Sup Forums literally can't refute this

>Sup Forums literally can't refute this

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll copy what someone else said last time this was posted, but I don't stick my dick in Cheerios

Truth is, intimacy is exclusivity. Having multiple partners reduces the ability to form meaningful relationships and view sex as more than a physical act.


im going to find john green and beat the shit out of him till he cries for his mother

Back to /r9k/ with this shit, robot.

Practicality vs principle. In the abstract Green is right that it shouldn't matter how many partners a woman has had. In reality though the more partners a woman has the more prone she is to destructive behavior that isn't conducive to child rearing. Our forefathers knew this, thus the label of whore.

John Green embodies every reason why humanity sucks at the moment.

Women catch STDs easier than men on average. This is due inherent to penetrative sex. It's also easier for women to have a greater number of previous sexual partners.

Medicine and biology does not shift for political correctness. It's as ridiculous as bemoaning the fact that men can't get pregnant is sexist.

I'm a 23 year old virgin.
I don't hold them to unfair standards.
I hold them accountable.






it's time to leave your echo chamber

I think he meant previous partners. I'm not exactly a promiscuous person myself so I share your view.

Where is that infographic about promiscuity statistics

I prefer stable relationships, cuck

i can call women sluts
women can call me slut


the real reason for the bitching:

other men can call me slut, they dont, i wouldnt care if they did because im a man
other women can call you slut, they do, you care because you're an interrelation-dependent creature

John green is a faggot cuck. He could only get a run through roastie so he embraces it.

I got ya, bro

a loose woman is less dependable

man sluts and woman sluts don't end up leading happy lives

A more accurate way of explaining it would be if someone offered you a choice between a bowl of fresh cheerios and a bowl of Cheerios that 48 other men had already put in their mouths and spit back out.

Most people are going to prefer the lower milage cheerios

We know you're the one making the threads, John.

Thank you for proving the feminist point that romantic love is a social-historical construct meant to help average/poorly-endowed men to control and own women who would be happier with a superior man.

In a perfect feminist society, women would get all the dick they want, and undesirable men would pay to talk to them.

It's been refuted many times. The man is a fool

Sage and go back to celebrating Trump lads

he's unstumpable

Not sure why I'm replying to this, but a little knowledge in case this is news to anyone...

There is no accomplishment, pride, or dignity in giving away pussy. Women have 1 job and that is to selectively guard their sexuality.

Men on the other hand have to go out and hunt it, claim it, which requires skill and expertise.

When women seek to be promiscuous, they are copying men. This is why they end up miserable after riding a bunch of different dicks. They don't even want a strange nigga in they house, let alone a bunch of different dicks.

Men want lots of strange pussy.

Cheerios get stale just like women.

Men have more testosterone which means they maintain the cognitive instinct to "keep it fresh".

Keep a tally with your friends on who requests or denies the rubber johnny.

>cereal: you're the second person that ate me today
wonderful analogies

That was the most retarded thing I've ever read. Most women want to settle down with a man who can provide and care for children, do a backflip and have a nice six pack dipshit.

Dick jokes

according to you you haven't held one at all

I guess im an asshole for not wanting to marry a girl whos vagina is as loose as a anti trump protesters salt bag. Fuck you ill fuck a robot instead.

I literally don't go after women. I'd get a lot more pussy if I did, but I just wait for booty calls. Shit works out too.

Women who sleep around grow up to be sexually dysfunctional spinsters.

They've proven that the more partners a woman has had, the more likely she'll initiate a divorce.

Plus disease. I don't want that shit. Cancer causing HPV and literally fucking EVERYTHING is on the rise, because of the sociopaths on Tinder.

I want off this degenerate ride.

The bottom line is this: if a person had sex 15 times with 15 different partners, why didn't that person had sex 15 times with the same partner? It naturally reveals that person is either unable or unwilling to form a lasting relationship. It's not about genders or sex. It's just how we perceive a natural tendency. If you wish to perform any activity or project or social contract with another person and you learn that person attempted to do that very thing 15 times in the past and each time failed, it makes you question whether they are a good partner, or whether they actually care about making the thing work in the first place.

that super slutty girl might be in the 20% that makes it, but why risk it?

Both men and women can be sluts. It's an equal sin in the eyes of God. Men and women, show discipline and self control, save yourself for marriage. People like the person they marry to be a virgin, whether male or female. Make your first time special, save it for marriage.

Please go back to Plebbit and (((YouTube))), John.

It's more like someone chewing the Cheerios then spitting them back in the bowl and expecting you to eat it

Now only if sex was regulated like a medicine.

Except now medicines are now being regulated like religions.

