>Mexican Senator's Solution To Crime: Arm Citizens

>A Mexican senator has a radical and controversial plan to combat rising violence in his country: Let citizens legally arm themselves in their cars and businesses.

>The lawmaker seeks to seize on Mexicans' anger and frustration at the dismal state of justice in a country where only one percent of crimes are punished, according to an impunity study by University of the Americas Puebla.

>Mexico is "a failed state in terms of security. We aren't asking (the authorities) to defend us. We are telling them, 'Let us defend ourselves,'" Preciado told AFP in an interview in the Senate.

>Banning people from defending themselves with guns is "the equivalent of prohibiting the use of fire because it burns or the use of water because it drowns," he said.


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American here

Godspeed mexibro


>Mexico legalizes guns
>Drug cartels have easier access to getting firearms

Wew lad, it's going to be a bloodbath.

This isn't about freedom, it's about making it more dangerous for America to invade when Mexico refuses to pay for the Wall.

The madman!

Shadilay to you my taco eating brothers.
and may kek help you on your journey.

Shit. This is scary, but it makes sense.
Holy fuck. It's happening.
It's not like we didn't have guns at my house, anyways...


>legalize guns
>you can shoot cartel fuckers now
Sure, they'll come back and murder your whole family, but it's a start

WTF happened there was it Vicente fox that fucked up the country or the guy after him?


Oh God please, let this happen.
The day of the rope is nigh!

remember bragging about your gun ban up until a few years ago? XD

They were legal until the 70's, and then crime and cartels grew.

Why doesn't your government just fund anti cartel militias?

Or pay some military contractor to help out with the cartel problem.

You really need to start using airstrikes/drone strikes on cartel territory, make them afraid, make them fear.

Not gonna happen m80. But that doesn't deprive you from owning guns at home

Its always darkest before the dawn

It already happened senpai.
Guess what happens next: Zetas.

Nigga the thing is most (((government officials))) are in cahoots with cartels and deeply rooted in corruption.

Now you do the math and tell me why it wouldn't be profitable for them to cut on their business.

Wont this backfire though?

Since the cartels can just invade your home and kill everyone inside?

It's gonna get more happening than that bean bro:

Trump promised to designate cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. This means any Mexican politician who the US believes is taking bribes from the cartel can now be arrested and extradited as 'providing material support to a terrorist group'.

Trump is going to help this Senator make Mexico Great Again(Tm)

>Or pay some military contractor to help out with the cartel problem.
Like the zetas?
mercenares fucked the cartel situation beyond repair, you naive fuck

How likely is this?
But at least people are talking about it the right and means of self-defense are self-evident

Now you can be like USA


Make Mexico Great Again

Sounds like the only REAL solution to your problem is for the U.S to annex your country to restore order.

>anti cartel
Cartels and illegals sending cash from the US are the only reasons there's any money in Mexico at all.

Tacos, burritos, and shit flys aren't an industry.

Good luck Mexibro
also pls send me a latina waifu

How much do guns cost in Mexico, legal or otherwise?
How about the ammo?
Hard to get?

Ayyyy yo hol' up...

You're telling me...i'm a let you finish...but you're tellin' me that necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed?????????????


They could do that already if they wanted to. Gun culture would be the only deterrent against crime.

You need a permit that is really hard to get unless you're a politician. Same with ammo.

Armed Citizen Groups Vs Cartels

Fuck yes! I'm from one of the safest countries in the world with tight gun control laws but the fact that Mexico doesn't allow people to own firearms to protect themselves is fucking insane!

I'm not sure, lower class mexicans are a bunch of braindead sheeple who listen to narco corridos and wank over the fantasy of being feared and powerful,while upper class mexicans seem to have this messiah complexes it make me think of waves of Elliot Rodger impersonators shooting up parties and schools. Legalizing firearms should be exclusive to states where there's rampant narco activity.

Probably the best solution and I am all for it, but most mexiniggers are way too fucking "prideful" or """"nationalistic"""", from fucking nothing mind you, to let that happen.

Mitt Romney's weird mormon cousins up north in Colonia Juarez did exactly that, they armed themselves and fought off cartel kidnappings

Heard rumors of happening before the 9s another reset

We need to meme magic make Mexico great again.

