Really make you think

really make you think

Other urls found in this thread:

I feel like half these cards remind me of trumps election. I feel like the apocalypse is coming

no fucking way


Yo what the fuck?

I feel like half of these cards are made in photoshop after a major event occurs


somewhat rare flag there m8


These cards are insane. I truly believe an insider released this as a silent brag of whats to come. It makes me rethink flat earth, nuclear reactors, and all the shit in them.

Here's black lives matter.




This was in 1994

What the actual fuck? I'm googling for skeptic doubts on this card game because this is some scary ass shit


These cards are so fucking freaky. I'm convinced that the artist was a psychic.

>You thought there would never be black activists since these were made

Fucking retard

>Universal electronic surveillance. No-knock laws. Stop and frisk laws.
Government inspection of first-class mail. Automatic fingerprinting, blood
tests and urinanalysis of any person arrested before he is charged with a
crime. A law making it unlawful to resist even unlawful arrest. Laws
establishing detention camps for potential subversives Gun control laws.
Restrictions on travel…."

This list was published in 1975, but could show up in a current-day editorial,
and none of the items would seem out-of-place. Of course, many items on
this wish list are no longer wishes, having come true during the intervening
years. On a host of other issues, from gay rights to the decriminalization
of marijuana, RAW shrewdly anticipated a future in which libertarian
and authoritarian impulses have both managed to implement aspects of
their conflicting agendas.

You should look up the game, there's a lot crazier things than that. There are also ones of the twin towers and the pentagon, julian assange, Fukushima disaster , obama, the NSA, hillarly clinton dying like how she had her health episode, and even frog memes

I read the Illuminatus! trillogy as a teenager maybe 10 years ago. I liked it a lot.I got into Discordianism, Slack, Libertarianism, Fnords, ect. I grew out of it.

I'm looking for a book. Should I re-read Illuminatus! or can you suggest something else by RAW? Or not by RAW

Oh my fuck

And the 9/11 cards... 7 YEARS BEFORE!!!

Some of the cards are generic but lots of them are oddly specific. The Frog God card is the one that convinced me whoever made this was a psychic or time traveler.

It's all fucking rigged , isnt it?

One of the good book by RAW is Promtheus Rising, if you like more occultish books then you can read undoing yourself by hyatt or brain magick by Philip H. Farber.

This one is going to haunt my dreams


and it says terrorist nuke. The conspiracy says it was suitcase nukes that blasted the towers. After the pizza controversy is revealing that our president is raping and eating kids you dont think they would do that shit??

Are you ready to fight in the actual meme war?

Political correctness

fug XDDD

Do we even have a chance?
I'm sp00ked

Someone asked FBIanon what to look for.

His answer:


Fuckkk this ride man

Interesting times indeed

WE WUZ KANGZ, 6 gorillion jews and many other changes





We're fucked aren't we

Someone debunk everything right now or I won't be able to sleep

Thank you for your suggestions and crude oil.

~Sail safe!

>The idols are both frightening and silly
>frightening and silly


Checks out.

Anons let's start a fund to buy the full set of this game. We really need some hires scans of these cards.

I would pitch in 20$. The full set is going for $300-400 on ebay

Glenn Beck! fuck now I am truly spooped. how are there so many of these

what is the symbol in the square at the bottom?
I keep seeing it!! in diferent contexts

one person said it was a berserk symbol from the manga but it is everywhere ... wtf

There is 400 cards in total

Cosmic Trigger


This is sort of freaking me out. Sure, they could be wrong. They could be coincidence. Maybe. I fucking hope so.

what did they mean by this

But that means assange has killed someone- its nt him in the coffin

wtf I love yugioh now

you can't make this shit up lmao


Damn wasn't there someone with problems about some mails?


The DNCs in the coffin

Dude, we are beyond that. Besta fucking changed their logo ffs. They also take pictures of statues with their childboylover symbol on their Instagram. We are beyond believing this shit is innocent.

jesus fucking christ, kek confirms.

sauce on this?

No, we're just learning the rules of the game. We're a player now, and we're playing our cards against theirs.

Synchronicities are everywhere if you look out for them

Never mind I think they got it covered.

goddamn heres all of them

Can this one be open to interpretation? Nothing involving secret service has happened, yet


These cards are all just following logical things that will happen, of course racial tensions increase, of course radical groups (such as BLM) get some power and make a lot of noise when something appears "racist",

That's like me making a card game based on Europe, " proud nationalist from France rises to power " like no shit that's gonna happen soon (due to the Mohammeds)

anons are digging deep

yes, but how old are these cards?

in the emails they used to use spam email to use their pedo codes like "pizza." This implies that old snail mail junk mail had the same function. Someone posted a recent magazine article of a kid in a pizza shit.

Perhaps this is predicting a Trump assassination?

Never saw The Last Starfighter, did you?

It's a friendly way to give babby's first redpills, to make the shock of things like Kek manifest less traumatizing to the normies. It's easy to deal with world conspiracies when you can deal out some cards and have a good laugh.

What the fuck

>The Last Starfighter,
How does the Last Starfighter redpill people? Isn't it just an 80's sci-fi flick?



>teflon coating
>teflon don

That fucking game. Decent party game for adults, but so damned prescient somehow.


Looks like Comey


Even though they are old, it is still possible to make a huge list of things that could happen in the future and print them onto cards, not too difficult if you have done enough research and have enough knowledge its not hard to see how exactly the world will turn out

This is highly relevant to Trump, holy shit

companies like Amazon or Facebook will be hit by anti-trust laws

I think the relationship is inverse.
Reality is the one imitating the card game.

Hmm obama loves making bracelets for kids, look closely

The movie has a videogame being used to train people for warfare against an alien armada.

This is your casual introduction to the Dank Side of the Meme Force, young padawan. What's out there, what it's about.

Oh my, so this is your work Lord Kek ?
Shadilay !




t rips AND d ubs?? shit
kek approves

Was this maybe relevant to the George Bush tax refunds?

>The Last Starfighter
Praise KEK

Government lies

praise kek

It's not from Berserk, whoever told you that is referring to the Brand of Sacrifice.

Pic related

it's all coming true

The books in the library of alexnadria were taken, interesting.



After mocking /x/ for so long you've become them.

Whatever you say kek.

Can someone tl;dr me on this pizza thing? I didn't have time to follow it all when it was unfolding.
I get that it's about pedo shit but I'm still unclear as to how it all lines up and how much of it is speculation versus legit evidence.

Life imitates art.