Wasington post pissed at 4 chan
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good god
We fucking warned them how it was going to go down. It's those faggot's faults for not listening and acting like a bunch of uppity bitches now that it didn't go their way.
How the fuck is this news? Are they just out of material and don't give a shit anymore because they will soon be out of work?
what the hell? lurking imageboards counts as news i guess.
The article doesn't even have any original content (other than explaining a meme here and there).
Well, they got my click.
I'm at a pub. I'm about to get kicked out for laughing beer all over the table
>Sup Forums has, over the course of Trump’s >ascendancy to president-elect, watched in >delighted astonishment as its little fringe of >Internet life made its way repeatedly into the >mainstream conversation of the elections. This is, >after all, the decade-old Internet forum whose >beloved Pepe meme caused a weeks-long >national panic — and a denunciation from the >Clinton campaign — in September because of its >new popularity among white-supremacist Trump >backers.
kek still forces them to speak of him i love it
is this even real life.. what the fuck... HAHAHA
I have a feeling there will be an even bigger spotlight on Sup Forums now
I am more pissed that some shithead is getting paid just for writing this shit
There was a reasonable chance of happenings starting here. Sup Forums, along with /r/the_donald and 8ch/pol/ were the epicenters of the analysis of Podesta emails.
Sad that they didn't have anything better to do, like actually trying to understand the Trump voters and the cultural divide in this country.
You know, little things. I hope any journalists on here take the time to read Glenn Greenwald's warnings:
>when you buy your own newspaper for a quarter billion dollars to run propaganda for you and it fails
jesus christ that dude cataloged everything that happened on Sup Forums that night. i feel like im re living it just reading it.
Sup Forums Sup Forums chronicler is apparently a paid position in the WaPo.
Where do I apply?
>write article about Sup Forums
>normies come here to see what it's actually like
>redpill some of them
Washington Post, nooo!
it was a magical night. this article made me feel it again.
What a sorry piece of shit "newspaper".
How fucking sad are you when you run a Sup Forums Sup Forums story in your sorry paper.
This just goes to show how truly fucked up American "journalism" is....
>Washington Post writers actually lurk here to spy on us
Hey writer. Just wanted to let you know, literally nobody outside of the brainwashed cabals of NYC and LA takes your paper remotely seriously. Your job is a fucking laughing stock to the people of this country, and once the market changes to reflect that, you will literally be out on your ass with no skills and nothing but a false sense of superiority.
>“I’m f—— trembling out of excitement brahs,” one 4channer wrote Tuesday night, adding a very excited Pepe the Frog drawing. “We actually elected a meme as president.”
The end of this article isn't even an indictment.
Guys I've noticed Washington Post's articles getting more and more accurate recently when talking about Trump and why he's popular even though him and Bezos are still fighting. They've obviously been studying us.
Did... Did we red pill the WashPo staff?
> we have the power to elect major world leaders now
> we have the power to make the biggest propaganda media fear us
You're witnessing the next step in the campaign to bring us down
They're trying to stop this from ever happening again. Butthurt fucks could've been impartial and professional and shit might've been different. So now they want to silence the unruly internet and get control of the narrative for next time.
They just don't get that suppressing shit doesn't stop it. It just bubbles under the surface somewhere else.
No, there's just been a bit of slack accidentally given to the slightly thoughtful ones in the disorienting aftermath of the election. Even Chris Matthews was able to make some clear headed points that would have been shouted down a week ago. It's a brief window of opportunity for the slightly more perceptive and level headed.
Tom Brokaw was even pointing out on the NBC panel prior to the acceptance speech that most journalists are from and live east of the Hudson.
Hey WaPo put this in your next article to show why you lost:
And this for a more detailed analysis:
They'll definitely be smarter about it now. The neocons of the right, RINOs if you prefer, are taking serious notes as well. Soros is likely having strategy meetings now.
Kek confirms it!
No, lamestream journalists aka paid bloggers trawl Sup Forums for material. Theres an article that made it to infowars about Katy Perry buttrage revolution that I saw reported on pol first
I just did the math. We made him lose $3.94Billion dollars in net worth. Amazon stock went down 6% post election.
BTFO. God of chaos indeed praise kek
Umm, we didn't do that.
Kek willed it.
Black Friday deals are probably going to be shit again too.
They even directly linked the celebration video in the article
I wonder how shitty it must feel to be an outsider, looking in at the pure joy of the election night win for Sup Forums
Then have to write an article about it.
Abby Ohlheiser, Washington Post
Spies on male virgins shitposting on the internet
Doubt that. I am seeing CTR attacks tho it can't be CTR, their campaign is over so they cant be funded. We knew about CTR bc campaign transparency rules. Anything professional sjw doesn't need reporting and I think Soros minions are here now under one of his orgs. The quality of the attacks arent as desperate but they are with us anew and they returned just as the protests started. Just IMO, buried in this here bread.
