>yfw obama told everybody about ayy lmaos on jimmy kimmel
Yfw obama told everybody about ayy lmaos on jimmy kimmel
Die you fucking Barneyfag
fuckin get killed
literally get killed
die already
Why did you change your IP? :^)
Oh, it's you. Fuck off, vendettafag. There is still no reason for you to be here. Go wank to horses somewhere else.
Is the op a pony? Why is barney fag here?
No seriously, what is the purpose in doing this?
OP just wanted to harass me. I call him the vendettafag because he has an easy tell.
>Is the op a pony?
There really is no purpose for this. No fucking purpose in harassing people like this.
Fuck edmonton
I really hope you die when american immagrant into your land.
And yet for some reason, you somehow think you are in the clear simply by somehow being worse than I am.
Hopefully, that won't happen.
thats because he probably is a fucking alien then, fucking nog cunt he promised to release aliens before he leaves or someone wins the election.
You can stop posting now we get it. We dont need 40+images of this, please.
Did you think OP made this thread for any reason other than the sole purpose of harassing me?
I'm shutting this shit down is what I'm doing. This kind of behaviour is unacceptable.
Harassing people for not liking things is a kind of behaviour that shouldn't be tolerated.
Is it because Barney the dinosaur was ET propaganda intended to accustom humans to intelligent, ambulatory talking dinosaurs from an early age?
i dont get it, but i think obama was serious and was losing his mind a little explaining it.
>barney autist is a leaf
It all makes sense
Why do you go on this moral crusade against a reaction image that op might not have know was mlp related.
Fuck off degenerate
>Barneyfag is a leaf
Of course.
Oh, he fucking knew it.
I should know because he made a thread last night on /x/ with the same OP picture, but I got his shit deleted.
At least I don't live in the Trump country.
Proof :^)
>oh look a reaction image I dont hsve saved on /x/ of all places better save it.
Well, I was there. He always wants to harass me.
It seems like it's his only goal is to see me destroyed since most of the threads I've seen made by him are solely made to target me, but this can't be happening.
It never should be and it's just plain wrong.
You know, as much as I've heard this barneyfag shit tossed back and forth I've never really been able to understand it. Is the person who manages to stealth post mlp related content the barneyfag, or is it the person who calls them out for it. Sorry for asking to be spooned information, just thought I'd ask.
*considered the barney fag
Sorry, didn't make much sense without a correction.
Barneyfag is both the poster and the guy who freaks out over it.
>Is the person who manages to stealth post mlp related content the barneyfag
That's what I call them, but plural, so no "the".
>is it the person who calls them out for it.
That's what people call me because that was my go-to insult for them.
The fuck is all of this autistic shit?
Get the fuck off Sup Forums with this childish bullshit
Consider the following:
The universe is roughly 14 billion years old.
Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago.
Life on earth is about 3.7 billion years old.
Dinosaurs died off 65 million years ago in what is called a Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event. This was basically a reset button on earth's evolutionary process. There were 5 mass extinctions in earth's known history, that's 5 complete resets in evolution.
Now consider there are billions of billions of planets out there, many of which did not undergo mass extinctions. These planets would be over 65-300million years more evolved than us. They would be all over us, greeting us and helping us or destroying us. They wouldn't hover around in the sky for a few moments and then fly away like "Haha can't find us" they wouldn't need to, there would be no reason for this behavior.
There are NO ETI. We would have met them, we would be eating and drinking with them or we would be their slaves by now.
Berney and mlp come on different channels in america canadian televison is just the only place in th word that does that.
>even canadian bronies are worst than normal
Go say that to OP, he's the one who's trying to force a shitty toddlers' show onto us.
Hi Mr. Wu
Shit, so how does one point it out without being considered one. Or it that the point, does calling out mlp shit make you the/a barneyfag for recognizing it in the first place.
Also, thanks for the response. Have a nifty pepe.
Are you banned from all toy stores for destroying the mlp aisle chrischan-esque
You do realize that by sperging out about it as much as you do, you're spreading it around more than OP is right?
Just report and let mods handle it.
Late post best post.
Nope, haven't went to any toy stores in the past 5 years
>Shit, so how does one point it out without being considered one.
Google Image Search.
How long have you been waiting for the opportunity to use this
Well, at least we know that if you post these threads then you use a proxy.
Neck yourself, user's Pie Adventures fag
You seem a little steamed about this
Btw, just a generic pic of user, doesn't break the rules leaf.
That's been around for several weeks now.
Now consider there are billions of billions of planets out there, many of which did not undergo mass extinctions. These planets would be over 65-300million years more evolved than us
There aren't billions of planets, there are billions of GALAXIES. Even an extremely advanced race might not be able to find our backwater shithole galaxy in all the vastness of space.
