Liberal Tears, new thread, post your best here faggots.
Liberal Tears Thread 3.0
Already reported this cunt to the secret service.
My three roommates (at a university) are throwing a safe space party for all their liberal friends who are "at risk" this weekend. What can I say or do that will trigger them subtly. I don't want to piss them off too much, theyre legitimately my friends and I want things to stay friendly, but this is too much to pass up.
Did he mean the CIA?
>from other thread
oh, i certainly remember daikatana. it's still a joke to even bring it up, even to this day.
Compilation of TYT getting BTFO live by the election results almost step by step:
>tfw the dems fuck up so bad you have to blame them twice
>these people got through high school
Why do I need to work if I'm already on top? I'm ok with how things are.
Believe it or not, that things a woman. Not even a tranny, but a real biological woman.
SJWs react to Trump:
>indigenous Asians Africans and Muslims
Doing God's work, user.
Just tell them that trump isn't even in office yet.
Everything bad that happens in the next 70 days is in their imaginations.
Say something like:
Hey guys, let's keep out trump supporters with some sort of external barrier where we can check if people coming to the party are genuine.
"Trump is such a racist idiot I had to vote for a fucking woman."
Faggot lost me after "vis-a-vis"
Obabo staffers looking on as Trump takes the White House today
Ask him why he believes it's ok to slut shame women in 2016.
man, these posts are so progressive
Do you think emperor Trump will put us in his cabinet?
We can be his meme-team.
fresh OC
Hey, aren't liberals supposed to be against Slut shaming and pro sex?
>call and order a pizza to their house
>tell them to write "No space is safe anymore"
>tell the pizza guy it's an inside joke so he won't be weirded out
>entire party ruined
Lol put the wrong text with that image
Now I want pizza.
Having liberal "friends"
Celeb reaction compilation pls
>Special order
>I straight line "wall" of pepperoni down the middle with sausage on one half
>Say the ordered was placed and paid for by Mexico
You're fired
wakey wakey
this sounds like a good plan
Things that definitely happened:
My FB news feed edition
The great harbringer of gamergate speaks out
I lol'd, they would say yes without realizing because they are literally this dumb.
This poster started absolutely retarded but then devolved into some salient insights.
>be so childish that you can't be friends with people who have different opinions
I've always put up with them, and to be fair, they've kindly accepted me as "their favorite republican". Lately it's been getting annoying though, this pity party might be near the breaking point.
Women and minorities in front, white men in back in the shadows...was this staged?
They weren't just racist, Europeans did build schools for nonwhites and vaccinated them. Obviously there was exploitation there too but if they were just racist as hell they would've just exterminated them all.
Muslims weren't even colonized until after WWI and it was very brief so they should shut the fuck up.
Humankind has been killing rival tribes and empires for centuries before Europeans learned to sail around the world. There is no such thing as "stolen land". The Native Americans proabably killed some earlier indigenous tribe and so on and so on. The Han Chinese murdered various tribes in central China, Caesar extrerminated the Gauls.
Campus police made a public announcement today confirming that this, and all instances of supposed violence from trump supporters, are false.
Newly formed Department of Culture
it's like trump winning has made all liberals illiterate
This Plz
from the secret group "Pantsuit Nation" on kikebook
I'll take "things that never happened for $100 Alex"
Such disbelief!
Why would a Trump supporter call him an Orange Guy?
>oh wait she didn't report this crime
They just need their excuse to chimp out and clog the highways.
Gib Attention
¡Yeb! As secretary of energy.
please give me attention, ill do anything for attention
Just have a really good time. Be in the best mood. It will trigger them that you are not pissed Trump won.
these libtards cant even make up a convincing story. many such cases!
>Malcom X
>Live together peacefully
I woke up to news radio, as I always do.
What I heard was there were demos around USA. This was known, so hardly unsettling.
What I heard them chant was "no more propaganda lies".
It took me a few seconds to realize these were PRO-HRC demonstrators. I don't... I don't even... HOW!?! Get your shit together burgerfriends. Election is fucking over. Either accept martial law or shut the FUCK up.
How do you expect her to call the police and report is when she's LITERALLY SHAKING from the racism?
So go to Africa where there are no evil white racists. Why are these people so stupid?
Whisper quielty into their ear
>We will no longer surrender this country, or it's people, to the false son of globalism.
Walk in ing your MAGA hat if you own one. When they freak out take it off and say "whoops, forgot I had this on"
Removing whites has been proven in the past to be the best course of action.
that's pretty much how it's gone so far
>user why aren't you sad?
>oh, life's just so great right now
>that's really nice to hear, I'm glad you're holding up
I actually had that conversation today
The fucking dudes wrote not one, but three essays regarding the college. Why are people so fucking uninformed of what it was actually supposed to do?
I'm watching The Project Wednesday since I missed it.
Any other required viewing?
>evil white racists
They don't even understand that Trump won more of the black and Latino vote than Romney. Nearly one third of latinos in the US voted for him. If Hillary had just managed to hold on to the black/Latino vote rather than lose ground with them, she'd be the president elect right now.
Mayor of Cwcville has spoken!
>decide to venture into reddit to see if there's anything juicy
>navigate past the awful layout and search "trump"
>people sperging and screaming bullshit that he never said anything about doing
>people actually saying "literally shaking"
>people claiming trump is already implementing genocide options for all the lqbgtbbqwtf
Are these people delusional or is this you guys meming for screencaps? I have a flicker of hope that people aren't REALLY this retarded but I want you guys to blow it out or add some wood to it.
thread song:
>*condescendingly designated minority friend*
i'd spend my time elsewhere, they are the harbingers of ruin
Pretty much, actually. He just didn't think whites and blacks could share.
Surprised he isn't one of Sup Forums's heroes actually.
Whoever made this comic is so gun illiterate its scary
A generation of HuffPo readers crying all at once
you know what i've enjoyed the most?
Not the butthurt.
People like
Steven chowder
Ben Shapiro
Eric Ericson
The #NeverTrumpers who are eating their words, apologizing and looking optimistic about him winning and saying they're enjoying who he's appointing and surrounding himself with and laughing with us at the liberal tears and Hillary's loss.
I'm enjoying our unity.
Except Glen Beck, fuck him til the end of time
>Walk in room
>Shout 'maga'
>point and laugh at their faces
>he then farted on my hand and ran off
my go-to track for listening to while mining salt