Whether we are having an effect or not, the players in the game definitely think so even though we are a board of peace promoting our love of Jesus and his white ministry
what's this groovy tune user?
I blogposted and forgot my point. Soros doesnt want antiglobalism to spread to Europe and their upcoming elections. Thats what the protests are for and maybe the new shills too. Jewish origami
I like how they mentioned all the fail and left out all the win.
Like this picture, for instance.
Unfortunately it's only a small part of the song, still I might just make it my ringtone.
Thanks user.
thats one female butthole i wouldnt want to see
great that is exactly what we need right now, an influx of washington post readers
what's worse is that she says that Sup Forums predicted DT winning, which means cancerous press corps are going to be combing through shitposts trying to write stories out of low-hanging fruit
do you ever wonder if these fake journos see the amount of fun we have on here and just get filthy jealous?
>a bunch of anons on their spare time and swimming through shitposts accomplished more than stablished, multi-million dollar funded media agencies and paid shills with just the use of some photoshop, paint program and some catchy memes
Imfluencing the world with memes, what a time to be alive.
They don't need to take notes. We used their own tactics of grass roots support through social media. That's what's delicious about it: Clinton used this herself in the Middle East and we did it better than her, even when social media was working against us to control the spread of the movement.
But they won't let it happen again. They are already talking about social media having too much power.
>The notorious message board has a long history of offending, harassing or “triggering” its enemies — mainly but not exclusively liberals, minorities and establishment Republicans — for its own amusement (i.e. lulz).
10 years later, and news outlets still think the word "lulz" is some sort of either counterpart to "lol" because of that one Fox News report.
They witnessed the power of meme magic, and they are afraid.
Can lulz come back now?
I miss using it and it compliments well with Kek
I like to think this is the reason Hillary supporters are going apeshit now, they wanted to have their lame Madam Prez parties and got denied big league.
Now their only outlet is burning American flags and beating up old people like the faggots they are.
fuck, I don't know why I said either when I meant evil.
>linking to WaPo
This comes to mind.
>The triple parenthesis are a racist meme meant to signify that someone is Jewish.
Yes I'm sure the 400 Americans here and the 38 actually old enough to vote is what made Trump win
man, that was a great read
Moot, if you are reading this, I love you and what you created. I can honestly say Trump probably would not have won without the backing of Sup Forums and its influence across the internet. Serious.
lolwut, this board has the highest traffic on the site in the hundreds of thousands
We were the mechanism, which is impressive, but equal emphasis should be given to Wikileaks and the unknown leakers (Seth Rich in lieu of confirmation).
Abby (if you're here) I'd pity fuck you for the lulz.
I've seen what the five original Discordians accomplished. I wouldn't talk shit on 400 anonymous pranksters, malcontents, dissidents, and generally anarchist little shits could do.
True. Also James Comey's last-minute re-opening of the email scandal. Which was an obvious power play.
Feels good desu senpai
the lulz never left, it just became generally understood that everything to do with president trump's campaign was for the lulz
Abby owes us a timestamped pic of her tits. Quid pro quo for lurking on our hallowed oekaki & math board
I still wonder what his position is in all of this. Was he forced to by the angry pro-Trump elements in the FBI? Was it a misguided attempt at clearing Hillary's name that backfired (they seized the NYPD's files)? Hard to say. Was he genuinely trying to salvage his and the FBI's reputation? Hard to say.
I agree. Post em (((Abby)))
pls respond abby
What a pice of shit Sup Forums has never fucked with someone who didn't deserve it
>Sup Forums is stronger than all of the MSM combined
>people get paid to lurk on Sup Forums
What the fuck man, when are (((they))) gonna turn to us for meme magic? I want to get paid for shitposting too.
>"triggering" in quotations
Why is that so hilarious?
abby's cute. u guys need to be more respectful towards women
most likely, he got orders from (((them))) after (((they))) figured out what to nail Trump with. he was pale and weak when he met with Obama, like he was just told something. they found his kryptonite and the juden let Trump come rolling in
>Entire article written about us with the sole intention of painting us in a bad light in an attempt to illicit shame
>Only feelings of happiness and pride come flooding back about the good times had that night when I read it.
hello fellow journalists
i don't think anyone besides us even read this article desu
Flop em out, Abs. you owe us that much
>when it fails to a man who spent relatively fucking nothing on campaign ads, in spite of citizens united scapegoating
Yes he was pressured
Even his wife wanted him to reopen
(((Abby Ohlheiser)))
that's a kike if I ever saw one
So what you're saying is that someone is getting paid to be here and we aren't showing them our crooked, horrible bodies and pictures of dead babies.
Nothing left to do now I guess
it used to be, way back when.
they normies started using it.
>this is news
>"celebration filled with schadenfreude"
As if the Hillary supporters WEREN'T going to do that.
"Sup Forums’s Sup Forums boards have, for much of the 2016 campaign, felt like an alternate reality"