I'm 99% sure that Calexit won't happen. But let's say that it did happen and California becomes it's own nation. What do you think will happen?
I'm 99% sure that Calexit won't happen. But let's say that it did happen and California becomes it's own nation...
Republicans win forever
Where did Calexit come from? It's the dumbest shit I've ever heard because I live there.
Well liberals lose 55 guaranteed votes so it'll make it hard for them to gain the white house.
if it happens they better give me a chance to move, I hate this state as is but stuck here
beans and it's becoming an alt right meme
rip us ;_;
Die of thirst and burn to the ground from brush fires. Eventually their minority's would consume them. Sounds comfy.
America will be great again.
We will run out of water within 2 weeks and have to rejoin the union.
I swear we are like a spoiled teenage girl threatening to run away from home
Nuke it.
They'll die. Califag turned Masshole here. They are 17% of the US population and they use up 34% of all welfare in the US. Their water comes from Arizona and their power comes from Nevada. They leave, they die. It's as simple as that.
California's economy tanks. They would instantly go from worlds 6th strongest economy to third world.
>every sane californian would leave
>liberal population at %100 mass
>echo chamber politics would lead to open boarders in 5 years
>mexicans come over in the hundreds of millions
>mexican drug cartel moves in deep
And that's how California became a part of Mexico.
California seperating is actually an old idea
The tech companies will most likely leave to America in order to not deal with new tariffs imposed by Trump.
Agriculture will also tank for this reason, which might help with their water issue, but more likely they will end up buying it from America for exorbitant prices because they have to.
Their economy they like to boast about completely dies and we build a wall to keep them out of our country.
that actually doesnt sound too far from the truth
It can't happen.
Cali is in debt. They can't pay off the debt.
After they pay off the debt they have to buy the land from the government, which they can't afford.
Texas is the same way.
Commies just need to leave so more deserving people can live on that land. Perhaps Native Americans.
seriously though what would happen to silicon valley
>American agriculture
Oh no, what ever will the world do without shitty almonds that aren't even remotely efficient to grow compared to other protein-rich nuts.
They'll all be on welfare and their companies will leave them.
Those narcissists actually think the companies in CA are there because they love CA, not because of corporate tax laws, US trade, and prime real estate for status.
>California sinks
>John Cusack flies to China
I'm pretty sure this has been tried before. As I recall, a fuckton of people died and it was decided that states can't just leave whenever they want.
Everybody with a brain wants to run away from Trump. Caliexit it´s a matter of survival.
It's called Cuxxit.
they won't be a blue state anymore, that's the irony in the whole thing.
millennial liberals are the worst. do everything to be trendy, not because they care. Fucking idiots
I'll get to slaughter all the Marxists in the name of preserving the union?
Being a California Trump supporter I'd start my own Vostok Battalion and raise holy hell taking out separatist scum.
They will wither on the vine. And too bad, because most of the state is normal people. Let LA and SF leave.
Please sell your aircraft carriers to us. It could pay for more socialism.
We'd have to deprive them of Jefferson, the conservative part of CA which conveniently has most of the water.
Fun fact: The average IQ in California is 95.
I've got some protein rich nuts you can gobble.
>Already bankrupt state leaving
Please do, we don't want you back
>Live in California
>Don't really want to move but also hate PC culture
I will sacrifice myself Sup Forums witness me
I'm sorry I actually misread your post.
You said "to" not "from".
I'm not taking back what I said about almonds though.
bitter rubbery trash that requires so much fucking water to produce, and even more water to become edible.
Hey newfriend.
>"In 2010, a typical year, agriculture consumed 33 million acre feet of irrigated water, while urban uses, including landscaping, consumed 8.3 million acre feet."
Tank was the wrong word, but depending on how much the industry there drops it could help their water crisis.
The beginning of the end of the great american empire.
Mexicants invade. No one had guns. Fucking become MexiCal
We're gonna go the way of Russia after the fall of the USSR
We will need their experienced help when the crisis hits.
They will return after they realize that they don't get welfare anymore.
Caliexit must happen. California is a parasite state. Everyone there is unfit to work and needs free health care.
