Stephen Colbert to Trump: "What does Putin's dick taste like?"

what the fuck

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What does Hilary's Cunt taste like?


Pfffhahahaha! He's so salty.

The man who singlehandedly destroyed the Late Show. I wonder if Letterman has anything to say or wants to come out of retirement.

Ugh how homophobic I can't even

I actually had a tiny amount of respect for the way he handled the news earlier about Hillary losing. The whole night all he could was peddle horrible humor into a situation he hated. The thing I admired was that he admitted that democrats were a flawed movement as it stood.

The fact he is going along with this propoganda shit is a big low for him. I haven't watched him in years and it seems like it will stay that way. His tears are still delicious.

He's desperate. He knows CBS will cancel his show soon and replace him with Craig Ferguson because of how bad his ratings are.

FFS, he has lower ratings than Seth Meyers, and Seth's show is an hour later.....

Sup Forums, may I suggest a overt meme operation? We'll spread #CancelColbert like wildfire. We'll demand that he be replaced with someone who is actually funny.

holy shit that salt

Stephen Colbert just wants to suck Trump's dick so he can finally know what greatness tastes like

>Spread #CancelColbert

Yeah, because that worked out so great last time. Just let the faggot burn out on his own.

close family friend of the Colberts here,

Stephen is a wreck, he barely gets any sleep after what happened Nov. 8th. He has called random officials in Washington D.C. and harangued them with bizarre ravings. He also sent a mass email full of gibberish to some of his political contacts. Last night I discovered him curled up in the fetal position with blonde hair dye and spray tanner saying, "To destroy him, I must become him." over and over.

We are all very worried about him and we are pressuring him to take a break from his show.

He literally just said in the clip that this was an off the air remark. You want him to bow down and suck Trump's dick 24/7 just because he won? The dude obviously loathes the guy on a personal basis, but he loves America. That's what his sign off speech was all about.

the seeds of democracy will never grow with all this salt coming from the left

Gagged a little desu

i think he genuinely wants to know and envies the possibility

Where did this 'Putin' thing come from.

Why is everyone so obsessed with agitating against Russia/

It's insane -- it's like bizzzaro world. I though the left were the peaceful people who didn't want to be sabre rattlers?

Now it's like that can't spark up a war fast enough!

It is the strangest thing I've ever witnessed.


I don't know of anyone who watches him anymore since he left Comedy Central. I know he was a fictional character or whatever, but he should have stuck to that, because his jokes are as cringy as the front page of 9gag.

then Trump says to him "Colbert...your fired"

His sign off speech was a desperate fetal position "don't hurt me" after months of his trash talk. He got too arrogant, he and his liberal bubble, and the election results gave them a rude awakening.

cause Russia is bad m'kay, we need another cold war m'kay.

it seems like he is a stereotypical leftie, not even a smart one.
he makes some superficial commentary on things everybody already read on the news
uh great

Muh Russian boogie man:DD

Better check under bed 4 reds :DDDD

Can't we just dox colbert?

Because they're the last acceptable target the "tolerant" left has. You can't go around making fun of corrupt commie chinks or too-rich-to-function saudi princes anymore, it's racist or islamophobic.

It is the "party switching" thing that the dems use to absolve themselves of being racists in the mid 1900s. Trump is enough of a disruptor to make it happen, especially when the dems have been taken over by SJWs.

I say this as a former democrat who voted R for the first time this year.

das homophobic and russophobic, where did I put my zyklon b?

That was during the infancy of his show, where the execs probably were saying "it'll get better". The ratings since then have demonstrated the opposite; that he is unable to attract a growing audience, and has managed to lose viewers. Strike while ratings are low and the iron is hot.

That's why he's asking Trump what Putin's dick tastes like right? Because he's so scared?

Do you even think?

I used to like him at one point.

This cuck is an overrated piece of shit. Why does everybody kiss this dude's ass ass all the time. He is clever I'll give him that. But he's not the kind of guy who anybody really laughs at. His best work was Strangers with Candy on Comedy Central all those years ago. How has he managed to parlay it into this huge success exactly? Somebody at the top wanted him there, nobody else cared.

The left are only peaceful when they get their way. When they don't, we could literally use terrorism laws against them.

>at least we aren't broadcasting right now
WE NEED TO SPREAD THIS. I can't believe he's fallen this much after leaving CC

better than all out nuclear war over some shitty no fly zone

maybe it's because I don't poison my mind by tuning in to the 24 hour news network or obsessing over every single political tweet that comes out of every single person's mouth of every single day, but I just watched that speech. He's tired. He's tired of hating and being hated. Dude wants to go back to a time when we got along, when families and friendships weren't torn apart because of one day every 4 years. I can sympathize with the man.

Someone needs to shoop Colbert's face on McCarthy just for the memes


Yeah of course he's thinking about sucking dicks

Well that's incredibly homophobic.

It also implies that dick-sucking is bad, which is incredibly misogynistic as well. Not to mention slut-shaming.

Check your privilege.

he had a real chance. its better to pretend he died in 2012. his shows when he was over in afghanistan were fucking hilarious. he saved the 2012 winter olympics. he helped our space program early on. he had a god damn eagle named after him.

he was something different, and now hes corrupted


Well then let's do it once and for all. For Trump.

Wow, I used to be okay with Colbert. What the fuck happened?

his tears.
it's saltier than the dead sea.

Fuck Putin and fuck Russian people.

salty milk and coins

He's a comedian that has left leanings with a deep personal understanding of the bias prejudice people from the american south face on a day by day basis from northerners. You're seeing aspects of his personality that aren't there.

That's a lot mad right there lol

as ironic as it may be, pic related. havent seen one bit of proof it was *ever the russians, and they were blamed a few hours after the dnc got hacked

This offended me greatly, where do I collect my fee-fees reimbursement?

