Is Sup Forums proof that multiculturalism works?
Is Sup Forums proof that multiculturalism works?
No because I still don't want to live near any non-whites.
Not a racist I just think everyone should keep to their own people
Yeah but it's not like all you faggots are living with me and consuming my resources. We're just talking.
No, if you come to Sup Forums you assimilate to Sup Forums's culture. Otherwise, you get sent back to plebbit to dwell with the other shit-smeared barbarians.
multiculturalism among euros/slavs and east asians yes
as for brown people they are a cancer on this planet
We hate eachother ocasionally in silence, so yeah. Kinda how it works
Just don't be a pussy and everyone can get along don't chimp out either if you're called a nigger
Just bantz back and the world works
No because we aren't sharing resources. We're proof it's nice from far away where we aren't stepping on each others toes
Multi-ethinicity, maybe. But everyone here is more than encouraged to adapt the local culture or fuck right off. Of course there's still plenty of room for disagreement, but calling it "multicultural" would be a lie.
we talk shit about flags constantly if the post is abhorrent, but for the most part if you make a well thought out argument, your opinion is just as valid as an mexishit, sand nigger, or chink's.
its your ideologies that will make your Sup Forums life hard. that's why leafs are so hated around here. their shitposts have transcended anonymity and they have established themselves as a lower class of anons.
niggers are probably worse honestly
we are talking about humans here. nigs and abos dont count from the get go
I don't know, I hate Canadians more since coming here
But that's part of Sup Forums culture
Lan hürensohn, say this to my face irl and see what happens
you will most likely run off and try to get your brothers because you are bitch if its 1on1
It's not multiculturalism. It's Sup Forumsculturalism.
Multiculturalism works ONLY if you stay were you belong. You can take vacations or travel to know but not stay.
everyone's always insulting each other. if it was real life we'd all kill each other. are you stupid?
This is exactly why the world got this far, mixing everything up is just wrong.
It's been done in the past (I'm looking at you Spain) and look at the mess it left in south and Central America
Theres a difference between living together and shitposting on the internet.
No, we are proof respectful nationalism works. We all love our own countries and wish other countries well.
>Sup Forums roots for trump
>trump wins
are we all normies now?
>multiculturalism works
If all the cultures live separately and in their own countries
Bullshit. We'd all be avoiding eye contact with other and sitting by ourselves.
We chat and chuckle and it's good to find out what is happening in various places, but at the end of the day we all have the option to turn off the monitor.
no, we are out liars of the normies. Multiculturalism fails on a more grand level
nope Sup Forums is confirmation that high IQ monkeys can reason together.
most people are not so bright and so nationalism is a necessity.
also those are VERY nice nipples
they assimilated to our language
Sup Forums has its own culture and you can identify outsiders quickly
You need to have certain level of intelligence to be on Sup Forums . It doesn't work with the general public.
Multiculturism works when their isn't much cultural differences. Doesn't work with Niggers and Mudslimes. Catholic spics are Ok, Just the ones who live in my country, sponging off it while burning my flag and waving their own need to go.
Sup Forums is proof that we have more in common with those of our own class than we do with those of our own nation. If anything Sup Forums is a validation of Marxist class theory.
Multiculturalism "works", it just works in a negative way.
World peace is monotonous cancer, which would ruin humanity.
Competition and war are necessary.
There's no multiculturalism on Sup Forums
We are multinational, multiracial, multiblabla but we accept only ONE culture. The Sup Forums culture.
And remember Sup Forums is always right.
It's proof that national socialists get together nicely.
Sup Forums is not multicultural, its just multinational
It works without democracy. Like in 18 century Austrian Empire Austrians, Hungarians, Jews, and Slavs live together peacefully.
Multiculturalism + democracy is a disaster because it guarantees racial politics and redistribution (eg. affirmative action) .
I've got no problem with multi-ethnic societies, but multi-cultural societies can fuck right off
Sup Forums is proof that pluralism works. Multiculturalism is pseudo-pluralism for racists who want to pat themselves on the back for building a special place to put minorities into.
Sup Forums is the solution to the failure that is multiculturalism.
People get along if they keep to themselves and stop trying to encourage others to fuck goats/Allahu Ahkbar.
Multiculti works when everyone involved can handle the bants.
And as we know, niggos and mudshits cannot handle it.