Reminder that Zachary Taylor was Nazbol
Reminder that Zachary Taylor was Nazbol
...i don't think I've ever heard of this president.
Don't forget about your Strasserist brothers.
user, we have to support the police unions to gain power. Not to mention, they're part of the national proletariat.
>Implying nazbols aren't more prone to internationalism than Strasserists.
I have never yassss'd so hard
Fuck off Japes
>Middle east
Pick one.
Also more alt-left memes.
I didn't make the thread I'm just making sure my friends are able to contribute to our revolution
I feel like I'm missing something here. Is this a new meme I'm not aware of?
Because I like it.
National Bolshevism is no meme.
that image is retarded, literally describes National Socialism on the first paragraph
Not national bolshevism but the nazbol gang thing.
I honestly like Nazbols. They're some of the few posters on /leftypol/ who aren't complete cucks when it comes to race and nationalism.
Have a rare kike porky.
True national socialism. As opposed to Hitlerism considering he sold out to the industrialists.
Fuck off globalist pig
globalists suck PENIS
Leave Taylor alone he was a war hero damnit and he accidentally drank poo water
globalists suck COCK
>not supporting the true ideology
leaf wants more red in his flag to hide the leaf, as expect
>populist dem soc
lel go join a union leftypol this is third position territory
>Sold out to the industrialists
>British Empire declared war on Axis b/c they were a economic threat
You can't sage us retat
what do globalists suck?
I'm guessing you're a millennial.
German industrialists are still industrialists m80.
Ceauşescu's national comunism was fucking retarded, would much rather have Codreanu's Legionarism/ religious Fascism
T. A Romanian