lol nobody cares about facts you cuck
Other urls found in this thread:
>expecting anyone who voted for Trump to actually know anything about anything other than repeatedly saying cuck and frogposting
His first 100 days are moderate as fuck.
>wants to make college cheaper
lol his going to be a lame duck
Trust him he will MAGA
He is lowering business taxes from 35 to 15% this will absolutely generate jobs per Chicagoan School of Economics and has throughly been proven. Not only that but, the one time 10% tax is big-league, it allows the rich to bring the wealth back into the economy and potentially reinvest it/spend it. That's an innovative idea.
Business taxes being lowered by 20 percent total is really good for small businesses, I don't know where you are thinking it's bad.
His wall is definitely expensive no doubt. Nowhere can it be productive to build things using government, since it's just distribution of wealth through taxes.
Our military's strength is something that is necessary for a free market system and sustainability to properly operate. However it must ramp up over time and not be lump purchases. Low taxes generally mean less government spending, I think he may try to offset this with his federal employee attrition plan he proposed, a freeze on government job hiring. You'd need the empirical data to deduce the plan from there however.
No this is a myth, it's been debunked multiple times. The only time it applies is when there is a monopoly on a product. He plans to deregulate the FDA to make competition flourish so that will most likely solve the issue and if not then he will probably end up regulating it a bit. Remember, the only way to stay competitive in a free market it to charge affordable prices when there is competition, if there is no competition then they can charge whatever they like. See Shkreli for an example(that jew fuck).
I do disagree with the 5 year plan. I don't think we should be keeping repeat offenders here. I think deportation should be the obvious choice.
>He is lowering business taxes from 35 to 15% this will absolutely generate jobs per Chicagoan School of Economics and has throughly been proven
Fuck, you corporate bootlicker burgers will never learn
Are they still paying? They stopped paying me weeks ago when we couldn't stop Sup Forums supporting drumpf, got a few dollars out of it though, not like I have a job to go to anyway haha.
>implying i thought he would fix anything
all I wanted was to drink your tears and damn are salty
Federal spending for 2016 is estimated to be about $4.5 trillion. The maximum estimated budget for the wall is about $25 billion. Mexico has said they're open to compromise for paying for some of it and with NAFTA renegotiations it actually is pretty possible.
better than clinton would be in office, buddy ;)
>he wants tax cuts for the rich, the most tax cuts in decades. This type of shit has never brought companies back to the US, not in the way that you want, it's a fashion of "trickle down" which puts a choke-hold on small businesses and protects larger conglomerates.
tax cuts will make small businesses expand. and it will make big companies stay. also the regulations is whats really killing companies. you have to pay loads of lawyer fees for licenses and for the city hall.
>>Trump's wall is the most expensive project in the history of the United States. Mexico will not pay for it, so he's gotta get this money somewhere else.
not true at all. the wall is just cement. which is cheap to produce.
>Trump wants to expand military spending, which is already bloated.
didn't say that. he said he will expand the military and cut down on foreign policies which will make the army bigger, but at home.
>Completely destroying the ACA means that PHARMA companies get to again smother the middle class in debt.
ACA is are working with the pharma companies,guess where that's going.
>>mandatory 5 year sentencing for illegals means that taxpayers are going to become strained to pay for it...
it will halt immigration, which costs more.
America's got Australia beat in every category, don't know why you're casting meme magic bud.
I want voter ID and beaners gone in CA
That is the most based plan I have read in my life.
I'll take the bait, because the selective bias in this would do CNN proud.
>he wants tax cuts for the rich, the most tax cuts in decades. This type of shit has never brought companies back to the US, not in the way that you want, it's a fashion of "trickle down" which puts a choke-hold on small businesses and protects larger conglomerates.
Carrot and the stick. That's the carrot, the stick of tarriffs will be what really brings them back.
>They also get to fiercely control wages more than ever this way; which means that with Trump's less regulation, rates for employees go down.
>Trump's wall is the most expensive project in the history of the United States. Mexico will not pay for it, so he's gotta get this money somewhere else.
Next you'll say He'll never win the election. Oh wait.
>Trump wants to expand military spending, which is already bloated.
Bloated because of lobbyists. Which will be dead under a Trump administration.
>Completely destroying the ACA means that PHARMA companies get to again smother the middle class in debt.
And everyone forgets hes going to replace with something better.
>mandatory 5 year sentencing for illegals means that taxpayers are going to become strained to pay for it...
Only if they come back a second time after being deported.
