This video sums up liberals
trans / mentally unstable / autistic

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What a disgusting fucking home. you can tell he hasnt vacuumed since he started renting that shitty apartment.

Something tells me this fat mess will lose all remnants of sanity it had left.

You have no idea who this is, do you?

the funny thing is the place is new it was completely redone a year ago when his home burnt down so that carpet is a year old
also if you want to know more about him check out SONICHU.COM my favorite part of his history is when he pepper sprayed a gamestop employee because sonics arms changed color

>you're mean
>Die, Trump. Die.

Liberal hypocrisy in a nutshell. I'm just glad nobody can mistake that thing for an actual woman.

if chris had the ability to kill trump do you think he would do it

Best part is when he's stroking one out to what he thinks is a chick on skype and the ol'internet lumberjack Bob shows up ready to cut down the internet. Worth the 20min, JULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

R.I.P BOB best saga was the game place ... the crazy one

Bob would have prevented this
He was very redpilled

bob was the only normal member of that house

It's clear he's mentally retarded. There's no need to insult him.

I don't think so, he just got up cause while chris was stroking one out the house got a few calls of people telling him Chris is going to hurt himself, then Bob is yelling go wake your mother up to handle this, I don't think Bob gave 2 shits, except for the trolls waking him and seeing Chris rub one out.

he ran a guy over for banning him from a hobby shop then tried to snap pictures of the guys kid

he pepper sprayed a gamestop employee begause sega changed the color of sonics arms

thats just 2 of the many things he did i did not even get to the really bad stuff

It's been FUCKING YEARS since Chris Chan hasn't done something autistic. I missed him.

Pretty sure Chris would attempt an assassination. He won't succeed because he is retarded, but he has been getting violent

>tfw he somehow got even more disgusting

this whole election he has been nothing but autistic

>Trumps get assassinated with pepper spray

chris already called for someone to shoot trump on facebook but facebook deleted it ... wish i had a screenshot

What? The guy recently thought his ass neck was turning into a pussy by listening to binaural beats that he thinks stimulate estrogen, his ass neck was just infected from a piercing he took out. There are picks of it too, but damnit trust me, you don't want to see them.

i have seen them and i honestly still feel sick after all these months mostly because he said it was oozing with pus oh god imagine the smell

P-please show pictures. T-thanks.

i would but that would require me to see them again

punch in chris chan vagina infection on gaggles, click first results, scroll down, they even warn

after you look at them remember we warned you

Jesus fuck.

you were warned my brotha, you were warned.