>Fuck the articles, no one reads them anyway!
especially at 6am
>Who was the worst Prime Minister Post-war?
and why was it Tony Blair?
>Who will you vote for in 2020?
or do you think May will cave and have to call it early?
>How do we reform the House of Lords?
while keeping it politically neutral?
>Which Armed Forces is best?
and which one sucks donkey dick?
>Who is your favorite MP?
and which one should we crucify on a burning stake?
>Why was the British Empire so great?
and why hasn't anyone else even come close
>Why is Scotland so cucked?
how do we save our brethren?
Brit/pol/ - Up All Night Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Make your rate
Immigrants to UK
Swiss>Dutch/Benelux>Nordic>French>Irish>German>Balts>Eastern Europeans>Balkans>curry munchers>niggers>mena>south(east) brown asians>pakis>east asians
Farage is based
keep fighting the good fight mate
I can't sleep so I'm just watching cant stump the trump.
Can't wait for his next one. Going to be a summary of the whole campaign.
He made a thread for his pasta. Hes majorly triggered by cartoon pictures. Hillary's in great company.
Fuck sake lads I fapped an hour ago now and it's still burning.
The cunt waits for like 20 minutes after I fap then bam.
I'm not enabling his autism with a bump.
If it burns when you pee get checked.
>Fuck sake lads I fapped an hour ago now and it's still burning.
Did you piss right before or just after you wanked?
It's not when I piss, though I used to think it was related.
About 5-10 minutes before. I really wish I could solve the mystery, I've pissed immediately after I've fapped and not had it but pissed 30 minutes later and got it or not pissed at all and got it.
I went from thinking it was about proximity of pissing to thinking it was about how long I spent fapping then back to having no clue.
Strange I've had burning piss after a wank and once after sex twice in my life last happened years ago. Since it wasn't a recurring problem never thought much of it. If it rarely happens it's probably nothing but if it keeps happening see your doctor. Never had a burning dick without peeing after a wank. I have no idea what's causing your problem.
if singles article 50 will never be triggered
Quality post frienderino
>if singles clinton will find a way in to office
Who /beady eyes/ here?
I'm /sleepy eyes/.
It can happen if you've scratched up the urethra from repetitive motion, also if your piss is particularly acidic it can scratch the urethra up and cause a burning sensation when pissing. If you have pain in your lower back (like an ache) and pain when you piss constantly then you could have a water infection and you should see GP. If you have any discharge and you've been sexually active, get yourself tested.
But the horrible burning sensation? I get it if I go for a piss then masturbate soon after or if I masturbate and then piss quickly after, it's common.
/just woke up eyes/
Yeah I've googled it a shitload over the years. I think I saw somewhere that acidic urine can be from drinking soda so if that's the case and I have that, it's probably just making it easier for it to happen more regularly than for most.
Either way, it really fucking sucks. Especially since it makes you feel like you have to piss and once you do it gets even worse.
anyone see the shitshow that ws lefty idiots melting down on bbcqt last night?
It's probably nothing but don't take chances with shit like that if you are concerned see your doc. It's what we pay them for. Even if your not sexually active there are still many problems down there that aren't STDs.
I wanna be a girl lads.
I want to take estrogen and t blockers. I want to have my penis surgically removed and grow breasts
Yeah, not worried about it, just felt like bitching about it and I have no friends.
Get help lad you have a mental condition.
Alrighty then.
I did. They signed the estrogen prescirption
Not sure if memeing.
Christ. Just see a shrink or talk things thrpugh with family. Read self help materials and such before you irreversibly destroy your body.
I don't really get into this kind of shit
But try crossdressing or being a shemale or someshit for a while before you cut off Big Ben.
That way you can get your mancard restamped and not have a pussy you don't want anymore.
It's a slow process that takes years
I can't fight it. I'm jealous of boys who get to be girls and other girls
Literally a self esteem issue that can be solved without mutilation your body and decimating your biological chemistry. You don't need fake breasts a fake penis or foreign hormones you just need some self esteem.
>comes on Sup Forums
>understands that a man can NEVER be a woman
>understands the fundamental biological differences
>understands he's suffering through a mental disorder
>understands that mental disorders aren't fixed by playing make believe
>still wants to have his genitals eviscerated
You're brainwashed and ill m8y, stop being a dickhead.
Your uthera is tender from excessive pissing and wanking
Tone it down. Stop drinking too much fluid and stop doing diagnostic checks so frequently
*mutilating *fake vagina
But I've already had sex with both genders and it's left more depressed than ever being a man
I known it's not a real vagina. I just want it gone.
I'd even settle for orchiectomey and have no balls
If they told them the suicide rates of post of trannies maybe some would reconsider. If your not happy with your life as a guy being a fake woman won't solve anything. It'll only get worse when all the money, time and effort spent meant nothing. It's sad really it turns unhappy but normal people into suicidal freaks.
Self esteem issues can have nothing to do with sex people whoring themselves out can have the same problems virgins have with their self image.
