What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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Please don't go Merkel, dear Mr. President.
He learned that lizards run everything and there is no hope.
fuck trump and white people
He is doing the merkel
c u c k
Hes always sat that way. Whys this news?
>He learned that Jews run everything and there is no hope
They got to him boys. The dream is over before it even began.
he is doing the reverse illuminati
he is signalling that he is dealing with reptilian shapeshifter.
Making a triangle with your hands is a powerful pose to look strong.
We're programmed to notice spiky objects quickly to avoid getting hurt.
Which is why pic related is so common.
He's going to make America great again
It's a mudra faggot. Basic meditation. All of the billionaires and elite do it.
I keep seeing elite and successful people that with their hands. I started doing it. Maybe it channels energy.
What does this picture mean ?
What a lovely video, really brightened up this dark morning.
Congratulations, central America! I really hope he makes you great again!
You'd think a "billionaire" already knew illuminati secrets but i guess not
He learned how over-fucking-whelming of a hole he dug himself into. He has NO idea where to even begin. Sure they can show him intelligence briefings and introduce him to procedures and people, but he has no idea about any of this. At least someone who was in an office before has some idea how the government really operates. He wants to point our military and different group, and he has no idea what their names even are? I bet the whole idea of strategic defense is clueless to him. What is he going to do next time there is a terrorist bombing? "I uhh err uh...those isis guys in Iran gotta go, big time! Sending the troops in to make Iran great again!" Pah - ha. How is he going to try and build that border wall? "Mr. President, the wall is an ineffective way of stopping the flow of illegal drugs, plus trying to erect it will cost great diplomatic unrest in and out of our country"..."IT JUST GOT 10 FEET HIGHER, BIG TIME!". How is he going to """unite""" people when his message has been nothing but division? "Mr Trump, we have civil unrest in all major cities, whites attacks blacks, blacks attacking whites, Muslims scared to leave their homes"..."Uhh, err, uhhh thats great, your great, just kidding, their all LOSERS!"
This is what that image conveys.
You may how call me a soros cuck and not refute my points
makes you think...
This is what the Grays force all world leaders that are part of their globalist alliance to do to signal allegiance. Trump will probably never even meet an actual Gray. Obama may not even have met one. But he's certainly been in direct contact with emissaries from the Grays' oversight command.
Trump looks scared because he was just given incontrovertible proof that a superior alien race considers our planet part of their dominion and that they are kept alive only insofar as they submit. Trump is submitting.
It's over boys. We were no match for the true enemy.
White countries should expell all non-whites.
Save and spread
Obama told him what Ayys put on their pizza.
And he told him about what lives in the tunnels below D.C.
Regardless if its ayy lmaos Trump clearly looks like he learned some disturbing shit.
Is that all you got?
>says he will get rid off all lobbyists from washington
>appoints lobbyists
another great plan from The Donald
source: theintercept.com