They use the money the government gives to them to buy more drugs. They don't produce anything other than a few almonds
And California is the richer state. So the rest of the USA can´t be dumber.
I corrected myself either way so don't feel obligated to defend yourself.
I will say it a third time though, almonds are shit.
Let them beg for salvation.
Fuck you goy. I probably pay more in taxes than you earn in an entire year.
Make homosexuality illegal again.
I'm tired of all these fiends using me to try and validate their sexuality.
>And California is the richer state.
You have to understand the difference between Hollywood jews making profit and don't paying tax and having industries, creating jobs, etc.
Hollywood's money comes from drugs and other illegal activities. This is not something you can call wealth because it doesn't generate anything of value other than parasiting in bank accounts.
1. republicans would literally win every single election for the next 50 years. the democrats take their 55 delegates for granted.
2. California would almost immediately turn into a third world shit hole.
their infrastructure is already at its breaking point and without federal funds they are done.
trump would put a tariff on them making everything they get from the rest of the country wildly expensive.
3. the rich and intelligent people wold see this all coming and move. leaving nothing but hippies, degenerates, and minorities behind.
I for one welcome it. it wold be fucking awesome
>Tell Mexico that they can have it if they build a wall around it
>72 hours later, the wall is built
This is what needs to be done. They'll probably gladly do it to get rid of those "wacist conservative nazies".
Agreed. Almonds are awful.
Would be good for america
Republicans would never lose another election
Then I move a neighboring state
fuck this stupid fucking state and its retarded population god I hate commiefornia so fucking bad
They import water, what the fuck are they going to do without water?
Your tax is used to pay health care for junkies. It's not used to boost the industry or in infrastructure.
See this confirms my point:
>their infrastructure is already at its breaking point and without federal funds they are done.
Ive been saying this in every Calexit / Caleave thread I see: PLEASE MEME THIS INTO EXISTENCE.
Bay area user, here. Let's examine this critically. California is the biggest and most culturally diverse state, do you really think EVERYONE would go along with it? Save for sacramento, everything from nappa valley until oregon will say "suck a dick, we're splitting from YOU and becoming jefferson like we've always wanted".
Mountain / forest country between tahoe and death valley would have very weak resolve, and just woudnt want to get into any trouble with the feds.
what youre really looking at is a very easily split alliance between the People's Republic of Berkeley (SF + Oakland+ Vallejo + Berkeley + east bay), SoCal (LA County and San Diego), and the mexican warzones in the middle (sainas, watsonville, los banos, bakersfield, etc). These supply lines would be broken up extremely easily by morgan hill / orange county / monterey bay. Santa Cruz would be left all alone and wouldnt help anybody but themselves. Fremont is like 90% chinese / indian, and theyre not going to go along with a bunch of black communist fuck heads.
It's such a laughable idea, it would never work. About 40% of whites would leave immediately, and 75% of the remaining cucked whites would leave within 4-5 years when they realize what FULL COMMUNISM actually means. What youre left with is a bunch of twerk-happy nappy-headed crack heads who dont know how to govern their own lives, much less a commune. Each pocket of resistance would so easily be stamped out even nonviolently within a few years.
What I'm realistically hoping for is to play the long-term jew and hope this eventually ends up splitting the state into 6 states. That would be a dream come true. We gotta figure out how to get it going for the long haul.
Does this mean we can finally let the landmass of Cali drift into the ocean?
Whatever I'm not a degenerate like you're implying all Californians are.
Just shows I'm right and you are a liberal pothead
Rural conservatives would start an insurgency, and then either we would support with spec ops guys, 93 we would just go full scale invasion with the rural insurgency helping us out,. Kill most of the lefties because they would suck ass in actual combat even if they somehow magically got weapons. 55 red delegates forever and no more >muh popular vote
I'd like to see California give up all that Federal money spent keeping things working there infrastructure wise, and all their water deals going void overnight.
What's your take on Belmont? Also nice digits.
Underrated toast
Global economic collapse.
They have 0 money to invest in infrastructure that's why they have to beg every year for the congress to give them more money
They tried that before. It is called 'secession' and there was quite the contest to decide whether it was legal or not.
It is not.
But if we are talking about fantasy scenarios I would LOVE IT if California tried. The Fed would go in with the military, smack the shit out of them, and then California would flip red till the end of time.
