>watch his meeting with obama
>he's sad
>and recently he's starting to sound like a filthy leftie
He was given (((the talk)))
w-what talk user?
He stopped to use the bathroom and accidentally saw Michelle's cock
that the ayy not only exist but we serve them
He's trying to act presidential now.
>>and recently he's starting to sound like a filthy leftie
uh, where are the proofs?
He's tired as fuck. Literally 3 days without any sleep
I'd be sad to if i had to sit next to a nigger that i dont like
>>and recently he's starting to sound like a filthy leftie
So not saying something racist, sexist, homophobic or generally insulting anyone is considered lefty now?
They (you know who) told him about Ayyyliens
hes a reptilian clone now guys
that jews control everything and that he dares doing something they don't like, he or a membe rof his family might suffer an unfortunate accident
He was always a Democrat. He just is more of a moderate in Republicans sheep clothing.
Oh you sweet summer child
Hes not sad, he's scarred out of his mind.
>Is calmer when not holding ten rallies a day
>Is coming off adrenaline rush of becoming next president
>Doesn't immediately command his fans to purge the streets in a bloody revolution
>Somehow this is evidence he's compromised
Oh jeez.
>More disgust then sad.
Now I have that Van Halen song stuck in my head.
He probably thought being President would be like being a CEO and then it dawned on him that he can't just snap his fingers and make shit happen.
He realized what he's actually gotten himself into.
not true
He needs a nap
and it was 12 inches
>big gorilla dick eh don? ;^)
They all do this.
There is so much information hitting them at once during this transition.
fucking underrated
>remember how you've been telling everyone I got us 20 trillion in debt?
>It was actually 80 trillion
Not even taking the piss it looks like a genuine look of "fuck". Who knows what's told to the upcoming leader of America in these meetings.
Actually, it is and you can.
I hope to see Trump do this sort of thing.
- Obama
You are welcome.
If you open the picture he stares directly into your soul.
He needs our help. We should get an off shore base and nukes.
They told him about the plan to depopulate the earth and why its necessary
Dude. Look at the sky. Tell me we're not part of some conglomerate space age at this point. We're like the children in Africa who don't know what an electric pencile sharpener is.
CTR go away.
He's obviously the same pouting mouth face
>How come to degenerate vis acting like a leftist
The one where they show him the footage of Dealey Plaza from another angle.
They briefed him on the Ayy Lmao's. He mentioned something about high flying assets. He is probably still a bit in shock.
The I have to do this shit for 4 years I am fucking 70 look.
I went over 116 hours without sleep during the height of the meme wars. Trump is going to be the president.
What part of political rhino don't you understand.
He was never a true conservative, he's a moderate.
It means that he's either going to play with jewish rules or else he gets Kennedy'd
That means if he "drains the swamp" and kicks every globalist out, he's not going to survive 4 years. And Pence is establishment shill.
I love watching CTR cry and slowly implode.
Don't stop :)
Learn how to use reaction pics newfag
Lefties think they're the only nice people in the world. So Trump being a courteous president is something they've only ever seen and choose to believe Obama did. So... y'know. Libtards.
Probably just needs some rest. It's good he looks like that because that's how you should look when you take on such a huge job. Do you want him to slap on some big fucking fake smile like shillary would?
Gee I wonder if OP's post is going to appear on some shitty lefty blog now as proof that Trump voters are regretting voting for Trump hmmm made me think
he will either martr himself or lose all respect
thats alot to take in
They take you in a room, show you a few pictures of the jfk shooting from an angle you've never seen before and explain who you take orders from and what happens if you try too many things against the Feds
maybe if you repeat it some more it'll come true faggot
he got told about our alium overlords
Probably the sheer mountain of work and responsibilities that immediately fall on you once you become president-elect. Also because as president-elect he gets the right to the same intelligence briefings as Obama he might have just witnessed the entire foreign shitstorm in one sitting
what the fuck did you do with that time
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You cocksuckers post like the one picture of when he wasn't genuinely happy and smiling, like he's supposed to walk around with that fucking superficial grin most burgers do.