Haynes is better than your corporate cuck ''''''''''''''''philosophy'''''''''
t. build more bridges and build muh roads
Lol, no it isn't. You guys suck
i hope he doesn't build the wall. europe has a fucking sea between them and their stream of african immigrants and had 10k cross the mediterranean in one day.
but yeah a wall. that'll stop 'em.
Doesn't he want to fund NASA more or did someone on here make that shit up?
Trickle down is, and always has been BS, but it's only for a few years. Worth it for the social shit.
Also, do you really think Mexico will Directly pay for the wall? Are you retarded?
Nice roleplay faggot
>The wall is just cement
Most retarded post I've ever seen on Sup Forums
Can anyone answer this?
You don't run a small business in gonna go ahead and guess lol
Cool, but we already knew all this he talked about it a lot the last few months
easy to argue what caused the reagan recovery, but nobody denies that it did happen. compare that to the obama recovery.
either lowered taxes, deregulation, lowering federal spending, or limiting the money supply through the fed, or some combination of these things caused immense growth under "muh trickle down" reaganomics
trump's plan is similar in every way except contraction of money supply and arguably reduced federal spending. I say arguably because he wants to increase some things and reduce many others. whether spending goes up or down depends on what congress will play ball with, but overall he clearly wants lowered debt
If he goes with his tax plan as it was conceived, I'm getting 0% tax.
I don't really care about what the wealthy get at that point.
I'm getting a tax increase. Based on the rates I am right at the bottom of the 3rd tier which puts me up from what I was at before.
>Trump's wall is the most expensive project in the history of the United States.
I should really fix my car this weekend so I can listen to them from time to time again
it wasn't about fixing anything. it was about defeating hillary and bathing in leftist tears.
...This year I saw Memes so spicy they burned the most notoriously criminal family-tree in America to the fucking ground.
I watched a brakeless train traveling at over seven times the speed of light come to an immediate halt at the gates of the White House.
They will tell you it was beautiful, and you will feel proud. But you will never truly understand, little pepes. How it felt to be on the front lines, shitposting in all directions. The line between man and meme blurring until there was no distinction at all. For a short while, Kek walked among us.
And it was glorious.
Newfags will never know this feel
Infrastructure that is SECOND TO NONE
He's gonna fix the inner cities
*makes OK sign*
So what, America can just borrow whatever money it needs. Nobody expects to get it back anyway. And if they want it back then America can just occupy them and start killing people until only people left are those who want to lend even more money
Can't we just withhold the money that immigrants send back to their families for fundings for the wall?
>Economists from both ends of the aisle believe this
Expert election analysts from both sides thought that Trump had zero chance to win. I'm pretty convinced he's more than capable of pulling through unfavorable odds at this point.
>Reaganomics was terrible economic growth
>Pretending that it was actually great
>kids actually believe this
What are you saying?
It is. "one of the most" then.
oops, that was directed at OP
How is a $20 billion dollar project the most expensive project in history?
Fuck right off. We're spending triple that just on fibre network.
>Forgetting that 80 percent of the media is against him
So Hillary was right about the Trumped up trickle down economics...
I think we've made a mistake guys..
Where can I go to change my vote?
>the stick of tarriffs will be what really brings them back.
Yeah? Show me when this worked?
We went through this already with Bush. We have a real recent historical comparison of this
>Next you'll say He'll never win the election. Oh wait.
Not an argument.
>Which will be dead under a Trump administration.
A big """"If"""""and that still doesn't cut federal spending.
>And everyone forgets hes going to replace with something better.
Which is a fucking pipedream that nobody even knows what it is yet.
>Only if they come back a second time after being deported.
No, the first minimum sentencing is for illegals already here, the next tier of sentencing is for coming back a second time.
His plan is shit, user. You just have a bias.
>Trumped up trickle down economics
Holy cow when she said that I wondered how we could ever possibly top "drumpf" again
>20 billion for construction
>then you have to man the wall
>then you have to upkeep the wall
>then you have to hire people and pay them
This seriously will be one of the most expensive construction projects in recent history. Only an aspie who can't count would think otherwise.
OP is a little cbitch who thinks 1% of people paying 50% of taxwsnis not unfair enough and that using the power of the government's boots to steal even more from others will make him less of an inadequate loser
>Chicagoan School of Economics
>The mentally unstable shill is taking advantage of the anonimity to trick us into believing he is a Trump supporter.
t. Falsefag
>This has just allowed he HDNW (Hitler did nothing wrong) agency, Sup Forums's personal army, to find out this is a coordinated attack
fuck off
>citing Trump's actual platform from NPR
>makes you a ctr shill
You know since he's a rich as fuck businessman he can pay for all this shit out of his piggybank
Point out what's factually incorrect from the source?
lol Do you think he is? He'd go bankrupt again doing it. It's a lost cause. It's never going to happen.
