Dump Red Pills on The JQ, discuss The JQ, and express our hatred -- yes, rightful hatred -- of The Jew.
/JQG/ - Jewish Question General
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"The Jew is everywhere, the finances and controls both political parties, labour and conservative"
I'm a big fan of Israel too. I wish all the Jews would move there.
We should nuke Israel. Kill Jewish children.
This is a pretty good vid on the JQ
Here is another.
I was recently triggered by the Jew media pushing the "Trump is anti-LGBT" meme constantly and making me depressed when I should be maximally enjoying my victory. I have slowly gone from a philo Semitie to getting Red Pill'dslightly more on the JQ and being ironically anti-Semitic until today. What I wrote above pushed me over; I am now full on meme Ben garrison level anti-Semitic. SIX MILLION MORE!
THe oldest nationalist in the world, first in human history. Targeted by globalist elites for millenia.
Ain't gonna happen boys.
Read what i wrote above. I will NEVER forgive kikes for this. I would take so much fucking pleasure in watching you scream as you burn to death in our ovens. Fuck you all
Bump for a nuked Israel.
Yeah I'm basically at the level of gas them all now.
I tried to keep a civil attitude about it for awhile, but its us vs them so fuck it.
Henry Ford knew about the Jews as well.
I know. I guess you have to be personally fuckers over to go full 'six million more'. For me, it was depressing me when I should have been enjoying our victory
What was your moment?
Hitler was right about almost everything.
When I heard about what they did to David Irving.
The way David Irving explained how the Jews just destroyed his life and His reputation without mercy. The final nail in the coffin was this current election as you said. All those fake fucking Jew neocons just jumped ship to endorse Hillary made it so obvious. The Jews just never stop Jewin.
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion
I see.
Yeah, like a two front war.