Ok Sup Forums we need to discuss the illuminati game again
What are it true origins. This isn't a coincidence anymore.
Ok Sup Forums we need to discuss the illuminati game again
What are it true origins. This isn't a coincidence anymore.
The Illuminati, duh.
Everyone is on the pedo thread trying to hack
They didn't release it though. If they were that arrogant they wouldn't have gotten as far as they have.
We need to find who released it. How did he get this info.
Here's the real question - what cards have yet to be fulfilled??
Alot and more than this
It's kind of like how the rats were observing humans in Hitchhikers guide. Do you really think you understand the generational 11d hyperchess the Illuminati have played for millennia?
Funny you post Pepe
I think they were commissioned by a time traveler
plz post bigger Illuminati pizza pic
They're kind of like Nostradamus prophecies. They can't predict the future for you, but after it happens, you go back and look and say hey, this makes sense now.
I think Trump truly has a time machine so I have a theory that the traveled back to the 90s and gave the designs to the cards to the creator.
You need to use your autisim and search for a link between Trump and the creator or company of the game.
I would make sense with his family connection to tesla...
Why isn't there a full set I know an user from pol has them
are you fucking with me? pls tell me this isn't real! I WANT OFF THIS RIDE
someone pl0x confirm. are these real? fuck i knew i came to this world for a reason. THANK YOU LORD KEK
so asange was time traveler? it all makes sense now
spooky. thank you pive! or pibe?
pibe! That mean thanks kid tho lol.
i have an argentian friend and he says that lol
This is all vague fucking bullshit
miley cryus
She's in buried in Nevada num nuts
ALRIGHT FUCK THIS I'M OUT! this is too much i don't want to get suicided.
this scared me ACKCHUALLY. like no joke!
also neighborhood watch eyes sign on captcha and a street name close to my name? NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE
You guys want to freak the fuck out? Check this shit out, Weird Al made a video a while back that made the rounds on Sup Forums and it end with him going full tinfoil mode, just look at the resemblence. Oh and the card is named "foiled" and the song is called tinfoil.
This is why I believe in the Time traveling Trump
o yea
of events
To come
>an instant atatck to destroy any place
>if the attack succeeds, the target is devastated
Shit I want to join desu
Not for power, just for truth
I might be able to help but I have a few questions first
>when you see a guy who looks a lot like you in a card that hasnt happened yet
praise kek
Which card?
one of my favorites
this guy predicted the future and made a card game out of it, brilliant!
Meme is a word coming from 1976
No, lol.
It's a script.
>They didn't release it though.
They did. They delight in hiding in plain sight. They enjoy experiencing how unobservant you are.
Me? I used to read comic books when I was a kid.
So is the card game like a set of blue prints?
What the actual fuck.
Chimp lives matter
Multi-layered, with tangential properties. Certain eventualities take precedence, and can only occur if other prerequisite events take place.
What did you want to know about the illuminati?
More terrifying is the fact that we were allowed to know this now, after both Brexit and a Trump presidency were allowed. They're either prepared to concede for a greater goal, or world events truly mean nothing to them; a game to be played and nothing more.
You don't need to know anymore. Just let it happen.
My favorite has always been "Men in black leather".
why don't illuminaties keep jews in check
Steve Jackson is a Discordian. Last proper publisher of the Principia Discordia since Loompanics went under.
I've been here the whole time, trying to spread the word. The Discordians never stopped getting shit done just because 3 of the most famous five passed away.
You really haven't gone far down the rabbit hole if you don't realize the Discordians made up the modern Illuminati as a joke and a cover for their activities.
Here you go OP
>In 1978, a copy of a work from Kerry Thornley titled "THE PRINCIPIA Discordia or HOW THE WEST WAS LOST" was placed in the HSCA JFK collections as document 010857.