Fuck this gay earth, I'm going hunting.

I think the problem is men are (at least in my case) the ones doing all the work in sex. If they don't know what to do, neither of you will enjoy it.

John Green pls go

>food analogies


amazing the arguments you can cook up to justify polyamory during those long hours lounging in the cuckshed while your wife bones her boyfriend

fucking kek

dont post the crop faggot

Stacy grew up loving sugary, tasty cereals that were bad for her but tasted good nonetheless. When she got older, she realized that a lifestyle change was necessary and she started eating cheerios. They're not her first choice. She doesn't hate them, but they're not her first choice. Not by long-shot. And every once in a while she'll splurge and have some AppleJacks because Cheerios are unsatisfactory.

Cheerios are a good representation of John Green's sexual-capital.

This just proves my point here . God intended for us to save ourselves for marriage. Waiting for the right man or woman is worth it anons.

John Green genuinely said in one of his lectures that expecting a woman not to have sex with other men in marriage is "oppressive" and "patriarchal"

woah nelly

>more cocks than a secondhand rifle
I'm stealing this, just so you know.

Marriage is a perfect time to learn for both the partners, it'll be a special learning experience that they alone share between each other.

>food analogy

he must be a Sup Forums and Sup Forums poster

There's 48 different cereals?

>save myself for marriage and expect the same from future wife
>literally ever woman my age (24) has been riding the cock carousel since she was in high school
>never get married
Oh well. I guess being alone could be nice too.

>yes, this person murdered 40 people in the past
>so what?
This is this man logic.
If you are a whore, you are a whore forever. Never can trust such woman.


Males currently have other recreational activities than sex and work. She wants "just to have fun", then I do too. And we do not need each other then.

Anyone encouraging this behaviour is an enemy of the nation.

> special learning experience
Jesus you sound like a huge faggot

If you don't know how to fuck, she'll go out and find someone who does.

do u have a source on the graph?

Sex until after marriage is multiplayer masturbation with the risk of a useless legacy.

Women cannot work, they can pretend.

You could build the simplest spreadsheet to organize bills and she'll ask you to remind her the day after you buy her an iphone7 but only after you get all the necessary adapters.

I am the match breaker, because the match maker got automated.

But what if they find out after marriage that they each enjoy incompatible things during sex?

Sex is an important part of a marriage. It will cause strain that could poison the rest of the relationship

You're just looking in the wrong places user. Go to a nice conservative church and find a nice young pretty lady with an ankle length skirt and no ring. Date her a few times and it'll be obvious fairly soon if she's a virgin or not.

Analogy isn't necessarily argument and is prone to false equivalency.

did you just assume what cereal i eat?

If you both had the willpower, patience, and faith to wait until marriage to have sex, I'm sure you can work through whatever complications are unlikely to ensue.

Yeah but I cant get an std from cereals, but I can get an std if the woman has been fucking dozens of people recklessly.

I eat honey bunches of oats the king of cereals.

why does this bait always work? stop replying to this low energy shit.

3D women are not kawaii

There's nothing special about sex anymore.

The most sacred ceremony has been ruined by homosexuals and they will be punished with the cold shoulder and a 9mm.

When did this 4 images in an image become a thing?

It's fucking retarded.

libcucks and stupid marxists
are fucking salty
about our god-prince

b...but I'm not religious. I just want a non-degenerate wife.


Oh...well you're screwed.

John Greene is a cuck.

The more sexual partners a woman has... more likely she is to have STDs. The more likely her past sexual partners may appear in your conjoined lives.

Why is he right?
I'm just curious because this sounds a lot like virtue signaling.

Good luck bud. Most women low-key love the dick but won't brag about it.

Checkmate, cucks.

your waifu's shit, lad

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Who is that guy kidding?

>what are STDs

fuck off helpper
christ-chan a best

1 Timothy 5:1-2

1 Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father, younger men as brothers, 2 older women as mothers, younger women as sisters, in all purity.


himself and a bunch of petri dishes with no self esteem

clearly not an echo chamber since trump got elected

>food analogy
dropped twice

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Checked 'n keked

>Go to conservative church in a small ass town
>All the women my age in my church are already married, all two of them

Granted it's not like anyone will really notice I'm gone, but I dont want to leave on a "lol later fuckers, I'm going where the CHICKS are" like some bar hopping sleazebag


Get fucked heathen.

She's a qt.

If I eat Captain Crunch, that will never give Cheerios AIDS.

>echo chamber

the President-Elect of the United States is part of this chamber

there ain't no fucking echos here anymore

Are you a leaf with a proxy or something?

Please give me a legitimate source to that.