White women saved America. How does this make you feel?
White women saved America. How does this make you feel?
wtf I love white women now
Why are white women so based?
Only because they saw the writing on the wall not because of any sense of right or wrong.
they can be president next tbqh
Makes me want to dump my sjw girlfriend who "is ok" with Trump because I am and the dick game is vicious.
I want a real MAGA girl so fucking bad
That chick on the left is hot.
I want to start a family now.
They saved nothing.
However, they did prepare the way for some... let's call it change
They fucking suck, but they came through
I'm proud of our ladies. I'm sorry I referred to them all as bitches on so many occasions, but they're usually bitches, so you can understand my mistake.
Makes me want to have eight white kiddos.
White women will come home if white men show strength. Trump is the start of that.
A white woman will be president of France. No worries.
White women on Sup Forums can help us make history and save one of their ancestral homelands at the same time
Maybe they're people after all.
wtf i want a white gf now
Or maybe
They feel the same way you do but they hide their power level too?
My qt pie Persian gf voted Trump. She's probably more redpilled than I am. She's currently enjoying the riots on live tv and shitposting to her liberal faggot friends about Trump winning.
It's such a glorious timeline to be alive in, folks.
Am I going to get to experience what life was like in 50's America now?
What phenotype is that girl on the left? I had a crush on a girl like that in primary school. It's so cute.
Convert her user.
>That flag.
I actually think it's very commendable that white women voted their conscience rather than being selfish and "breaking the highest of the glass ceilings".
My opinion on them did a complete 180.
I hope a white person never votes democrat again.
>How does this make you feel?
What can I do to please a white woman under a Trump administration?
What? Over 50% of them voted Clinton.
Nope. 53% voted Trump.
Ooga booga where da SAVIORS OF AMERICA at
It is time to find a wife.
Let's be clear. It was elderly white women that pushed Trump over the line. Not millenial white women our age. Not even middle aged white women or the boomers like your mother.
It was the silent generation. The greatest generation.
Apparently 53% of white women voted for Trump, which is why 100% of all non-white feminists are calling for all our bitches head on a platter.
I can't wait for the SJW libbies to marginalize white women even more, to the point of turning them towards the right. They cannot without the white female vote.
Somebody should start a dating site for MAGA girls so I can have a qt3.14
"you think i would let you down white man?"
God, I love Trumpfus. They definitely were a huge factor in this war. Us guys got up off our asses and voted so the qt Trumpfus wouldn't be sad. We had to do our best to make the qts happy.
I love how they're calling it a white conspiracy
How the fuck can we tell though?
I don't want to start every conversation with a woman with "...and let me tell you about the kikes". What's a good power level test that isn't related to stupid fucking memes that normalfags won't have a clue about? Something innocuous that still determines if she's a leftist retard or not, preferably without even being directly political.
>tfw Canadian women are most assuredly not redpilled