Kerry Thornley (Lord Omar, and Ho Chi Zen to the Discordians) has the distinction of being the only person who wrote and published a book about Lee Harvey Oswald several years before he shot JFK. He was investigated by the Warren Commission and later indicted by Jim Garrison's New Orleans investigation into the conspiracy to assassinate JFK.
Didn't FBIanon say something about cards? Is this a card?
>You really haven't gone far down the rabbit hole if you don't realize the Discordians made up the modern Illuminati as a joke and a cover for their activities.
Go on...
You got me hooked bro, just reel me in.
>the owl
oh fuck
Kek, the man is a clown at most.
Look through the Illuminati cards memes. One of them mentions Robert Shea. Best known as the co-author on the Illuminatus! trilogy with Robert Anton Wilson (RAW).
RAW was one of the original five Discordians, all of whom were published repeatedly throughout the 60's and 70's in novels, and tons of magazines. Their output was amazing. Shea and RAW both worked in magazines and used their positions to put out fake letters to the editors, which they then answered themselves and fake articles to further the conspiracy of a conspiracy.
RAW, Bob Newport, Camden Benares, Kerry Thornley, and Greg Hill (who until very recently was widely believed to have not even existed). The original five. We will never know how many there really are.
>you don't wanna know
but i DO wanna know
this isn't even funny anymore.
Uh-Oh.... Exposed card looks like Foval and Creamer?
shale gas jesus
>It's another "Sup Forumsacks believe something because it's sensational" episode
All of these cards are extremely vague, so therefore they can apply to a large variety of things. Not enough proof to be predictions.
This illuminati card game meme has to come to an end. Guys, it's a card game based around conspiracies. There are hundreds of these cards made, of course a handful will be sort of right. I'm sure you could find pokemon cards that, if you look at them right, could maybe kind of predict the future.
Only one that gets me is that frog god. That's not one I'd expect at all.The others are simply knowing and looking into your source material: religious history, occult history, war and political players. Nothing at all too crazy to know back in the mid 90s. It's nothing to be too amazed at, it's just a coincidence.
Please stop, there are better, real conspiracies to freak out over than some conspiracy-based card game.
Now, if someone was to find some weird connections with anyone who made the game...
>It's another "Sup Forums believe something because it's sensational" episode
All of these cards are extremely vague, so therefore they can apply to a large variety of things. Not enough proof to be predictions.
Im actually familiar with discordianism and Wilson.
Have you ever seen that video of RAW and Karl Hess in the 1980s at a libertarian convention?
It's pretty great but RAW pretty much says that he wasn't involved in anything too crazy.
What are you saying they were covering for??
P.S> 5th time trying to post this. fuck Sup Forums
Whats the source on this image? its on the big media card.
This isn't, of course, to say that they were solely behind it. Though the idea that a group in Berkeley published the Illuminati organization chart before them is hard to credit given their close ties to the area. The Discordians were as much influencers as they were the actual actors themselves.
It's hard to argue that we would think of the Illuminati today and especially in the way we do without the influence of the original Discordians.
This doesn't get less /x/ from here. Kek? God of Chaos? Eris Discordia, Goddess of Chaos? Discordians wrote those cards over 20 years ago. Why did you lot find them now? Why Kek, ancient frog god of chaos?
>Also Fuck Hiroshimoot for this new jew-hosting. Fucking connection errors.
Working on that but fuck if I could get posts to complete.
RAW was a tremendous liar. Really, he nearly convinced me that he and Camden Benares (The Count of Five) were responsible for the Georgia Guidestones.
Same issues. About ten minutes so far trying to get this to post.
This is a good card because 23 takes the place of 33 in the text as a cover in most of the cards, yet this card has 3 power and 3 resistance or a 3/3.
t. illuminati
so vague, this and the card depicting the pentagon being blown up is obviously total coincidence
They spelled "Reign" wrong on that card.
OOhhh what, fucking come on. It's like fucking Jumangi.
To be more fair than the Secret Service deserves, Loyd Blankenship was a well-known hacker with a record (The Mentor),and author of the Hacker's Manifesto.