Lad, you have a MENTAL DISORDER. You don't have anything else, it's just like any other mental disorder that makes people believe false things. Some people believe their arms don't belong to them, some people believe they are Gods, some believe they are invincible. None of this is is true and, if you were to be presented with a person like this, you would tell them to seek mental help as opposed to reaffirming their false belief they they are indeed in possession of arms that don't belong to them, that they are a God or that they are invincible.
You're suffering from a delusion brought about by an identity crisis. Said crisis might stem from gender dysphoria or it might stem from chronic self esteem issues that have driven you to seek out extreme measures of feeling good.
You need to have your self esteem restored, for that you need to stop convincing yourself that what you are doing is right. You need to seek out MENTAL help, not physical help.
Once again, don't be a dickhead m8y.
I'm just wish I was born a real girl
It's not just that. I can't act like a man in bed and don't enjoy it
Ive never actually climaxed via penetration i
And numale cucks always wonder why I support ISIS
Hey Doc, I am unhappy and want you to cut my thumb off.
Why? Because its clearly why I am unhappy, I am a non-opposable thumb-kin.
What do you mean I am a retard?
Im fine with the lgbt but you really need to do some deep soul searching before you make a descision that drastic user.
Find out why youre depressed as a man. Do you just feel like youre not good enough, and tha5 if you paint yourself into a stereotype, you will be?
It honestly sounds like youre plagued with insecurities and low self esteem, get tha8t fixed first before you decide to be a chick with a dick.
Can I pretend I'm a girl in the safe space of a computer escapism and media ?
I have felt like I wanted to be a girl since five and it's refused to go away since
I had a stable family unit and no childhood trauma
Scotland should never be in deodorant
I don't think they ever have been judging by the smell.
This is just sad. It really is. I implore you not to destroy your body over this. You need to see a professional shrink. You're in a bad place don't ruin the rest of your life because of it. Seriously. If after seeing a professional they recommend the process fine it's your choice but don't make that choice on your own you're not in a state fit enough to do that right now.
But the doctors tell me its s valid treatment
It's always been there. Gym and socialisation haven't helped it go away
>Fuck the articles, no one reads them anyway!
I actually read them, or at least scan them over
>muh tony bliar
He never lost an election though...
Kek when spell checker still gets it right.
I'm really sleep deprived. But don't worry user. I've never been the person to go and get what I want
I just needed to confess
>Can I pretend I'm a girl in the safe space of a computer escapism and media ?
No, it's just going to reaffirm your delusional beliefs.
>I have felt like I wanted to be a girl since five and it's refused to go away since
Gender dysphoria. A mental disorder that can be overcome with the proper mental therapy, it cannot be overcome via surgery and hormones. You might get rid of your dick but cutting off a dick DOES NOT get rid of an illness in your brain. Unless you tackle the illness the proper way you will forever be plagued with these thoughts.
>I had a stable family unit and no childhood trauma
Not relevant. Bad upbringings can have a large impact on mental health but people with good upbringings can also suffer. It's luck of the draw, sometimes biology goes a bit nuts.
You're just poorly in your head man, not in your body. You're a man that's ill, get the proper help. Don't let the disgraceful acceptance of transgenderism push you in to making a life changing mistake that you could've tackled simply by talking to the right people and taking the right mental health medication.
It really just sounds like you need someone to talk to. Get some sleep and if these thoughts persist talk to someone not anonymous. You said your families stable try them if it's too awkward consider a physiologist you could probably get one on the NHS considering your depression. Good luck.
They put me on ssris before and I quit them cold turkey because they made it worse
Lib Dem, Labour and SDLP MPs to vote against triggering Article 50, without a second referendum at the end of negotiations.
>Some MPs ready to vote against Brexit
Well obviously, if they are doing the right thinf they will vote as their constituency did. And Some Constituencies voted Remain.
No lad I know exactly what youre talking about and I definitely am clean. I end up drinking a fuck ton of water feel like shit and piss like 15 mins later and its terrible. I find that quick faps do it the most and when I get interrupted I think its cum getting stuck.
God dammit rather than treat your depression they just chuck you on hormones. You could ask to see a different one and maintain that while you've had these thoughts you wish to deal with your issues without hormone replacement therapy and instead receive treatment for depression. Give that a real good go you'll probably look back and be glad you never did anything drastic.
>Still only one victim named after the Croydon tram crash
>Hmm I wonder if they're having difficulties identifying the others
>Almost as if they shouldn't have been here or something
What's this about? I know nothing other than the tram crashed and like 7 people died.
Or they haven't reached the NoK yet.
Do you think Hofer will win in Austria lads?
Might place a bet.
>tfw bulbous blue eyes
I'm sorry Oswald
Or maybe a fucking tram landed on top of them at 50mph and there isnt much left TO identify?
Was he the guy that won the first time but they cheated him out of it? If so it's worth a bet. Nothing crazy though.
he got beat by a 500% turnout in postal votes, fair and square.
