Get in here. This is probably just the beginning.
what else is new?
They're going to bitch and cry about bullshit like "lawful assembly" (blocking freeways
these mother fuckers have been rioting for almost 3 years now. They just change the excuse every 6 months.
But why
It's the left showing their true colors.
They are anarchists
>libs protesting in lib cities
wow it's fucking nothing
Is anybody else a little scared.
CNN is just showing the riots and demonstrations and the anchors have these weird ever so slight trollfaces going. Guests are demanding to know what the game is here. The anchors answer as little as possible, smirking all the while.
Would the Globalists do it? I mean totally Arab Spring this shit to force Trump from taking office and then stamping out the electoral college?
They are literally saying 'Fuck Democracy' at that point.
they wouldn't dare try and overturn an election cause it's the one way to actually start armed rebellion and they have no way to win that.
You didn't assume Soros would give up without a fight do you?
Faggot vegan libs dont have guns, I do.
>city votes blue
>country votes red
>blue destroys city
>red has a beer
Gee. What a surprise.
Libs rioting against democracy and becoming violent animals when they lose an election.
It's almost like the crocodile tears they shed about being "afraid" of Trump calling the election rigged and inciting riots was just yet another example of projection.
That's not even talking about the Democrats and Soros financing insurrection.
Fookin' CIA, do your jobs.
>libs riot and fuck up places that voted for the person they want to become president
>tfw i'm driving to Portland on Saturday
They are trying to tarnish Trump's presidency before it starts.
Hey I noticed you btw. These shouldnt go unchecked
FOX just had a break in that said it was declared a riot. They usually don't break in unless it's breaking news or 30 after.
The media will (and are) run these images incessantly, as proof that the "people" do not want Trump, and is "inciting violence".
This is like his rallies, on a mass scale.
Go down there, attack people, then call it "Trump Inspired " violence.
This is going to go for 4 years. Like an SJW Spring.
They're worried about Muh Russians (well, pretend to be), meanwhile a Hungarian and possibly others are pouring cash into a rebellion.
However - If Trumps policy creates decent paying jobs and gets loans flowing...The white kids will get bored and go home.
If it DOESN'T....who knows.
>force Trump from taking office
That would absolutely result in civil war. And the cities would be utterly fucked within a week.
cucks don't leave their safe spaces
But Portland is white. That's the twist.
FOX showed footage of a line of cars with their windows broken out and said store windows were broken. Riot police are out and have tear gas.
That's the best part, it's happening in liberal cities and states that were for Clinton. The damage done is just even more hilarious.
This will only turn more moderates and undecided voter red.
Whoa. That may be the highest level of contrast I've ever seen.
their lives are so meaningless and boring they need a dumb excuse like liberalism to fuck their own town up
It becomes a riot when police get sick of their shit. It means tear gas, batons, and horses time.
Buckle up for some fun leaf.
Tell them to get jobs.
They've done it before, and they'll do it again.
Portland is liberal central. Let it burn.
And at least those participating in the Arab Spring had guns and were willing to kill leaders. These protesters are just have bats and only damaging property in their neighborhood.
Cop just tackled a protestor in Baltimore on live tv. ITS. FUCKING. HAPPENING. RIOTS IN BALTIMORE (again)
I agree.
The video clip of the Mustang doing donuts is from a previous protest. Looks like they're recycling stock footage to build the protests up to be more than they are. We should highlight this.
this is their only play now. they only go one direction, they're not going to change course and say lets support trump and work within the system for our goals. now it's all out anit-constitutional law etc. when obama won it was, lets respect the institutions. these people have no integrity.
America clearly hates Trump. He needs to step down already or else he'll be the first dictator
I really think we should just let the SJWs have the west coast. Let them have their own purely SJW nation on the west and let's see how well they do.
I'm deeply interested in seeing what kind of country they make for themselves. I expect unprecedented failure.
America clearly hates Liberals, they better cut their shit before we push them into the ocean and take their land
whats the point of having big agencies like the CIA, FBI, Homeland security, etc. if theyre just going to sit back and let these rioters burn our cities down every 2 months?
trump is not going to let this fucking happen, he has alluded that BLM is a terrorist group. this is a terrorist group as well.
it would be so bad they would be asking North Korea for food aid
Implying CIA isn't the military branch of the Illuminati
They wouldn't survive anarchy m8. There's no safe spaces when its truly might makes right
Glad I got out of there in time.
It's the creation of a soundbite down the line. Later on they'll show it when it's convenient, with some smug female announcer trying to sound erudite as she says "Trump's controversial presidency began with riots among minority and women voters who felt insulted, belittled, and demeaned by remarks made during the President's campaign against Hillary Clinton." Cut to soundbites of him being a meanie.