Did you see his plans for his first 100 days? I mean, I believe in having a racewar and the day of the rope, but it was too much, even for me.
he found out about the extra terrestrials
Give proof nig
He learned how bad things really are, how much we truly meddle in foreign affairs.
More deceptive fucking shills from cow worshiping fags.
I am not saying it is Aliens
But it definitely looks like he was given news that not even he could have begun to expect and he now has a very heavy burden that he cannot reveal.
This. Its pretty obvious.
apparently acting polite/courteous/whatever is literally only something leftists can do
... as a leftist myself, that's a stupid notion.
>October 8th, 2016
>As Trump's campaign burns to the ground
He stepped into a whole new world of reality where their is nothing but pitfalls and traps at every corner.
Trump was never presented as a conservative, that's what made republicans pissy.
>Donald will go down as the president who jumped America ahead by 500 years after making a deal with the aliens. The US gets their tech exclusively and the aliens can eat all the illegals they want
He just looks tired tbqh, the last few days would have taken a YUGE toll on him.
Probably because he meme'd his way into a job he has no interest in doing.
Also, Aliens.
Someone didn't view his twitter, as well as his website. If he was replaced it must've failed terribly. I told you he wants to drain the swamp.
Fucking kek
This. I agree.
Trump wasn't the Democratic Party plant, it was the opposite all along.
Hillary was a DNC plant to ensure Trump wins, to fool the Republicans to vote for him when in reality, he's a Democrat.
thats exactly how you should look after accepting a big job with vast responsibilities and ur new
He was probably told that the president is actually a powerless figurehead who doesn't control anything.
This is such a shit meme.
We all know he got informed about our unelected rulers. But this about him talking like a shill is beyond stupid.
The man has 0 power right now. All he can do now is calm down his future subjects so that he can take the reigns. And big surprise the way you do that is by showing your inner liberal a bit so that they realize both sides of the isle have common ground.
Trump isn't selling us out, at least not so that we could tell yet. The man hasn't even had a chance to actually pick cabinet members and the media is already trying to make him look bad claiming ((anonymous sources)) gave them a list of potential cabinet.
Do you honestly trust the medias sources on the Trump campaign after this recent election cycle?
Do you honestly think Sarah Palin is on anybodies cabinet list?
Did you expect him to kick everyone out of Washington the day he won the election?
I'm tempted to call all of these Anti-Trump faggots CTR but you may really just be ill-informed and anxious.
As hard as it is to believe, it looks like he really is /ourguy/ we just need to have faith.
That's why we elected him. To start the great crusade.
have none of you seen his interviews hes a republican he holds republican values.
however he gets along with the common man, and doesnt give a fuck about social issues.
thats how it should be
>youre gay good for fucking you now fuck off about it
>*sigh* well that was fun. Here comes the tedious and boring part.
He generally looks like that if you take a random screencap of him while he's not talking, user. Think about how fucking tired he must be, the guy is 70 and just won the presidential election after staying up for days.
He never a governer.
So suddenly become president would make him very nervous.
i'm not either, not even taking the piss. Of course there's high level information only the current leader and next president know.
I'm not expecting him to do a 180 in personality, but it'd be a bit odd if the weight of shit doesn't change him a little.
He got humbled by people far more powerful than he could ever imagine.
The motherfucker just got elected 2 days ago and already you blockheads are coming with the conspiracies
It's a screenshot of video, senpai. And it isn't just that he isn't "happy," there is an expression there. What exactly it is open to interpretation, but I really do think he just got hit with some hardcore info. I mean, that's part of the first briefing: the "crown jewels" of government intel.
This happened
This is "the talk"
Nice concern trolling CTR
Go to maybe they can take you seriously there
>aliens are real
>nazis live inside the hollow earth and there's a secret war going on
>the president has to make the dishes for the illuminatus rex
>kennedy was murdered
>need to sacrifice a virgin every tuesday to keep satan from opening the gates of hell
>smoke more weed
>kennedy was murdered
>j-just talking to p-president obama.... hhaha...
>m-melania likes mrs. O