>They would be all over us, greeting us and helping us or destroying us. They wouldn't hover around in the sky for a few moments and then fly away like "Haha can't find us"
You're making a completely unbased assumption on how aliens would behave when you know nothing about them
Get killed degenerate
Your sperghing out over it is more obnoxious than any reaction image from any cartoon ever will be, especially when it's not even recognizable to people who aren't autistically obsessed with it (like you).
>actively defending people forcing shitty toddlers' shows onto us
You're just as bad.
I know they don't exist. If there is an ETI that has progressive technology in mind enough to develop a flying ship to come to Earth, they are similar to humans and from that we can conclude a lot. There would not just be one planet out there with ETI, there would be billions. At least one, two, three billion of those ETI would be vicious and destructive.
Really, if Trump just decides to nuke America, I wouldn't be completely surprised and I'd almost be thankful
Canadia made mlp and hasbro HG is based there
my sides
Do your parents know you're up this late?
Don't you have retard therapy tomorrow?
>nuke America
You DO realize they animate the show in Canadia right?
Get killed
Well, that's still where most of the degenerates that harass me are so if he does plan a nuclear strike and a good chunk of the country goes with it, then I'd be all the happier.
Pretty much this
Fuck blatant MLP shit but if you can't even tell without having already seen the uncropped pic why does it even matter?
Look at the fucking OP and tell me people would have noticed without it being pointed out and linked in the first post.
Should ban the faggot that linked it if anything.
It's a sign of how successful /mlp/ has been that every last person on this board instantly knows this is humanized Fluttershy.
In all honesty you've probably contributed to making more Anons curious about the fandom and even made a few join it due to your autism.
Congrats, you're your own worst enemy
>Fuck blatant MLP shit but if you can't even tell without having already seen the uncropped pic why does it even matter?
If the rule simply stated "Pony images and threads belong on /mlp/, then you might be able to stake a claim", but the fact that it says "ALL pony/brony images, threads, flashes and avatars belong on /mlp/" pretty much means we have to be on a witch hunt for these fuckers.
Dude I watched that show for over 2 years and I didn't notice.
God damn you need to get a fucking grip.
You're twice as autistic as bronies.
Shows how many degenerates there are.
Not really. I'm just acting pretty normal.
holy fucking derailment batman. I wanted to discuss the presidents comments not mlp trash
>implying the president has high enough security clearance to know anything about ufos or aliemz
>I'm just acting pretty normal.
Is animu posting okay?
>Official Sup Forums 10th anniversary panel
Stay mad
>this behavior
That's what happens when their shit's not allowed outside of containment.
Well, it is. You're just not redpilled on degeneracy
That was fast
Let this sink in: you're a leaf that hates Trump and is obsessed with discovering stealthy MLP related imagery who gets harassed regularly: the entire autism spectrum shines forth from each one of your posts you marvel. You're a wonder of the modern world, a relic of condensed metal illness, you know that? I don't have to have any opinion on a cartoon to know you're so far beyond deserving the ridicule you get it's just tragic. If nobody recognizes one of these pictures, do you think this is part of some plan to subtly indoctrinate us or something? Society isn't being hurt by this: it's not changing our behavior aside from triggering you. It's a reaction image m8. Hide it or scroll by if you don't like it. Why do you have to point out the origin of these things and link us to a fucking booru of pony images for God's sake? What do you think you're accomplishing? I'd be willing to bet money you're only driving people towards this show you despise: you make it look healthy by comparison to your obsession. The thing is you derailed this thread with how strange you are, not the pic that triggered you. How much MLP do you have to consume to be able to identify each and every image like this? Pic related is my reaction to your existence.
Yeah, it was surprisingly.
>Rationalizing with a retard
user don't....
>If nobody recognizes one of these pictures, do you think this is part of some plan to subtly indoctrinate us or something?
YES IT IS. This is how they try to deceive you.
>Society isn't being hurt by this
Oh, you'd be surprised how this ISN'T the case.
>Why do you have to point out the origin of these things and link us to a fucking booru of pony images for God's sake?
Just to make sure mods know it's supposed to be MLP-related so they can ban these faggots.
>Just to make sure mods know it's supposed to be MLP-related so they can ban these faggots.
And they come back in two days
So you accomplish what exactly?
I still hate degenerates
Look into my eyes.
We president now.
I'm having a hard time believing it.
Who wants to bet that the guy sperging out is the same user sperging out in these threads?
It true, it's absolutely true, leafs are the worst posters. I see it every day.
Woo, even when it isn't ponies, it's fucking ponies.
Barneyfag is retarded, as long as a pictures been uploaded to derpibooru he'll cry about it, even if the pics been around for 10 years beforehand, genuine autism
The truth? This. (Note: Not some random ISIS site, as they got a hold of it far before the modern age of terrorism.)
Just to let them know they're not wanted.
Get killed.
We can't have them shilling.