Lets all pray for a devastating earthquake.
All the fags and weirdos would move there, making it the AIDS and dude-weed capital of the world.
It gets purged of lefties when Trump goes full Lincoln on it.
All the celebrities move to NYC or Florida
Florida becomes the new Hollywood
Midwest suddenly has prime real estate for agriculture
the west coast and cities are going to be flooded with refugees
Texas hates California so much for seceeding before them that they ban Californians completely and debate over how long the Californians hunting season will be and what prizes to offer the highest scalp collector
The State of Jefferson becomes a real thing and faggot liberals die of dehydration.
>Retards actually think Californias huge economy is because Hollywood Jews
Top zozzle m8
>The Fed would go in with the military,
That's where our memes will be useful. Trump browses pol he will realize it's better to let them perish on their own.
The Military is not going to do anything positive there. They must not go otherwise you can expect 10 concerts a month against United States
"Bruce Springsteen in Concert: Against United States With Friends"
If the first order of business upon achieving independence is killing all the niggers and Mexicans that have turned parts of our state into the third world, then I support this motion.
Even better, before their failed state secedes, all shitlibs from other states get a one time opportunity to go there, but can not reenter the USA (minus California) if they choose and automatically renounce citizenship.
They can take all the degenerates, illegals and losers they want. Their "new country" would be in total collapse within 6 months. They can call it Liberal Land.
>Soros push marijuana legalization
>Californians obey Soros commandments and legalize marijuana
That's why you have to let them have their own country outside the United States
Why doesn't Sup Forums meme this movement into succeeding? You've memed a president into office. If you could meme this into happening, the Jews in Hollywood wouldn't have as much influence. You'd guarantee Republican presidents for the foreseeable future. You'd make the US about 40% less cucked.
this will happen. they will get rekt by the national guard and president trump will sip coffee.
Not only that but think about how fast it would fix most of the drug problem in the US
most of cocaine and heroin comes from California.
Best thing that can happen is Californians RENOUNCE their Citizenship. Then everything will be easier.
I'm thinking that the west side of the bay area (redwood city / san mateo / alo alto / sunnyvale) would kinda be indifferent, but would be roped into it because they have strong "spiritual" tech ties to San Francisco and most of the males are pretty docile. I live in San Jose, and that pretty much describes the situation here. There's so many H1B visas here, they would just up and leave, and the well-to-do whites in Los Gatos / Saratoga / campbell will leave for seattle probably.
I'm not an expert on the entirety of CA here, though. Just thinking out loud and hoping for more digits so KEK will jew this into existence within 10 years.
Die of thirst when we cut their water off. Repopulate the state a few months later.
Without the government on their side now liberals have absolutely nothing. That's why they're trying to undermine everything in the next 2 months.
The media isn't going to fight for you in times of crisis.
>Cold americans want to deport this
what's wrong with you?
Everything improves, nothing bad happens.
New World Sweden
>everything improves
i think you're underestimating the amount of fruits and vegetables this shithole produces
>Texas is the same way.
Texas is not 15 billion in debt like California is. They actually enjoy a budget surplus.
Land owners are the only people who have an actual say in a secession.
Most of Commiefornia's liberal population lives off of coffee shop wages and student loans. Obviously won't pass with a bunch of hippies who can't afford rent.
It's legal if they have 2/3rds of the states supporting it.
They will suck cock to re enter the US because they are babies.
t. Live in LA
Secession? No, they need to be EJECTED from the US. It's like when a company has a huge part of it that is doing really well and a lesser part of it that sucks ass. You spin the shit part off into a separate company and leave it to die, while the healthy business remains intact.
what will happen is the liberal population will be responsible for creating an independent country
That will be great for the rest of the United States and probably ''good'' to mexico.
Silicon Valley is filled with a bunch of robots.
What do we do with robots?
>filled with a bunch of robots.
>Made in China
The californian dream.. oh...
Duck Lips
I do not know What you are smoking,But Kalafornia is the 7th larges economy in the world,all high tech are based here
This is true. Texas is one of the ONLY deep red states that contributes to the federal budget as opposed to taking from it.
la protest right now