How do we increase the white birth rate?
How do we increase the white birth rate?
Make abortion illegal,take away birth control,Rape white women,keep the boys and turn them into men,keep the females and turn them into a social class of breeders and never let them gain power ever again.
Hang the remaining niggers
Restore relations with Russia
Breed with Slavs to create beauties like Ivanka
By staying on Sup Forums and posting anime.
Remove feminism
by force
3rd post best post
Maybe white men (i.e., cucks) should've kept a better leash on their bitches.
Criminalize anime.
Oh wait, Canada already did that.
Stop stigmatising young couples with kids. Only whites do it and its going to be the end of us.
Who cares if they are welfare leeches. White children are worth it.
None of this has to happen. Just deport illegals, repeal birth right citizenship, and reorganize our immigration system to lower levels and make it merit based.
Become Amish/Mormon.
Force people to socialise.
Cancel automation, that damages socialisation.
Tax deductions and subsidies for having 1 to 2 children (limited to 2 to avoid giving massive subsidies to minorities and people receiving other government benefits are excluded)
real answer -
lower all costs of living - taxes, college, raise pay, lower mortgages, rent.
THROTTLE non-white immigration and immigration in generation
profit in 20 years with LOTSA WHITE CHILLUN.
why not just breed ivanka
Feminist got in the way of that and skyrocketed divorce rates.
Stop using condoms
Give people below 100 IQ pts 1000$/pts below 100 if they accept to get operated and sterilized (negative eugenics)
Give people with 100+ pts IQ 1000$/pts above 100 for every child they have (positive eugenics)
People with higher IQs will mostly be white
Get rid of fedora atheists and bring back Christianity as the strong driving force in communities, even if you only practise if for cultural/traditional reasons and don't believe it
Forgot to mention that making said half-slav beauties would drive the father with such incestuous lust he'll make babies with her too.
Yeah but it was white men who caved into giving women the vote, right? If they hadn't, things would look a lot different.
Nah,females have shown that they cant handle power.only way people learn is by force and failure.
Make sure every white person loses their job so that they can use their freetime making some quality babys.
I'm pretty sure there is no other way because white people will always be to invested in their job and career.
Do what the Jews do and have some women be breeder women. The Orthodox Jewish women spit out 8 to 9 kids each.
Just make sure to DNA test the white men who are allowed to breed. Don't want any Argentinian fags trying to sneak through as being white.
Don't listen to this user. Unless you want all the liberal white college girls to get knocked up by that BBC.
State issued gfs
Tax breaks for married couples that have biological kids together.
Ends if they get divorced.
This would be a good idea.
Have actual babies in sex ed class.
The population regulates itself.
As long as you stop allowing tons of non-whites in, it's not as much of a problem.
Fund automation and soon we won't need non-whites to do the labors.
Marry left
Fuck middle
Kill right
Short wives are for insecure manlets who need the extra height distance to compensate for their lack of natural gravitas. Taller is always more aesthetic.
For austists. Dude go get a girl
>Short wives are for insecure manlets who need the extra height distance to compensate for their lack of natural gravitas. Taller is always more aesthetic.
I don't know about this, but I can never take short people seriously for some reason, especially girlfriends that have been shorter than me.
Tax breaks, niggers won't get them, but whites will.
>you will never impregnate Ivanka Trump
*difference, not distance
>Make abortion illegal
>white birth rate goes up to 2.1
>black birth rate goes up to 3.9
They need to be around eye level with me or it's doomed
What the fuck she is gorgeous here.
Get married and have fucking kids you stupid fucks
YOU are white
YOU increase the birth rate YOURSELF
Ideally, by raising the standard of living across the board. Whites are good providers but won't spam babies like GIBS families unless they have the means.
That means incentives for job creation, and less taxation. But what good are taxes when the funds are siphoned or mismanaged anyway: audit the spending, drive out the inept and corrupt.
Give birth control to minorities for free. Shit, carpet bomg the inner cities with condoms.
Figure out a way to survive on one income so your lady can be a mom. Full quiver doctrine after that.
If youre lucky enough to fuck a chick above your level, poke some holes in your condom.
Reduce marage age and age of consent. Increase males wages and decrease female wages, also discourage females from going to college. Change marage laws so men are not always fucked sideways in a divorce. Eliminate public welfare for single moms.
This will drive women to men and make them stop divorcing them (women instigate divorce 90% of the time)
What do people like? Money. What is the cost of raising kids? Money. How can you encourage birth? Give money to families, directly or indirectly.
Meme magic
The ideal age range for child birth is 18-30. Younger is bad for the health of the woman and typically has a bad outcome for the child. Older there is diminishing likelihood of having a child and an increasing risk of birth defects.
Women are more likely to have children if...
1. Stable long term relationship. Marriage.
2. Good financial situation.
3. The woman isn't the primary breadwinner.
4. Readily available child care.
First, expand reproductive health care services, especially abortion, in low income areas. If a poor black single mother to be can't afford an abortion, all of society should be willing to chip in. This will help the relative birth rate for whites.
Second, increase tax advantage for married couples. This will be an incentive to get married, to stay married, and help married couples have the resources to raise kids.
We need to provide free or subsidized child care at the state or city level. This can be calibrated like schools districts are, with funding based on property taxes or special districts. White neighborhoods will have more funding, better child care, and therefore make parenting for whites more attractive.
Finally, we need social incentives. People like Ivanka Trump who've built a brand around being a beautiful wife and mother. We need to make raising a family an attractive, desirable, and laudable choice for women. At the same time, we need to encourage black rappers and the like to keep promoting a life style of not settling down or getting married.
>We need to make raising a family an attractive, desirable, and laudable choice for women.
The most important part desu
We need to reverse the idea that feminists have drummed into women that being a housewife = being a slave.
Men also need to step up to be able to function as sole income earners to support their wives and children instead of playing videogames all day (I say as a videogame player who knows it's a massive timesink that ultimately serves no purpose but momentary entertainment. I'm infertile anyway though so it doesn't really matter what I do, my family line dies with me)
By removing non-whites from first-world countries. Kek wills it.
make white women not look like pigs and actually attractable
If you're 20 years old or more and you have time to play video games, you need to rethink your life.
I stopped my second year of college when I got some sense knocked into me and filled up my entire schedule with constructive things
>implying any of us is fit to even step within 5 feet of her, let alone copulate with her
Asian domination
I work 3 days a week bringing in $700 which is more than I need. I then enjoy having time to do whatever I want during the week which sometimes means video games. (Have been thinking of becoming a volunteer firefighter once I'vegot my fitness up a bit but that won't take that much of my time)
Since a wife and family to provide for isn't ever going to happen, why should I do more?
This is entirely the wrong attitude. Have some ambition. If you're only doing something productive 3 days a week you aren't even close to your full potential, even if those three days are enough to meet your needs. There are four other days that you could be using in pursuit of something greater.
Such as?
I have everything I want for material possessions. I have a stable home to live in and have time. Without attaching myself to some larger cause I don't really see what more I could want to do
>Such as?
That's up to you. If you keep at it you'll find something worth pursuing.
You could devote your life to simple pleasures like Epicurus would want, but it's a waste of a life if you ask me.
Deport Mexicans.
Find a cure for herpes and AIDS
Black people don't give a shit about diseases but whites do, if whites didn't have to worry about disease they would do just as much if not more fucking than blacks.