"Hey Maria, Trump won so here's a little preview of what is to come"

>"Hey Maria, Trump won so here's a little preview of what is to come"


Free abortion coathangers?

>The Great Line of America
That's not a fucking wall

all these lefties faking shit. pathetic.

>The right and wrong side of history
But she clearly won

>classic blue/white van pattern

yep she staged this lmfao

all hispanics own those vans LMAOOO

Wow for a moment I thought it was a false flag, but then I saw she's a Bernie supporter so it must be true

anytime we come across "things that never happened style trump attacks on minorities" we should publicly announce that as trump supporters we "condemn" those violent actions and hateful words.

This does 2 hilarious things.

1.) "Condemning" something is not the same as apologizing. Those are 2 separate concepts. Condemning something implies neither responsibility nor similarity. This is the keyword from a linguistic standpoint. "Condemn," remember that.

2.) It allows us to seize the moral high ground that yes, its wrong to attack people based on their political beliefs. This in turn allows us to draw comparison between these "individual" trump supporters, and the "groups" of clinton supporters rioting in cities across the US.

"Condemning" an action sends the same message rather the action was real or fiction. Condemn first and loudly, gain agreement, then show that the "individuals" were fake and the "groups" were real.

only one of these has been caught on camera. don't fret, the truth will come out.

Surprised there isn't a fat fucking dildo laying on her bed

I don't get it

These are the kind of racist bigots that Trump has emboldened. I am literally shaking right now. Like, I seriously can't even... just wow.

>making racist threats to your roommate at the liberal indoctrination center you pay to attend and can still be expelled from at any time

>people actually believe this is real

>not having your organic fair trade hemp vegan dildo in your ass while posting on social media

why even live senpai?

it's a "little wall", made from stuff from around the room

I feel like I should've gotten that. Smh.

Someone find a comparison of handwriting

maria's rommate built a wall separating the room.

neither do I . I thought is was a queue where white things are first. Very stupid

Huh I think Lindwood University in St. Charles Missouri should protect it's students from being harassed by Trump supporters!!
Where do I fill my complain?

en espanol, es una pared pequeña

It simulates Trump's wall because, you know, the wall is going to be made out of shitty canvas sneakers and tissue boxes.


Ironically enough she's the one who paid for it.

liberals are the real autists

I hope she's not expecting to see all those first world amenities on her new side of the fence.

could be real. looks like its just a stupid joke. college kids make them all the time. its completely harmless even its real.

>bernie supporter so cucked they supported sHillary


also this bitch faked the whole shit I don't believe it for one second

leftists think if they fake these incidents that somehow changes the fact that trump won.

Someone please comment that on her facebook

come on her room mate was problem doing that to annoy her. if she gets this hysterical over a joke I can't imagine what it must be like living with someone that neurotic for the entire election year. anyone would vote for trump just to piss her off.


>that day where history was unironically a place

Burgerbros, you need to go full Duterte on liberals. They are simply so stupid, evil and lazy that not only nothing of value will be lost, but the future will once again hold that promise of freedom, prosperity and tyranny undone.

The very promise on which you ancestors built the greatest country in the world.

Let's all report this to the school, fake or not it's a win win

These fucking liars albeit creative liars.

>fake or not it's a win win

Not to mention that you fucking live with them and know that they would make your life hell for at least the rest of the semester. And you do it so it will be seen while you aren't in the room, allowing them full opportunity to fuck your shit up or steal something.

>>"Hey Maria, Trump won so here's a little preview of what is to come"
I bet money she staged this herself

And El Salvador is gonna pay for it!



>Cool wall, Maria. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like manual labor. It's what makes America great.

I hope to God this isn't stage, I cannot believe America is becoming Great Again so soon!

>hey paco whatcha ya doing

dilbertman? Why aren't you fucking your hot neigbor/gf?

Why can't liberals take jokes as well as they take other people's money?

Yeah we need to. They are a literal cancer on society

This is preschool tier, as expected of leftist falseflagging

Good eye user. Good eye.

if this is fake she's fucking retarded. how long til her roommate finds out and says "uh that's not my handwriting"?

why do people who do this shit think they'll get away with it? what annoys me is most of the time when they get caught they just apologize and disappear and the faggots who were outraged on their behalf either disappear too or say "well this one was fake but there's so many real ones!" while providing no evidence.

just once i want the victims of these hoaxers to sue the perps into the fucking ground and utterly destroy them

Somebody dig around her FB and see if you can find her writing style and see if it matches

cute attempt.

muslim who claimed attack against her has already admitting to lying about the situation the police have said.

It wouldn't surprise me if maria too is full of shit.

Has anyone reported this to the school to check out the story? If true then the school should be making a public story about this

It has been proven time and time again that these ''hate crimes'' are staged for attention.

It was her roommate with some friendly bantz that the spic can't handle
