Just came across this interesting video on YT where conservative students are using left wing radical Saul alinsky's rule for radicals, tactics to fight for conservative ideals on campuses in colleges and uni's. For all students out there this may be of use. I also think it has interesting information for memetic warfare. So I thought it was deserved of a thread to spread some of these tactics if not already known.
Saul alinsky rules for radicals
Bump. Damn this board moves fast. Also forgot to post link in OP
This seems to be sliding. Bump for narcissism. Lel
Pol is being raided and the jewish mods don't do anything
wait a few more days to post it again
Yeah. Cheers m8. Thought this would be a nice change from the "white extinction" threads and all the usual crap. Maybe discuss real political tactics? IDK. I see a lot of similarities between activism and memetics so I thought I'd share
One more bump then I'm out. Thought the image may have generated interest. First time I've seen it
Checking my own digits
checked for you
bump for Trump and for the death of Hillary
Alinsky's 12 rules for radicals is well known here. Often referred to when discussing the tactics of the left. Definitely worth a thread though for those who need to know. The normies should know it too.
I'll paste them in.
APPENDIX E: Saul Alinsky’s Rules from Rules for Radicals
Saul Alinsky describes 24 rules in Rules for Radicals. Of those 24 rules, 13 are rules of “power tactics”:
1. “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”
2. “Never go outside the experience of your people.”
3. “Wherever possible go outside of the experience of the enemy.”
4. “Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.”
5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
6. “A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.”
7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
8. “Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.”
9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
10. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”
11. “If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.”
12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
The remaining 11 rules Alinsky describes are concerned with “the ethics of means and ends”:
1. “One’s concern with the ethics of means and ends varies inversely with one’s personal interest in the issue … Accompanying this rule is the parallel one that one’s concern with the ethics of means and ends varies inversely with one’s distance from the scene of conflict.”
2. “The judgment of the ethics of means is dependent upon the political position of those sitting in judgment.”
3. “In war the end justifies almost any means.”
4. “Judgment must be made in the context of the times in which the action occurred and not from any other chronological vantage point.”
5. “Concern with ethics increases with the number of means available and vice versa.”
6. “The less important the end to be desired, the more one can afford to engage in ethical evaluations of means.”
7. “Generally success or failure is a mighty determinant of ethics.”
8. “The morality of a means depends upon whether the means is being employed at a time of imminent defeat or imminent victory.”
9. “Any effective means is automatically judged by the opposition as being unethical.”
10. “You do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.”
11. “Goals must be phrased in general terms like ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,’ ‘Of the Common Welfare,’ ‘Pursuit of Happiness,’ or ‘Bread and Peace'
I'm a big fan of the Alinsky method, though I'm admittedly a student of the Ho Chi Zen school myself.
Historia Discordia probably has the best insights into the earliest meme warfare I'm aware of, with the Discordian Society and Operation Mindfuck. Sup Forums replicates it's early methods almost by accident. Mal-2 was a prodigy at Game Theory and he realized that the only strategy that couldn't be predicted and thus prepared for and countered was a completely random one, or one that appeared to be completely random.
From day one, the Discordian Society was Mal-2's reality busters and Lord Omar's actually religious Discordians. But the camps weren't mutually exclusive, or the only ones. They recruited and they numbers grew to literally no one knows how many, no census of them would ever be believable. But, based on the confirmed, active and published Discordians pre-1980, they had a shockingly outsized effect on the counter culture.
Yeah I thought it would be with the links to Obama and Hillary. Was searching for the PDF to give it a read and saw the vid. Thought it might be a nice change of pace
Cheers bro
Interesting. Thanks for the info. Even though I knew of Saul a while ago, I've only just got around to reading rules for radicals. I'm not huge on this subject and straight away I could see comparisons between social organisation/radical protest and memetics/propaganda. Interesting stuff. I'll check out what you've mentioned when I finally get around to it :^) I've screencaped your comment so cheers m8
Also, yeah I could see how Sup Forums uses these tactics and they probably just do it naturally. Beautiful bastards
lol ctr's presence here has absolutely backfired. Sup Forums is coalescing into action instead of fragmenting.
what do you think, fischbabbies, is your /despairwork/ doing its job?
What I found funny is that now conservatives are using the same tactics. Using the enemies weapons against them. Cheers again m8
Checked. It will be so ironically beautiful when they realise the same tactics and mantras they use will now be used against them. Lel
I'm a avid student of the 60's, which is how I became a Discordian and learned about a lot of this shit.
Oh, yeah. Malaclypse command that we have to all stick apart is perfect Sup Forums. If you aren't in on the joke, you can never understand what is going on. The Discordian Society was a religion disguised as a joke disguised as a religion.
Sup Forums has it. I could spawn an argument just by pointing it out. Serious Business disguised as shitposting disguised as serious business. We argue, troll each other, flame away and pull in 23 directions, but somehow shit keeps happening.
We even have glorious overlapping projects. Pic related. I'm sure everyone has seen these cards floating around Sup Forums. Made by Steve Jackson Games. Last proper publisher of the Principia Discordia.
Molymeme has done a video on this
The left is dead anyway, we dont need to make any concessions.
I swear one of these days I'll watch some of his videos.
I was sure it was my old school bias preventing me from looking at a lot of these internet famous new media guys, but then I followed Mike Cernovich on twitter for the last month of the election. This did not help improve my image of the swamp of new media cretins in the slightest. If Cernovich ever becomes an icon of our side, I'm fucking off to join the Democrats in protest.
Rules for Radicals is very popular. I downloaded it and have started reading it myself. Probably has lost some applicability as the times have changed though.
She could have been our Queen
IF only she wasn't such a liar and manipulator.