ITT: We post our legitimate grievances with Trump

I voted for Trump even though I don't 100% agree with him.

1. He thinks the government should be able to force a company like Apple to show them all their customers phone data in mass without a warrant

2. He is for extreme torture if necessary.

3. Not sure if he wants police reform but he probably doesn't, I'm not anti police but realize their needs to be psychological tests, higher pay, minimum 100 IQ, more severe consequences than civilians for breaking a law, and de-militarization

4. He supports a No Fly No Buy for guns for terrorists but we have a lot of people on the list that aren't terrorists already and it's unconstitutional

5. He's not sure about allowing states to legalize marijuana, he said we have to study the states that legalized it but he is okay with medical marijuana.

6. Also not a big fan of the Stop and Frisk idea even if it's just implemented in high-crime areas. I'd feel better about this after police reform.

7. Pretty much every other position he has is the same as mine. He scores an 80% B- with me. That's pretty good considering I disagreed with the past 5 presidents on almost everything.

What did I miss? I can't think of any other bad position of his.

For me, I'm concerned about how he'll deal with Net Neutrality.

Other than that, my only other concerns are already expressed by OP.

>minimum 100 IQ

Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, took the exam in 1996 and scored 33 points, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training.

Most Cops Just Above Normal The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average.

Jordan alleged his rejection from the police force was discrimination. He sued the city, saying his civil rights were violated because he was denied equal protection under the law.

But the U.S. District Court found that New London had “shown a rational basis for the policy.” In a ruling dated Aug. 23, the 2nd Circuit agreed. The court said the policy might be unwise but was a rational way to reduce job turnover.

Jordan has worked as a prison guard since he took the test.

Yeah the net and stop and frisk are my biggest concerns. Many cops are power tripping assholes. I don't trust anyone to have the power to stop and frisk anyone at will.

oh yeah i forgot about this. Some of my grievances are unknown though, like this. we don't know how he will handle it so it's not so much a negative, yet

oh and

>inb4 jews

Why blackpill this early? Ride the win faggot.

I hate how trump is protecting liberals from muslims

Kill yourself op

yeah idk about cops... bad experiences with some and ok experiences with others

>1. in mass
Got a source for that? Wanting one cellphone's info because it was terrorist owned isn't mass.
>2. torture
Torture in what context? To save American lives? To protect the people? What is wrong with that?
>3. de-militarization
The reason why the police are armed so much is because of how crime as evolved. Solve the crime problem and there is no reason for the police to be armed as such. Cops aren't the problem, criminals are.
>4. No Fly No Buy
Random people aren't placed on no fly lists. There are reasons for it that you aren't informed about. You think people that can't be trusted on planes should be trusted with firearms?
>5. medical marijuana
Not sure what you're disagreeing with here. Are you for legalization? Are you against using it medically? What is wrong with looking at the facts before acting?
>6. stop and frisk
Try not looking like a criminal walking around with obvious bulges in your pants where there shouldn't be any.

He wins too much

I'm getting tired of winning

We are winning too much

But he just keeps winning

>I voted for Trump but

Oh hello, new CTR identifying introduction

Because there are some people on Sup Forums who still understand and value liberty, you filthy fucking leaf.

>Got a source for that?
>Torture in what context? To save American lives? To protect the people? What is wrong with that?
If a terrorist has a bomb planted somewhere and you need to get it out of him, sure. But in any other context it's unacceptable.
>The reason why the police are armed so much is because of how crime as evolved. Solve the crime problem and there is no reason for the police to be armed as such. Cops aren't the problem, criminals are.
They don't need armored vehicles and tanks with turrets on them to police a neighborhood. That's why there is a difference between military and police. They can have assault rifles but no tanks.
>Random people aren't placed on no fly lists. There are reasons for it that you aren't informed about. You think people that can't be trusted on planes should be trusted with firearms?
If they can't be trusted on a plane they should be in custody and why are senators on the list then?
>Try not looking like a criminal walking around with obvious bulges in your pants where there shouldn't be any.
Can't trust some of these power tripping cops to make the right decisions in using this law.

CTR would never say they support 80% of trumps views and say they voted for him. You guys don't support him 100% on everything stop lieing to yourselves.

Nice try CTR. Your 3rd dimensional cointelpro is too obvious.

At first the argument for marijuana was "its a medicine u bigot", now if a politician wants to implement medical marijuana it's suddenly "not enough "

Also, another thing we need is nationwide constitutional carry like we have here in my state so i can cross state borders with my gun

So you're ok with torture and ok with police driving around in fucking tanks with camo on "because of how crime has evolved".

