I just thought of something
I just thought of something
Probably a dog.
I said dog dipshit, what kind of dog?
Does he have a dog?
Will he get a dog?
It'll probably be a dog that barks.
If mein Jew nigga Bernard was in I'd say a nice lil Dacshünd
But that wasn't happening so Trump got mine & every1 else's vote,
He should send a message to HER & (((them))) very clearly & get this.
Between his current job and his new presidential job he'll have the funding the feed this beast
Neapolitan Hill-kill Mastif
Yes but how loudly
he comes when you clap
Siberian Husky
Great Pyr or a Golden
I want it to be a bully/molossus breed like a Pit Bull, American Bulldog, a Dogo Argentino, a mastiff.
thats a horse you dumb nigger
thats a chain you autistic mart shitter
Hillary Clinton
Hillary. She's a right ol' bitch, and he's gonna collar her.
thats a crispy cream you fucking jew
thats an inmate you FUCKING LEAF
Were gonna get a dog, the biggest and nost beautiful dog. And I'll tell ya folks, itll be wonderful and everyone is gonna love it. This dog is gonna be absolutely wonderful
Here he is posting Trump Pepe's. Rejoice.
Golden Retriever
About as loud as your average dog barks.
Meme president deserves meme dog itself.
German shepherd. Cue the liberal comparisons to Hitler.
German Shepherd
Hillary will be
A dachshund named Anthony
German Shepherd
White German Sheppard
trump should get a jack russell fucking terrier named maga the raycis, or mini me
give it zero training so it just barks its head off at everyone.
No no no no. Hitler was a national socialist, too close to liberalism.
stop it Canada, youre fucking killing me
A great dane
If a lesbian can control that dog that dog is clearly a ((((Looser Dog)))
¡Trips don't lie!
Putin will gift him a doggo after their first adventure together.
Putin loves doing that.
If you look there has been some bad ass presidential pets
Thomas Jefferson - bear cubs
John Quincy Adams: Silkworms, alligator
James Buchanan - eagle
Ben Harrison - Mr. Reciprocity and Mr. Protection – Opossums
Theo Roosevelt - Bill, the lizard Emily Spinach, the snake, Jon Edwards, the bear, a badger
The list goes on, some pretty good names of pets in there too
dogs going to have a spy device up its ass
spy device better dismantle the central banks
So loud, America has the best dogs! We love dogs! much more that Mexico. Lovely Animals!
wait a minute trumps getting a fraucking frog
>This dog is 100% american folks, no doubt about it
>We're going to build a fence and make the chihuahuas pay for it
You're right___he's getting an extra pussy
get some cool looking poison frogs that glow in the dark and make a live youtube channel 24x7 for Sup Forums to watch at night
trump can troll us too when he's giving us lip service he can link us to the frogs to watch em eat
Martin Van Buren - Briefly owned two tiger cubs given to him by the Sultan of Oman before Congress forced him to donate the tigers to the zoo
Trump is a workaholic he will have no time for a dog.
Why settle for domesticated pets?
Still got plenty of time for pussy
i'll be his animal care taker, i'll setup Kek the glow in the dark frog with his own glass cage and youtube channel
Dogs too black
chuckled out of nowhere louder than i should have...
>not domesticated
хa хa хa хa
He should get a bagle
Goyem incoming
Don't forget, Muslims literally hate dogs
Trump doesn't seem to an animal person unfortunately. Maybe he'll get a frog.
I hope Trump deports these nigger dogs back to Africa.
England has the best dogs. Sorry user.
A Corgi is fine too
maybe he'll invite Rosie O'Donnell to the white house