It's been 48 hours.
How we feeling/pol/?
It's been 48 hours
work is never over
weird as fuck
saw "SJW Tears" tears video on jewtube
many others with high viewership
honestly don't know how to feel about this.
we're now in charge of the culture. sickening
being a NEET has never been this gud
for the first time in my life i have hope for the future, lads
>How we feeling/pol/?
I need to see a doctor, because my erection isn't going away. I'm worried it may last for 4 to 8 years.
Disturbingly enough, the easy part is done. Now comes the really hard work. Also known as the it takes work to get better, and things are going to look worse while we are transitioning and the libcucks are NOT going to shut the fuck up about this to save their lives, even though everyone with a functional brain knows it's coming.
it's like we're back on track to pre 9/11 days
hope is in the air
Like i'm living in a fucking dream and i never want to wake up
Pretty fucking good
I'm 25 and it was the happiest day of my life. I've been randomly smiling for the last day and a half.
Fucking fantastic
drunk as fuck, feel good, no classes tomorrow, and old row posted a vid of my fraternity. good day
Damn good.
High energy
Still in gloating mode.
Still worried about Trump's safety.
Still need to remember I'm not an american.
>trump will work with assad and putin to eradicate isis from the face of the earth
>he'll come back home victorious and swing the supreme court conservative, ensuring states rights keep winning for decades
>the wall gets built
>illegals are deported en masse, california is made great again in the process
>blacks are put back to work in detroit with the revitalization of the domestic auto industry, race relations improve bigly
the future is bright
Absolutely marvelous.
Literally shaking. I voted for trump, but I live in California with many minority friends. I haven't told them I voted for trump and they're probably going to ask the next time I see them.
You can be American in spirit, my shitposting friend.
i have the smugest grin.
im afraid ill need a surgery to fix it.
Not sure about any of you but i'm feeling fucking great, these liberal tears are a fucking gold mine.
Holy fuck did he actually post this?
My faith in humanity had returned. But still, we have much more work ahead.
honeslty even my 5th grade brother tells me he hates his feminits teacher, and he mocks liberals and SJW's
i am really in awe and i cant beilve it.
than again he does watch pewdiepie and leafy, and ricegum on youtube.
In a strange state. My libshit friends keep saying non whites aren't safe anymore around whites but I'm a spic, go to a white dominant uni and nothing has happened to me.
Walked around my block today. Not a cloud in the sky and the leaves blew past my feet. Something was different about the world. The sweet taste of victory has never felt so pure.
Feeling stellar, I feel like I finally have something potentially good to look forward to
i am extremely satisfied at the public dressing-down the mainstream media just endured.
nobody gives a fuck what CNN, CBS, or NBC thinks anymore.
Happy Trump won
Loving the tears
But won't be 100% satisfied until Hillary and the Clinton Foundation are held accountable for their crimes.
It feels like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can actually say I'm excited about the future.
11/10, I've been constantly laughing at liberal tears for 48 hours, the riots make it even better, plz get more triggered lefties, completely btfo
>tfw my entire country BTFO
Thank God for the old men and women in America.
>tfw the fire rises
Smug as fuck. Here's some OC. Not that there's no mention of the Trump supporters who've been attacked since the election.
usually asleep by now. but just so joyful, can't sleep. thinking about trump in the white house, it's amazing. very happy.
it feels like a goddamn dream.
>Still worried about Trump's safety.
Mike Pence is Trump's bullet-proof vest.
That dude is legit scary. Anti-science, anti-evolution, anti-vaccine, religious nutjob. Nobody is going to kill Trump because he'll be replaced by someone much worse.
This past week has had a very 90s or 80s vibe to me. Of course part of that is I live in the ass end of the universe, where jeans jackets and 90s cars are still common, but even so.
Getting treated totally different at work. As if I'm some kind of prophet. It's strange and way better than I thought it would be.
Cautious optimism. Renewing my concealed handgun license on Saturday.
I remember the Bush years. Believe me, the American left is almost as obnoxious when they know they're a rejected minority as they are when they think they're the moral majority.
It's just getting started. I can't wait to see the chimpout when construction on the wall starts and they start getting carted away in paddy wagons.
Trump is the boy who said "the emperor has no clothes."
And now he gets to be the emperor, and his sense of fashion really is quite impeccable.
>non whites aren't safe anymore around whites but I'm a spic
My wife is Columbian, and she's been crying non-stop. She asked me today if I thought she was safe.
I told her, "Honey, CNN is manipulating you because they lost, and they want you to be terrified. It's like when Fox News told me to be afraid of black people when Obama won."
Scare tactic to get minorities out to the polls.
>Trump is the white supremacist candidate
>Hilary is the only savior of your people
It's no wonder why there was so much violence at Trump rallies and why now there's violence in protest in the streets. But none of it is from white Trump supporters.
At peace.
I've got to work to keep the anger boiling. Once we won I felt like it was time for reconciliation but (((they))) clearly don't want it nor do they deserve it.
The dawn has come and the day has just begun.
And then MFW seeing the "Love Trumps Hate" crowd throw a tantrum and terrorize American Cities.
Posted a letter to Trump telling him I was happy I didn't kill myself because now I get to see some MAGA shit going down
Sup Forums was full of Liberals at first, but they seem to have dissipated.
I feel strangely dissatisfied, I genuinely thought something big would happen after Trump won, but nothing.