I'm sorry, I've never driven over an IED in America. The fuq is this bullshit lmao.

i've always said i believed all drugs should be legal. the argument you say is the argument for some. i just go straight to the last dial.

Referring me to google isn't a source. Try again.

Torture is only used for national security. You act as if random nobodies are getting tortured.

I haven't seen any cops rolling around with tanks and have only seen armored vehicles in riot situations where police lives are in danger. Did you already forget what happened in Dallas?

No fly lists are to keep people from coming into and from leaving the country. Again, you aren't informed enough.

You sound like some anti-cop liberal trash now. Only pieces of shit hate police because only pieces of shit have had bad experiences with cops. Get your act together.

When the hot mic tape dropped, BUT the fact that he was talking about trying to court a married women really pissed me off.

Everyone has their flaws though, and i wont let literally ONE thing make me to mad at him. I will always remember that though, and that will factor into my decision of what kind of man he really is.

Honestly, that shit would get you fucked up where i'm from. But idk how those rich fuckers live with recent things coming to the surface i bet all of the elites have arranged marriages that allow tons of leeway. They don't honestly care about one another, its all about appearances and power. That is for sure.

Yeah, like totally man, look at all the tanks all over the place. Fucking police xD down with the system! Pigs deserved to get gunned down because I got a speeding ticket!

Those tapes were edited dude. they edited out the part where he said he didnt know she was married.

All legal so these fucks increase the odds of car accidents and other harmful events
What I said used to be an argument for most of pro legalization people, I mean the vast majority

Tanks/Strykers/MRAPS, police shouldn't have access to any of that shit. If a situation has gone to shit, it's time for the governor to call the natty guard out.

>Torture is only used for national security. You act as if random nobodies are getting tortured.

You don't know who gets tortured. I'm not worried about Trump as much as future presidents and the precedent it sets. I guarantee Obongo and G.W.B. tortured innocent people, especially whistleblowers.

>I haven't seen any cops rolling around with tanks and have only seen armored vehicles in riot situations where police lives are in danger. Did you already forget what happened in Dallas?

you don't need tanks to deal with nigs. it's a waste of tax payer money and if we need military force we'll call in the military.

>No fly lists are to keep people from coming into and from leaving the country

No fucking shit, they don't let the people like US SENATORS leave the country and now they wont be able to buy guns either. They use it as leverage for political opponents AND it's still unconstitutional

>You sound like some anti-cop liberal trash now. Only pieces of shit hate police because only pieces of shit have had bad experiences with cops. Get your act together.

Bootlicker confirmed.

I remember seeing all those tanks in Dallas when multiple cops were killed.
You're fucking stupid. Go the fuck to sleep, you have school in the morning.
>he says bootlicker unironically
Yup, fuck off CTR. Here is your last (0.02$).

So you think legalizing a drug and putting a warning label on it that says it can be dangerous could increase accidents?

I hope you are for banning alcohol then. Last time I checked, no one said they don't do meth or heroin because it's illegal. They don't do it because they don't want to. You'll save lives and reduce crime by letting a legit business sell these products clean and tested for purity. We should educate the public on the dangers like we do with alcohol and cigs but let the free market sell drugs legally because peoples drugs gets contaminated frequently because of there illegal status

Is this what Sup Forums is reduced to? Sucking the dicks of retarded cops that got cucked in highschool? Sometimes no matter how much you cooperate and behave calmly police are going to power trip and harass you or attempt to provoke you.

I'm not anti cop. But I can see you haven't had many experiences with them. They can't have "stop and frisk" power.

Trump was a mistake. We can still get hillary in there. December 15 everybody

>cop detected

don't you have some niggers asshole to be frisking because "you totally have to and don't love it" ?

Pro Israel.

>tfw the world will never just finish the Jew menace off

While I can understand him wanting to deport all the illegals, a lot of my friends are closely tied to illegal immigrants; girlfriends mostly, and their extended families. When they talked to me they made it sound like they actually work and pay taxes. So I'm not sure I want actually hard working immigrants to be deported. But at the same time, they ARE illegal immigrants.

Other thing I disagree with is (supposedly?) Trump wants to attack planned parenthood and abortion.

Muh alcohol meme. That is already a fucking problem, why add up more.
Put them all into jail, these useless drug addicts. Only fags like you care. Maybe you're one of them.

Oh fuck off, these are legitimate issues even trump supporters should hate.

I've got the same thoughts as you do OP.

There's one thing that makes me really happy though: he's a got a chance of nuking the PC cancer. Whether those people go underground or leave the country, it'll be an amazing move.

Even if he, as the popular media says, destroys the country and salts the earth, killing off SJWs/PC is well worth it.

We'll have a clean slate to start with.