They might fall for a socialist who thinks animal farm is on his side

Are you this new?

Make Mexico Great Again!

Are you saying that Cartels don't already have weapons?

Ayyyy yo for real tho hol' up...

You're tellin' me...that God created men...but Sam Colt made them equal?????????????


I'm so glad I memed for Trump so hard.

OH GOD AT LAST... time to BTFO those hordes of brayanes and kevin for good, their nogging has lated for far too long

It's a good plan honestly. I had something similar in mind for my own country.

>Trumps wins

>Mexico decides it wants to be great again as well

I am proud


A brief quibble: the origin of our Second Amendment is not tradition or having guns itself, it is philosophically the idea that government must be limited in order to avoid becoming a Maslovian hammer. I do not have government permission to own guns any more than I have or seek goverent permission to breathe. Thus, trying to mess with the Amendment is not about guns or calibres but about the nature of law itself.
If you guys take up arms because of a specific emergency, then there will come a day when the emergency can be said to have passed, and you will be disarmed, and find yourselves in the same mess. You must enshrine this sacred and society-changing right in more than just a reaction to a specific situation.

not gonna lie mexico, I hope this shit works out for you and makes mexico awesome.

>cholo or drug degenerate invades home
>degenerate gets shot and die because the owners now own guns
>one less degenerate to worry about
it sounds great

>mexican citizens legally arming themselves

kek, you gave up that right in 1917. Your indio forefathers didn't give a shit about their bows and arrows shortly after the aztec revolution. Truly a turning point for all mexicans forever

Make Mexico Great Again

Liberty is not something that can be given. It is not a gift to be wrapped up in a box and handed over.

Liberty has to be taken with force, and kept with force. No one can gift it to you.

>Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.

>Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both.

>The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. -Frederick Douglass

The cartel problem cannot be solved by violence. Kill one drug lord, a new one will rise tomorrow.

I still don't get why you Mexicans are OK with fighting the stupid American anti-drug war for them. Just legalize everything and let the Americans deal with it if they are so hellbent on keeping drugs illegal.

You Know once the Mexican civilians beats back the Cartels then Mexico can Build a business infrastructure......

They're saving money for the wall

The cartel will pay better I'd think




Maybe we could make Mexico great or at least good so that you do not need to move to the US and Canada

Australia you know how to say exactly the dumbest shit possible don't you?

Ayyyy yo wait up hol' up...

You're tellin' me that it's every person's God given right to be able to defend themselves?????????????


This is why kek chose Trump

Welcome to San Paro


I knew an old man, father of a friend of mine, who had a carbine hidden in his business, one day the bad guys came to try and scare him so they could have a percentage of what he earned

Fat mistake

He shot one of them in the knee and the others fled and never came back

The police came to the place and decided not to prosecute, the odds were in his favor and those "bad guys" were wanted criminals

Make Mexico Great Again Also


Well there you go.

Good to see some change.

>>We need to meme magic make Mexico great again.
if they made Mexico Great , there's a good chance the beaners here would move back

He seems based. But apparently no one in his party wants to help him.

Well, that was your fault for letting the CIA anywhere near your security.

Mexico's destiny is to be always a bloodbath

You have an arsenal capable of wiping us out in 3 weeks without sending any ground troops.

Govt. is corrupt and cartels pour in a lot of money. There's no good for anyone (neither Mexican nor US govt.) in eliminating cartels.

It was the guy after him: Calderón. Bush and the DEA didn't want another Escobar so they decided that the drug market should be deconcentrated from the two main mexican cartels. Under US pressure, Calderón declared "war on drugs" and sent the army to do the job of the police in cartel territories, since police were already corrupt by cartel money.

The army are just killing grunts and are not trained to do detective job, so whenever they engaged cartel or suspicious people they were killing everyone before getting intel. Hence the bloodbath. Before that, drug trade was running smoothly before that and everyone was getting their share.

Mexico has never been great and will never be as long as the US exists

Happy for you, Pedro.

Zetas were Mexican special forces trained by the US, they decided to defect and join the Gulf cartel. They after some petty dispute they decided to form their own cartel.