He showed his true form.

better than Obama's, he should know as a presstitute

>The left suddenly become racist, hateful, homophobic warmongers

This is The Big Lie, they aren't "the good guys" and they never have been. But they've been saying it so loudly and for so long that people follow them like the Pied Piper to their own destruction.

Probably the same as John Stewarts dick

>He's tired of hating and being hated. Dude wants to go back to a time when we got along, when families and friendships weren't torn apart

That time never existed in my lifetime. Only difference was the degree of severity.

Things are bad now, but they were never good to begin with because it's far too profitable to tear the "other" down.

everyone around me has turned into the same people who said obama would take all of our guns and force our children to read from the quran, preaching hatred at half of the country because they voted incorrectly

but none of them see it

A lot better than irradiated dirt caused by a nuclear exchange.

How homophobic.

I had a qt conservative girl tell me she didn't like Trump because he was a friend of Putin. Like WTF. I Told her that peace with Russia was better than war with Russia. Radio silence on that one

I even had another moderate/indepentent friend of mine say that Trump has no position other than
and when i said that he articulated killing ISIS with russia and not giving a shit about regime change in Syria, he proclaimed that Russia hasn't dropped a bomb on ISIS and is only fighting non-radical rebels

literally what the fuck why are people so blind and retarded?

So glad nobody actually watches his show. And to think I used to love this guy.

Fuck Colbert

Haven't watched a single episode of his show

He is irrelevant, they all are

Here you go

Disgusting. I guess I shouldn't be even a little bit disappointed, but I honestly didn't expect this guy to be this classless.


spiraling downwards

>tfw snowden steals an unmarked white van

Hope this smug hack gets BTFO'd like Obama

what a retarded faggot, too bad we arent actually facist and cant storm every fucking media building and execute these faggots

What does his twitter say??

>all those faggots on the video with his statement after the election saying he was trying to heal the wounds

Never trust a leftist


I seriously doubt that. He and Jon Stewart made a career over childish rhetoric over substance. They're also responsible for John Oliver and Samantha Bee. I don't even watch TV but I have to keep hearing coworkers and friends fawn over Oliver youtube clips. That content is just pure cancer. Colbert will go back to his routine the next day because he's too far in to his own game. Oliver and Bee for the next 4 years will be DUDE TRUMP LMAO

>inb4 Your fired!
I swear. before I got redpilled I loved this man's show. thought it witty and proactive even.

Then 2008 happened, and the times that followed it., and every. fucking, time. He sides with the globalists, the ones in power, the people that ruined people that live in semi-rural areas like me, ones THAT ARE STILL FUCKING FEELING 2008

Once trump gets in, he is gonna need to make good on his promise to clean up the media. We're gonna have fucking civil uprisings all over if this issue isn't fixed, these people will burn if they continue this.


god. i wish i had saved images from that thread where some guy cracked a password "protected" file when the password was literally "2016".

these fucking idiots

there were no winter Olympics in 2012

I was thinking the same thing. Hillary felt far more deranged than even Sarah Palin in her contempt for Russia. Sure, we had a lot of national pride during the cold war, but most people are sensible enough to believe we can regain that pride without returning to the edge of nuclear war. How ironic is it that the Democrats shift to neocon warmonger status kicked off with Obama being awarded the nobel peace prize? I can't even believe this is real life.

Better than nuclear radiation I'd imagine.

I would love to see someone strom this cucks studio and beat him up for hours while the canned laugh track plays.

>few short days ago
>"We've all got to band together and be American. We've gotta find common ground and be thankful it's just over."

At least Tek Jenson's still funny.

Makes me wish that wikileaks hacked colbert.


lets meme this

>Trump prevented WW3
This is what liberals have become.

woops, older than i thought. 2010 winter olympics

>Colbert kept in character through 10 years of television and a congressional hearing
>got so butthurt by Trump he broke it
Damn he just gets to them doesn't he? It's fucking magical.

>not wanting to endure nuclear armageddon and the death of all life on earth makes you a cocksucker


We can do it Sup Forums.

To be fair they were held in London.

>That was during the infancy of his show
No it was near the end of the Colbert report.
He did an impression of a Chinese person or something and got the sjws mad.
Now he panders to them like crazy.

Even if they get low ratings knowing CBS. they're still gonna air his show. We need to do something to make sure he's off the air forever.

>spew vitriol and hate for the past decade and a half just to get ratings

give me a break dude

Their smugness has gone to their heads to such a dangerous extreme that they almost started WW3.

They have no fucking idea how lucky they are that we won this election.

Hillary needed to deflect the heat on her about her scandals so she just blamed Russia for everything. The press ate it up and tried to rekindle that old cold war fear, then act out of confirmation bias when Putin comes on and says the obvious that if it's Hillary, it's war and Putin doesn't want to wake up one day to half of the motherland being a smoking crater, so he acted in his peoples best interest and told her to get fucked.
She can't blame terrorists because they're stupid sand people and she needs brown votes, so she blames a classic enemy who's white and technologically sophisticated and has a history of espionage.

The only reason he said it was because he was off the air you moron

It's like the stages of grief, but in reverse.


I like the idea of turning into liberals and accusing him of anti gay hate speech.

"Oh so if i give my boyfiend head i am a bitch now?"

No come back for that right?

I thought this stupid cuck was moving out of America

Didn't he say he was going to go?


We memed Brexit, we memed Trump to power, and we'll meme Colbert out of TV existence.

They'd gladly give Colbert his golden parachute if enough people wanted to replace him with Craig Ferguson.

how does a man who is supposed to be intelligent and reasonable fall for the "trump works for putin" meme? love the butthurt though