Here's one I saw on the morning of November 9. I actually feel kind of bad for him because the media lied to lefties just as much as they lied to us and he admits he was completely emotionally unprepared for Trump being elected. He's cooled his jets since then and actually calmed down after about a day. I think it was a sobering moment for someone who spent the last 5 years getting high on social justice crap. I'm pretty sure he's still a believer in the SJW cause for now, but he's had his first real crisis of faith since he started tumbling down that rabbit hole.
Still grasping onto the fact that the Zyklon Don actually got the presidency. I've been somewhere in between relieved and satisfied at the same time. It's a weird feeling that I've never felt before in regards to our political system.
I'm still eager to see what President Trump does and if he goes through with what Candidate Trump said, but we have four years to see it happen... also the amount of libcuck tears on social media is absolutely delicious, what a time to be alive!
>pic related
Liberals are throwing tantrums so hard they're burning their own cities.
It doesn't get much better than that.
History is being written every day and you get a front seat to watch it all.
This was actually the first thing the person in my cap really said about Trump. I'm just too polite to tell her to stop being overly dramatic, or point out the Trump supporters being beaten or what have you. I'll just let her talk shit and eventually she'll calm her tits. She wasn't nearly this social justice-y when we were younger. But then, I was more into it then, so maybe it just looked less extreme to me.
Move here to Texas, faggot. We need moar solid white niggas holding it down. Plus, our women down here love the accent, and if you are half-way intelligent you can find rewarding work.
Today USA
The World tomorrow!
The victory was made all the sweeter because the whole world had set its will against Trump. The media, entertainment, politicians at home and abroad; all worked tirelessly to bring him down. This was a repudiation of decades of the globalist agenda by the common folk and we should all be proud to have played a role in his victory.
This, exactly.
I'm kind of coming down from the afterglow, but I'm hopeful for the future.
Look, I really never wanted Trump as my president. He lies through his teeth and talks himself into corners far too often for my liking, and he got clearly exposed as being out of his element on numerous occasions throughout the debates. Really, I had to decide whether I wanted somebody who lied as an entertainer, businessman, and novice politician still learning the ropes versus somebody who has made it abundantly clear that she was going to sell you down the river each and every chance she got so long as it advanced or protected her.
Trump may have lied over the course of the past 18+ months, but Hillary has been lying in her capacity as a leading American politician for over 18 years. And at least Trump stuck by the three or four things he was most adamant about even when it was spelling certain doom for his numbers in the general election.
As uneasy as I was with casting my vote for Trump, something started stirring within me as the numbers started to turn on Tuesday night and the liberal anguish began to flow forth. I may be at odds with the logic I've grown accustomed to seeing out of the most passionate of his supporters, but the hypocrisy, malevolence, and overall victim complex I see out of liberals is something else entirely. I truly believe that they're getting a long overdue comeuppance, and the arrested mentality they're displaying means that they're not going to learn their lesson in a hurry.
So here's to the next four years Sup Forums. This could be pretty fucking sweet.
>one of the most liberal cities in America
>thousands and thousands of people suddenly can't drive to their place of work or home
>dumpster and car fires everywhere
>"Who is behind all this madness!?"
>their face when they realize it's the "enlightened left-wing millennials" behind it
Glorious Russo-American Alliance soon
Your wife seems like an absolutely retarded South-Mexican. I hope she has other redeeming qualities.
How is this a good thing? We need to pull Americans together and get people to cooperate again
A touch anxious
I throughly underestimated how much the left hated white people, to the point where they'd try to throw out our current system of government "because America was built on institutionalized racism"
I still believe the military can stop anything fatal from happening but it's depressing to see it actually go this far
What are gun rights for non citizens like in Texas? We had been talking about moving over if Trump won. Might actually look into it now.
Can't wait!
Own it or be a faggot, your choice.
I'm convinced I died on Election Day and I'm now in a eternal dream where everything goes right
Also this
>I may be at odds with the logic I've grown accustomed to
At this time put aside your logic and let faith take hold. Its going to be a bumpy ride but I hold the belief Trump will wake every morning and do his damnedest to do what is best for America and her people.
>Still have not stopped laughing.
>Just masturbated to Laci Green's butthurt.
>Can't go full SSJ3 because my wife (obviously) hates trump.
Pretty good tho.
10/10 times, gonna watch Mortal Kombat now
I went to sleep last night happily thinking about all the illegals/lefties who're living in a nightmare now.
>I really never wanted Trump as my president.
Nice try... HUMA ABEDIN!
Good. Based. Want shit to happen though. Probably should just take it easy and wait until he is actually President. I feel like I'm being annoying wanting shit to happen straight away.
Still riding high on lib tears
Fuck off Pence is comfy as fuck.
This page isn't necessarilly 100% up to date but according to it, there are no restrictions for gun ownership when it comes to legal resident aliens in Texas. Seems to be the same with most states.
I don't really care about trump winning, and i think its probably a bad thing.
But these libcuck tears are delicious
Pretty sure you can own guns a normal citizen can, as long as you aren't a felon.
As the left has been telling us for 60+ years: be yourself. If they can't stomach that then clearly they are not your friends.
No special restrictions, I should say. The same restrictions apply to legal resident aliens as for citizens, obviously.
Laci Green has had this coming for a long time. I wonder what's going to happen to UM RACIST MUCH though.
He doesn't actually take office for 2 months. What did you think was gonna happen the day after the election?
>tfw NEET from beginning of election time to the very end
>sat comfy in my room smoking the herbal jew and watching Trump rallies every day
>watch his victory speech and the collective tears flowing down the cuck loser's faces
Weird, I've never really had much anything good happen to me and stick around. I hope Trump does us proud.
Back to being angry.
He won. It's ok to tell them you voted for Gary.
How would you rate your vacation?