Almost all of the original guys are dead or arrested now

Maybe even targeted killing... You're fired!

>Mexico has never been great and will never be as long as the US exists

Not with that attitude.

And that man's name, Albert Einstein.

obviously it won't stop the drugs cartels, the only solution to it would be that every single american addict drop dead (they are the reason they exist), but since they won't stop consuming that toxic shit it is absurd to think: Hey murricans will take care of it with help of the authorities (when it is abundantly clear cops don't give ashit about protecting people). Sure, now letting us protect ourselves won't solve it, but it will keep at bay all those fucking poor low-life (cholos) that rob people, kidnap or beat up just because (which to be honest, are far more annoying because those low-lifes will do stupid shit and attack anyone while cartels only care about killing each other, it is said they even take care of them because cholos are annoying). it is a right to defend ourselves

>4 years later
>Trump is re-elected
>Mexico is now prosperous as fuck
>running with new position
>tear down the wall!
>Mexico American becomes best bros
This please.

Raul, but ok


I have been pondering this for years. Why don't our Mexibros in the south have fucking GUNS to shoot these drug cartels. Our government is probably behind it seeing as they don't mind giving guns to the cartels to continue funding their import of drugs into our country.

If it wasn't drugs, it'd be guns, or children.

You know this as well as I do.

You just need people who actually give a shit about your country.

They don't age very well so ve wary about this

I'll love to see that user but I'll probably die fighting the cartels
>feels bad man

>These career criminals are armed to the teeth despite guns being illegal!
Surely keeping these ineffective gun bans in place will stop these lunatic criminals gunning down the police and populace.

Typical fucking 'roo lol. This is why your country had a mandatory buyback, you koala fucking cuck lord.

Meanwhile you cant even conceal carry in NJ

About fucking time, altought the "Justicars - Justicieros" are already doing justice in the streets!

Seriously all of this hand mutilation to robbers and kidnappers was getting out of hand and messy. Better do it asap.

Hell yeah!

Rockefeller stated it quite well in a metaphor:

The American Beauty Rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grow up around it. This is not an evil tendency in business. It is merely the working-out of a law of nature and a law of God.

For a strong empire to prosper, the small nations around it must be opressed.

>Inb4 Canada: The 'well behaved' brother, whose mining corporations eagerly exploit small countries all over the world

We had them banned twice.

Don't EVER let those gun grabbing liberals win burgerbro.

Mexico has vast untapped natural resources.

Shares a trade border with the most prestigious trading partner on Earth.

Has vast access to oceanic trade routes on both sides of the country to both oceans.

It's almost like you are too busy taking fucking siestas to improve your nation.

>Mexico has never been great and will never be as long as the US exists
That makes no sense. Why would you say that?

naturally, mexicans are unequivocally opposed to military grade weapon ownership


>and Kevin

The fuck did Kevin do to you?

A worthy cause to die for.

Mexico will never be great as along as people its fucking selfish.
It's in their roots, the politicians in Mexico WILL NEBER BE CRYSTAL CLEAR which is hilarious because every mexican always moan about how the most descent ones are corrupt.

Fucking pussie wussie pants, they couldnt handle Calderon who "tried" to put the cartels in their fucking place. So they went back to suck PRI's dick and now the Mexican coin it's worth a half of what it used to.

Fucking pieces of shit, UNDERSTAND THIS! If you become a politician in Mexico you are doomed to get dirt, because the whole system its dirt! This has to be fixed little by little but with Iron Arm AND with external intervention.

Also our coin sucks, we should go back to silver currency.

>implying those who escape because of violence go to US because they want to be discriminated and put up with all shit
nope, they flee because these shitlords go: you can't own guns we protect you, and when the time comes when cops are supposed to do so, they just take him away and set him free even though they killed/tortured your pal/friend/relative. The political elite doesn't care, but people care because it is our nation, they won't do anything, their sole concern is to keep stealing our tax money and letting us die at the hands of those criminals.

Orale, ese

It makes sense, but it's not an excuse, he's just a piece of idiotic crap that likes to blame US for our problems

They sabotaged us and are currently in control of Mexico, but that's no excuse, the fault is ours

We need a third mexican empire