Screenshot this.
Can baristas and online bloggers run a country?
I think it takes more expertise than that.
the jews will start a civil war like they did in 1860 but this time the jews have more influence than just the slave trade so we'll lose
no you idiot
send them to mexico then tell them they don't owe us shit for the wall
this land is our land
I get more disgusted with these liberals every day.
They are nothing more than self-righteous spoiled brats that feel it is OK to throw a tantrum and destroy things just because they did not get what they want.
Cut off the cities. Let them starve. Look at the electoral map by county. These beasts will be eating each other in a month if they started shit.
It's not a riot. It's a tantrum.
The same cucks who wants guncontrol vs Armed Trump supporters+The armed forces of the United states?
You do not need to worry, Trump has been elected according to the US constitution and there is no ground for him being stopped from entering office.
Just imagine, when Trump follows through with defending sanctuary cities and states, the West Coast will be the first to fall. Surprisingly other midwest states as well.
A riot is basically just a mass tantrum.
>I5 closed in Portland
>Firetruck and Ambulance can't repond as quickly due to doomsday traffic
>People die that could have been saved
>People who are most likely liberals, because its freaking Portland.
MFW the Leftists are literally kill each other - and all the righwing cops are raking in dat juicy overtime pay from liberal city-dwelling tax dollars.
Have fun slipping back into the bad timeline, defeatist faggot. I will soon bathe myself in the blood of people like you
>I really think we should just let the SJWs have the west coast.
No. You concede, they're gonna keep pushing. Show them no quarter.
If they try it, the Second American Civil War will get under way and be ended pretty fucking quick because I'd imagine large chunks of the military and police aren't going to stand for a Soros-backed coup vanguarded by a bunch of teenagers, blue hairs, blacks and Mexicans and will appropriately BTFO all of them ending it within a week.
I don't understand. Why don't they just shoot them?
I think the police are just getting there, telling them to disperse.
Really? You have to ask why police are hesitant to gun down people in the street?
they're pushing more people right each day with this shit.
Didn't it happen at one of the previous limp outs some months back? An ambulance was trying to rush a heart attack victim to the hospital, couldn't and then the person died or some shit.
It's a fatal mistake to assume this is just a tantrum, it's paid, organized and purposeful rioting in order to convince the electoral college to vote for Hillary in December to 'save the country from violence'.
Not allowed to thanks to King Obongo and the MSM demonizing any cop who looks crosseyed at a black criminal.
Yes their influence of spending all that money on Clinton's campaign against trump really worked. Along with all their networks and fake polls 24/7 telling everyone how Trump can't win.
If they're not worried yet..they're not as smart as we thought.
It's their answer to fucking everything.
>Implying we don't have Sweden as an early warning system.
>Trump elected president
>Go outside and burn your largely liberal city to the ground in protest
Giuliani is going to be in charge of the justice department soon.
He's not going to give a fuck what the media says. The media has no real power when push comes to shove, and cops are going to be grinning ear from ear as they get the okay to start cracking skulls against the people who have been demonizing them for doing their jobs.
Kind of yeah, if it gets this bad shouldn't they do something?
Better question is why normal citizens don't do it themselves. Then there's no "but cops can't do that :(" excuse.
>But why
Because they are spoiled children.
Who knew that when they said their would be violence and racist acts if Trump was elected president that they were actually talking about themselves?
"You voted for Trump, which causes me to be violent! It's your fault!"
And they are still blaming white America, despite the fact it was minorities too. 1/3rd of the counties that voted for Obama in both his elections voted for Trump.
it's not like all those people in syria and libya just had small arms, anti tank missiles and manpads laying around. someone gave those arms to those people when the decision was made to start a civil war.
Several friends have been livestreaming it, the glory of going to a liberal college. Fucking hilarious, cops on megaphones asking protestors to leave the square, protestors just yelling "black lives matter" and other slogans.. fucking dead l m a o
>So much comfort these past few days basking in liberal tears
It's a no-win situation. Anyone who starts shooting at the rioters is going to be demonized.
Maybe they just heard Trump say how we would be completely rebuilding our infrastructure and wanted to get a head start at making america great again.
phone number for the portland news desk it seems
someone call em?
They're starting the demo work.
This is what we should do. California and Oregon are beautiful, Washington too. They don't deserve those places. They can have some funky badlands somewhere. Not the Indian ones, they get to keep those.
>anti-Trump protest is a riot
I think they were just trying to say it's hilarious.
Exactly. If they like Mexico so much, they need to go there. And stay there.
Nah, some riots can be justified. This is just self destruction and to robbing.
Kek, exactly
According to this angry woman, it is unpresidential to denounce protests where masses of people are cheering on this kind of savage retard behavior: