campaign followed him in and he distracted them from WI and MI keeping their resources in MN. That's what happened basically. Master chess at every turn.

Any source?

Exactly this

They've abandoned white people in need but still wanted their vote. They deserve losing.

Out of all the actors they gotten they didn't get Captain AMERICA

Are you me?

Starlord's better than all of them

who is this semen demon?

>hollywood should keep its dick in its pants when it comes to politics....no gives a fuck what they say anyway.

Also, I forget, was Anthony Mackie in any of these videos? I remember he got shit a year ago for saying something pro-Trump and was forced to backpedal.

And I'm not watching this faggotry again, but can we get a list of decent actors who weren't a part of this? I'd like to support them for at least having the common sense to realize that this was a bad idea.

Most celebrities don't have any other qualifications than their high school diploma. Why do they keep thinking people give a shit about their opinions?

This. All summed up in this video right here. This Tuesday, the Media and Hollywood both realized that they are far less influential and capable of swaying public opinion than they thought themselves to be.


There are actually Leftists who learned something from this election, but I doubt most of them will.

That was awesome. That video deserves more views especially in post mortem to the failed Clinton Campaign

Captain America wasn't in it.

Spoiled, controlled puppets for Moshie trying to tell me what is in my (their) best interests.

It should be evident by this election that society has become anti-white, anti-male, anti-working class.

Whites are the largest demographic in this nation but society has become for the minority. If you are in the majority then you are the oppressor. That is why we're seeing progressive liberals trying to find any crazy way to label themselves as a minority. That's why we see them dying their hair abnormal colors, getting numerous body modifications, labeling themselves ridiculous things as Xe or Xer, and coming up with countless amounts of genders/sexualites. The norm and numerous is now the evil of this society.

Hillary Clinton got on stage and told white people they need to check our privilege. Bernie Sanders told white people they don't know what it's like to be poor. Those who go against this narrative or are the the perceived perpetrators of this have been shamed and imbued with original sin in order to further the agenda of these progressive liberals.

It's a power takeover with supremacy in mind. This election woke and alarmed the beast in both sides. If Hillary had won we would see just a worse continuance of this mode of society. Hillary would get away with being the most corrupt and evil politician to run for president simply because she has a vagina. The streets would be empty. The media would be in jubilation. Celebrities would cheer and give everyone their "I told you so" attitude.

White America woke up however. All those "WE'RE GOING TO RISE UP AND 1776 THIS SHIT ONE DAY" occurred on Nov 8th. It all happened not with guns and bloodshed, but a ballot. What do we see now as a result of white america's "fuck you"? Riots. Violence. Calls for ASSASSINATION. Calls for murder. Calls for a reversal of a democratically supported decision because the side that won the voting is the one that wants to destroy democracy.

Society shames and hates white, christian, straight, and/or males. They woke up and elected the "well fuck you" candidate.

When you have some cunt making 200 million a year standing next to a cunt worth 250 million and they're complaining about income inequality, they both just look like real jackasses. Why the fuck do Democrats keep doing this?

We need to treat actors more like they were treated in ancient Greece/Rome

Fuck Hollywood and fuck celebrities.

Downey is a dick

We need to rebrand them to "globalists" and "nationalists".

pizza and hotdogs

Way fucking overpaid to play pretend for my amusement. Entertainment has value yes but being paid millions? Fuck no. They need to return to lowest hiercy on the social latter instead of being worshipped. Pirating movies and not putting money into the overpaid system is a virtue.


Anyone got the Chris Evans tweets?

Downey Jr. is doing it for the money, the rest are retarded.

apparently he's a /k/ommando and a total christian american bro.

i love that guy

The Romans had the right idea by treating entertainers as less than slaves

Seth MacFarlane bitching was what made my night.

If I saw that smug Sean Penn or Will Ferrell cry I would have fucking cheered.

Also, fuck John Romero.

Sorry - it's a copy pasta from another thread.

Remember when Georgs Clooney said there wasn't gonna be a president Trump? MAGA

nobody gonna watch ironman now, haha fuck marvel.

100% this