Brexit will happen after all?
I hope the Trump election will help with it
Opinions on culturally disillusioned Australians returning to their ancestral homeland?
Brexit will happen, Parliament is just protecting their rightful Sovereignty.
Yea the courts are trying to fight it but at the end of the day the people voted for it and parliament will carry it through. Having trump in the white house is certainly better for Anglo-American relations than Hillary would have been. Negation with trade with america should go smoothly now.
More than welcome back. I'd say most here support free movement among the commonwealth.
Come home boo, unless you're not white then
I'd say most here support preferential movement between the Anglosphere, not free movement and not between the Commonwealth.
The Courts aren't trying to fight Brexit at all, the court is actually uoholding your rights as an electorate.
If they rules in favour of triggering Brexit without Parliament, your power to effect the running of the nation will be lessened as the people you hold accountable with your votes, Parliament, now has less power.
Just because the Gov happens to agree with you on this single issue, you think we should throw our Parliamentary Sovereignty?
What happens if Gov tries to trigger something you disagree with? Those MPs you elected cannot do anything because you set the precedent that they dont have a say.
>among*, not between
What about so far as repatriation?
nah, white as fuck
Fair point yea I meant Anglosphere commonwealth has a few undesirable
We had a vote. We voted leave. That's it no negotiations there should be no possibility to have it turned over by parliament or anything else.
>What about so far as repatriation?
Come home and get your citizenship bbz. Best thing too, you have some babies with a Briton and the babbies will be 100% native. It's your home too.
Yea become a citizen got no problems with that.
>tfw you use glBufferData instead of glBufferSubData and you're trying figure out what's gone wrong
Did you read a word I said?
Referendums hold no legal weight, we are represented in Parliament by MPs who are answerable to the electorate.
Fine, you fucking retard, say you get your way and in 2020 the "Black guys inside 1CE8Js0H's mum" party wins government and decides to trigger a clause to shove their BBC inside your mum.
You and the party you vote for and your local MP are not happy and try to use Parliamentary Sovereignty to block the act, but oh wait... some fucking retard took Parliament to the Supreme Court to remove their Sovereignty, and now you have to listen to your mum getting railed all night long by miles of BBC.
well done retard.
>Irish/British diaspora
>western Europeans
>big gap
>Eastern European
>huge gap
>east Asians
>Fine, you fucking retard, say you get your way and in 2020 the "Black guys inside 1CE8Js0H's mum" party wins government and decides to trigger a clause to shove their BBC inside your mum.
>You and the party you vote for and your local MP are not happy and try to use Parliamentary Sovereignty to block the act, but oh wait... some fucking retard took Parliament to the Supreme Court to remove their Sovereignty, and now you have to listen to your mum getting railed all night long by miles of BBC.
Best argument so far for this.
>yea let's blow this all out of proportion and say retard and make cuck references a lot that'll show them
Even parliament was pissed off with the court ruling and are appealing it.
>Even parliament was pissed off with the court ruling and are appealing it.
No they didn't, The Executive, aka Government is appealing it,
The Executive (gov) is trying to take power from the Legislature (parliament) but the Judiciary (High Court) has done its job and blocked it.
Seriously faggot, this is exactly why seperation of power exists.
Anglo-Irish master race reporting in. Hated by both sides.
Scandinavians>Germanics>Francophones>West Slavs>Balts>Meds>Other Slavs>Romanians>East Asians>Non Muslim Arabs>Non Muslim Asians>Spics>Niggers>Muslims>>>>>>>>Jews
Fine ok. I was never implying parliament should be made redundant I just think something like a huge referendum result should be protected by law and can only be overturned by another vote.
I understand your frustration lad, it does seem a bit fucked up on the surface. In reality though parliament is just trying to exercise it's rightful power and government is trying to tell them they're not allowed. If government are successful then it sets a precedent and effectively gives government the power to overturn anything parliament says. This separation of power helps to keep different parts of our system in check, so we don't go worst Korea.
It does seem shit that people want to have another vote on an already decided yes/no vote, but if they don't get that vote it sets a scary precedent for the future. Just be a little patient and stay calm, wait until we see what's gonna happen.
Brit/pol/ I implore your help.
Today I got my final oral English exam and its pretty much EU Propaganda all the way. The good thing is I can tackle it from another perspective (i.e. the skeptic brit). I'm currently working out the counter-arguments but I would like your views on those questions:
>point out the positive effects the EU has had for remote regions in Britain
>explain why that the money may have not been used in the best possible way
>elaborate on the fact that regions have to come up with own ideas for creating jobs
>discuss the consequences for Britain if people decided to leave the European union
>elaborate on the importance of supporting new members states that have a lot to catch up with
>point out the enormous economic potential the need to upgrade infrastructre has in these countries
>discuss the share of the burden net contributors have to take up
>give a personal opinion on the further development of the EU