Its easy
Mexico is going to pay for the wall
It could also become an extremely popular tourist attraction if Trump and the government take that into consideration instead of simply building a functional border wall.
Why don't you put a wall in your vagina since it's never going to be used anyway?
Whats your prefered school? The school of detriot?
>Mexico is going to pay for the wall
No, they aren't. So who is? Taxpayers?
Literally almost everything.
just wondered how he's gonna get them.
>he wants tax cuts for the rich, the most tax cuts in decades.
>Trump's wall is the most expensive project in the history of the United States.
More unsourced bullshit
>Chicongoan School of Economics
stopped reading right there
Trump supporters actually think like this for real though
>A symbol of unwelcomeness and division
>tourists will flock here
Trade deficit
You might as well post Pravda.
>Trade deficit
HAHAHAHA Okay. This was always a delusional point ever since he mentioned it. Mexico already said no. That's the end of it.
Mexico. Foreign Aid, that we would normally be giving them, will be withheld from them in order to pay for the wall.
>In my echo chamber I don't accept NPR even if they have direct sources
You have to go back Pedro.
thx, if ur a female and over 18, can I grab your pussy?
They are inherently biased. It costs less to get rid of illegals than it does to take care of them as taxpayers. Trump already said they were going to be DEPORTED, not INCARCERATED. This is easily researchable.
Again, NPR is a total fucking joke. Biased, bought and paid for.
I used to believe reaganomics was a disaster too
I blame the education system
>will be withheld from them in order to pay for the wall
And again, both a former Mexican President and the former Mexican President both said that Mexico will never do this. Are you going to force them at gunpoint?
*meant to write that both the former and current Mexican Presidents
>NPR literally cites Trump's platform from his website
Everyone is so fucking unhinged here. It's only going to get worse over these 4 years.
Why should we believe you?
The Nay-sayer haven't been right once on anything. Look at what is happening already, Russia, Syria, want to work with us, TPP in dust bin, Canada wants to re-negotiate NAFTA
Why should we believe you?
The Patriot Act allows Trump to seize remittances. You don't need Mexico's input.
>Is asked to point out what is wrong with the information
>Trump already said they were going to be DEPORTED, not INCARCERATED
>His plan literally talks about minimum sentencing for illegals in this country.
It is never going to happen, user.
You fucking corprotate zionist knob sucker. Raeganomics was a meme term for the middle class and lower middle class getting fucked. Deregulation does only one thing. It lets corporations misbehave legally so they don't have to face legal rammifications of all the jew shit they do because they are greedy as fuck and will fuck anyone they want for even a penny. Like charging half a cent at the gastation or the banks always rounding down. You stupid faggot. I know you aren't the 1% or else you'd be on a yatch fucking 10 year olds instead of shitposting on Sup Forums. Now please stop shilling.
>Why would Putin possibly be glad that a retard is President?
Only bad thing about a Trump presidency is having to listen to dipshit liberals every hour for 4/8 yrs. take every little thing and go "Ermahgawd so stupid it's not gonna work!"
Economists on both aisles...
Experts agree...
The overwhelming consensus...
Get use to hearing those terms, you will start to cringe when you hear them.
Economists are dumb fucks. Doing the opposite of what they think is sound policy in my opinion.
>Russia, Syria, want to work with us
Wonder why.
>TPP in dust bin
Literally, no it isn't. Trump isn't even President yet.
>Canada wants to re-negotiate NAFTA
Source? Who said that? Where?
>take every little thing and go "Ermahgawd so stupid it's not gonna work!"
This board did that for 8 years
That's probably the best way to approach it.
He has had the plan to show how mexico will pay for the wall for like a year. Tarrifs and taxes on things like remittances. He's only asking for 5-10Billion
a 10% tax on remittences (which totaled 25B in 2015) would knock that out in 2-4 years
yeah dumbass have you ever seen a wall in your life?
walls aren't made of gold. you just need reinforced steel and cement
>Mexico will not pay for it
lol, still in the denial phase I see
>Mexico says they won't.
They will never happen, because average billy bob shops at walmart and if he finds out his prices are going up $10, because the president is charging tarrifs on imported goods he'll lose his vote. Sad fact. People in america are retarded and expect shit to be cheap and they've gotten used to it thats why you can never have those jobs return.
That is not an argument you cheeky bastard
>uses the REEE meme to portray us
we never cried as much as those pussies on the streets and your friends in shillin' user
"It is physically impossible to build a wall. No one in human history has ever built a wall." - The US media for the last 18 months
Nice spin faggot.