Fuck Trump, fuck the backward ass country. You'll be safer, and free from discrimination. Justin Trudeau will save you from hell. We welcome you.
We welcome any Democrats and liberal Americans minded that wants to take refugee in Canada
fuck off kid I don't want more deranged children coming here
are you saying they should make like a tree and leaf?
Thank you for taking all our dindu's, illegals, and shitheads.
American refugees are criminals and rakists.
Build the fence and keep them out. Don't let these primitives rake our leaves.
Make autumn great again
No we do not, and I will endeavor to destroy any I find.
How does Canada treat blacks?
Trudeau IS hell. You really think you speak for everyone?
>taking even more refugees
>wants to find liberal Americans
>goes on Sup Forums
No we don't fuck off
fuck no
Trudeau is currently inviting boatloads of midnight black, I'm talking pure fucking African, immigrants into the country
They don't even need to speak English or French, they are still being granted citizenship
But the backlash is coming
If you want them, they're all yours leaf. Didn't know you were that hard up for labor in the syrup mines tho.
Separatism just became Stronger
No. When America sends its people they don't send their best.
>Thinking Canada is immune to this sentiment
Say hi to your wife's son for me
No we don't.
Also it's next to impossible to get into Canada, and you can't easily marry in either as your partner in Canada has to economically support you for 2 years at least. If you separate and go on benefits, the Canadian spouse has to pay for it.
>mfw they'd all end up going to vancouver, toronto, montreal, and nothing would change
Hope they'd enjoy all the immigrants and refugees there though lmao
You're the reason why this country is failing.
thank you Canada for sacrificing yourselves
please take all of our niggers, feminists, and other weakminded individuals. it will be that much easier to maximize the death toll when we nuke you.
Yes canada take all our liberals and mexicans then give them free heroin
Shut up you broke piece of shit, some of us pay close to 100k in taxes a year so that trudeau can import literal savages while 660,000 canadian elderly languish in abject poverty. Fuck you. Idiot.
Please. I'll donate time and money.
fuckin lol
>Fuck Trump, fuck the backward ass country. You'll be safer, and free from discrimination. Justin Trudeau will save you from hell. We welcome you.
Come to Toronto and Vancouver.
Get the jobs that aren't there and buy the house you can't afford.
How will you pay for the Syrians then?
It'd be easier to just implement a naval blockaid on both coasts, stop all exports across the border (see: food), and ground all the air traffic via air superiority.
From then, it would just be a matter of moving the artillery units to the edge of the northern border and completely non-stop relentless bombarding the major target areas into complete ruin and submission. Literally a non-existent supply chain travel to worry about, then just send in the boots after everyone is cold, starving, broke, dehydrated, etc
Honestly, our country is beyond saving. Even our Conservatives are cucked. I don't mind becoming a haven for libcucks so that they all come to Canada, leaving behind the rational-minded people in other countries. In this way can Canada truly benefit the world through tolerance: becoming a quarantine that tries not to implode through (i.e. tolerate) SJWs.
It's funny because Harper left us in a bad state. He raped our economy. Now Trudeau is literally undoing all the damages. I warn you same shit will happen to the U.S and some democrat president will have undo all the economic damages done by Trump. Mark my word.
Why doesn't Mexico just just send their criminals to Canada if Trudeau wants them so bad?
>and completely non-stop relentless bombarding the major target areas
So, everything?
Shhh ;^)
>Even our Conservatives are cucked
>Honestly, our country is beyond saving. Even our Conservatives are cucked
This. Abandon hope all yee who enter here
A lot of the criminals are from south America and Africa (thanks, Soros)
Right now we have a nigger crisis in the south
>Because It's The Current Year
Fuck my ass. I thought it was satire until I saw the LGBTory pic. Now, I don't know what to think.
You can have all our blacks, mexicans, and traitor whites. It will just help turn this country into a paradise.
Who cares, send the drug cartels to Canada
Not all hope is lost, Trump was saying he wants to work together in the future the other day.
> a libcuck
what do YOU think?
The reason some of us decided to take the "red pill" this time around can be summed up in Hillary's 4th paragraph, right around the part where she writes "...the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL..."
(sometimes threads get deleted when this link gets posted)
basically this