How does pol feel about trump filling his cabinet with lobyyists and totally selling out like Obama in 2008?

How does pol feel about trump filling his cabinet with lobyyists and totally selling out like Obama in 2008?

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I'll talk about it if it happens.

It already is. His trasition team is full of loybists. Trump doesn't need u anymore pol. Enjoy the next four years of GWB 2.0.

You see the flag, burger? Proofs. Go.

Shills are back with a new tactic. Disunity, and sowing seeds of doubt within people on here about the very Man we Memed into Being President. Don't fall for it. Did you notice how great yesterday was? How there was absolutely nothing but Celebration and jubilation on here? That is now clearly Because they were busy trying to figure out what to do next and their (((Masters))) decided to agree upon creating doubt here.

After losing the election now the shills are trying to, what, cause a rebellion?
Fuck off, m8, unless you have proof


very nice

That's gossip, matey, and if this election taught people anything, it's to not believe the gossip of MSM.

It's not gossip. Do u even know how many lobbyists are on his campagin? Tabacoo, oil tycoons, bankers, hedge funders, etc.

He's had lobbyists on his campagin for a while now, but ran againist. Just like Obama.

You do realize some user's words are not any more valuable than MSM's gossip, right? What you could do to illustrate your point, is to give us links to actual, concrete information, directly from sources. That would be believable. Since you're not doing that and are relying on MSM gossip articles, you are not going to convince anyone here.

>Trump betrays America

Grease up that guillotine

Source politico.

Forgot the pic. Politico is source

I'll believe it when it comes from actual source, not when it's some list from politico that I'm supposed to have trust in.

Selling out to who? He doesnt need money. Why would he sell anything?

Save us some time and try to imagine a world in which this is the case, do you still support Trump? I mean you've supported him through worse than that right?

I supported him because he made left cry. Depending on left's reaction to it I might not might not support him less over those decisions.

>absolute power corrupts almost never
>the rich get poorer and the poor get richer

I forgot rich people have always had moral integrity guiding there actions because they don't need money! I mean, maybe they broke a few eggs on the way up the ladder, stepped on a few backs crushed a few dreams, but when your rich you can pay to be a good person! You can even buy pictures of yourself in the name of charity. Thank god we have such a man in guiding our decision making!

There is a difference between staffing with lobbyists you owe money to, who donated to your campaign, and lobbyists you've hired to lobby for you.

Dont be a fool, of course he needs money. You think he's shitting it?

Not saying he already sold out, but i cant deny the possibility. He is part of the system now. He needs to break it or join it. Guess what he'll do.

Never let anyone call you unprincipled

politico were amongst the people saying trump could never win and that he's every -ist and -phobe they could think of

Thats the most pathetic and butthurt reason to support something. Your life must be boring.

How's life, Borat?

Nice try CTR. That's not true.

Well, that's my reason. I think it's pretty good. Sorry you don't like it, Canada.

Lobbies for domestic industries that democrats want to destroy... like....

- coal
- domestic manufacturing
- firearms... first amendment

...second amendment. (correction)

Youre not even a burger, you never really mattered anyways.

LOL links to politico article, well done m80

Everyone's equal here.

Who did you expect him to choose? A person who never lobbied to help Trump find a way to heavily limit lobbying?

Would you go to your barber if you had a broken arm? He needs these experts, but he needs the experts that align with his worldview.

The point is that neither of us could vote anyways. Were both just shitposting amd meme-ing. It had just a minimal impact on the big picture, lets not fool ourselves.

I did not claim that I had the effect on the election.

They lost all credibility this election. Were you sleeping?

I merely said you didnt matter. I dont matter as well, btw. Thats why i never understood non-burgers who supported any of them. I had my opinion, but I also hated them both. I never wanted one to win just to piss off a certain group of people i dony even know.

That being said, i admit i judge sjw and alt-rightist pretty much equally.

Judging everyone equally is a good quality, but if you come to conclusion that both sides are equally bad as a result of your judging, then you actually are not judging everyone equally.