It's 2016, and two white males are ruling America
Not really. Pence is just there for extra assurance to keep Trump from being assassinated. No one would dare off Drumpf knowing that the generic villian looking idiot will take his place and fuck shit up.
Trump is a pure genius for doing this. I praise him.
Feels good.
back to normal
yeah no joke
liberals and i are talking about killing trump all the time but pense might be a fate worse than donald
>generic villain looking idiot
Hurtful words like this kept Wojak in his neetcave until he became a politician. You can't hurt him now.
They were the most qualified for the job. The other applicants were crazy and/or criminals.
I can fuck his wife/ daughter and sons girl if he has one with my minority dick. That'll mess him up good.
they're literally orange.
White men fix everything, the rest of the world will step in line knowing a real man is in charge now.
cool fantasy hombre
Orange you supposed to be sucking Muslim dick leaf?
As it should be?
I'm loving #currentyear.
And i wouldn't have it any other way.
Pence looks like an ancient god. I very much hope to see him on the ballot in 2024
Since when is it 2016?
Fuck off you irrelevant nigger, go back to tending your whatever the fuck you grow for your niggerish sustenance
It was our last chance, we were on the fucking edge of the cliff, and we fucking did it. Our pride at this moment should be limitless. Now we just need to keep it.
The amount of posts I have read about people fearing for anyone who isn't a white male has been astounding.
Why are people so frightened? Did they really buy into the media narrative that deeply?
This, my lefty friends are very worried about him.
Mike "If your ass is loose, your heads in a noose" Pence
He can't.
He sold his mouth to China.
>two white males for president and vice president in a still majority white and historically 80-90% majority white nation
Sounds good enough for me.
Did Trump steal 2016 from the liberals? I mean, they can't say "it's 2016" anymore as a justification for their opinions, right?
Enjoy it while it lasts.
It will be the last.
Holy shit fellas, learn to straighten your tie.
You are all fools. We could have had a token female president in history books. It would have just taken 4 years and after that we could have had 1000 years of rich, white males. You ruined everything. Now we have the glass ceiling meme hanging over our heads for the foreseeable future
He won't be assasinated the liberals are not smart enough to pull that off. And they don't like guns, pansies unit!
*alpha males
This. Next president will be a spic and he will get the spic vote. It will be obama all over again. After the spic unleashes his immigrant legion, the country will be brazil. At that point it will be up to white nationalists to rebel or to die out. If you're white, move north. That's all the advice I can give.
>Mikey, you son of a bitch!
The Dubya strategy, Cheney was his life insurance policy
yeah say that to fucking Cheney
You think that the whites are going to forget that when they voted it actually turned out in their favor for the first time in a decade? Pending on how the Trump administration goes in the next 4 years, if things start to get better for white people, it will be impossible for liberal fucks to get back into power for a very long time.
3rd parties will do better than the democrats in the next election.
Pence > Cheney