Trump is already purging the fucking media swamp by his presence alone. I don't think I can handle four years of this gold.
Trump is already purging the fucking media swamp by his presence alone. I don't think I can handle four years of this gold.
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Scum. They knew all the fucking time this election they were doing this shit, now they're all trying to save face by saying "How could we get it so wrong!!!". Does the media have any fucking clue anymore as to what the people want? They did nothing but pile on Trump the whole election, while ignoring all the horrible scandals and shit coming from Hillary and NOW they're trying to pack peddle. They can all eat shit and die
I'd call this shit damage control, but this is like a "fuck this bullshit and everyone involved" rant.
Sadly, this is the same network that Maddow bitch was talking about "this is hell, this is our country now" when Trump got elected, so he might not have his job by next week.
>nate silver mocked for saving trump had a 7% chance
scott adams has been calling it for over a year that trump would landslide it like he did and salon,vox,buzzfeed, wrote hit pieces on him in the same day calling him sexist and a "horny narcissist"
This is from the same network that did this shit too
Joe completely BTFO everyone in media today it was awesome
they always talk out both sides of their mouth, so no matter what happens they can claim they were right, even though they constantly contradict themselves
this. I really fucking hope normies see this shit i really hope they see through these fucking lies and see for what these scumbags really are and im hoping fucking hard trump treats them like garbage and fulfills his promises
Anyone have a link to the article he mentioned? Sounds like an interesting read
He seems to go between based and not based
This. Journos should be hanged
My god man, I've been walking on clouds for days. I never thought I could be this happy, it just keeps coming.
>pack peddle
That's because he's a sack of shit who sucks off who's ever cock is biggest. And right now the biggest cock belongs to the president elect who happens to be Donald J Trump.
WTF they actually used the term red-pilled
jesus christ what is going on
Now you know what we feel like after the Brexit vote.
>I'm going to pretend to be a republican again
Fuck off Joe, you put all your chips in on the wrong bet. You're done.
This. Covering their asses.
I think that was the video editor's input for those lower-thirds. The video itself is legit though
they can try to flee all they want, the rats will drown alongside their ship
>the damage control
It's too fucking late for these rats. They've been exposed. No amount if apologizing and turning on each other will save them from the rope.
Same famalm and I can't even vote in your elections. I don't even agree with Trump on a good amount of his policies but the high energy thing isn't a meme. I legitimately feel happy seeing you guys ecstatic over his win. It's like a second hand version of high energy.
They're just covering their fucking asses because the population has given up on them and their bullshit
Check this shit out, CNN shilling for Soros:
Think they'll give up Judaism?
These niggas never created popular culture, they just report on it after we create it.
Who is this qtp2t?
>over the past month
>gets starglazed of the 2 weeks of self reflection
They always do this shit, pretend for 2 weeks they have some kind of self reflection and try to "learn" from the result.. and then unless this signifies a significant change of heart.. they're right back to trying to manipulate you again.. this is called what? CONNING YOUR TRUST BACK IN.. don't be a fucking idiot with msm after all of this bullshit, they do the same stupid shit whenever they lose, they real you in for 2 weeks and then manipulate you towards trying to oppinionate exactly differently and towards the leftist bullshit yet again.. DON'T FALL FOR IT.. give them WAYY over two weeks give them 2 months.. a year.. if they still have some genuine "self reflection" in the bullshit they peddle for truth on their network by then, then i'd be impressed.. But let's see results spanning over more than the first two weeks where they try to reel you back in.. trust is established through time.. and concurrent events.. not asskissing but a genuinely changed approach to these matters.. underrated almost immediately.. please fucking get it..
Ive lived under this SJW rule my entire life, Im hoping Trump stomps them the fuck out.
This here.
>Retarded media throwing each other under the bus
Top lel. I will miss the liberal tears when everyone goes back to their boring lives.
Seriously, someone slipped some of that good Discordian MindFuck to Joe...
''Are we the baddies'' - Media 2016
This. They are also trying to make it sound like they've only been biased for this election. "oh we just lost our way for a little, we are going to go back to being trustworthy now.". Bullcrap, more lies.
>tfw having a based father figure to show us the way
This is so fucking BASIC how they do this.. how can you fucking not understand this whilst browsing pol..
That's the main thing keeping me from calling this guy "based." This kind of shit's been going on for decades and he's only referencing the last few weeks.
Watching these fuckers eat their own is glorious. Black communities are on a witch hunt for the "uncle tom" that voted for Trump, these white feminist women are chewing on each other for voting Trump (i.e. Ana from The Young Turks). Kek has delivered in spades.
They're playing everything off as an "honest mistake" to save face and appear reasonable.
Nothing has changed, they're just changing their strategy to gain trust again.
Seriously, it's not like he just sold his soul this year or anything. Joe Scarborough has been the house nigger for Democrats for over a decade.
he didn't really call the media out. he only talked about them being too convinced of her winning and making the left complacent.
if he had said the media had LIED to the american people and crafted a narrative in order to get their candidate elected, that would be commendable.
MSM is not gonna change. it's too bad they won't be hung up in the streets for what they've done/are doing.
>Does the media have any fucking clue anymore as to what the people want?
Why would you think that even matters?
>over the past month
ya I don't think they learned their lesson.
I like how he's not talking to himself. He thinks he is immune from his own statements.
Annnndddd hes gone
>now they're calling it out
fuck off damage control because trump's gonna run that republican train
>the media are complete shills
Joe has being saying this stuff since the beginning.
MSNBC pulls the reins sometimes. There's a wikileaks e-mail showing this exact thing. And he seemed to acknowledge it in a tweet as well.
Since the leak MSNBC seems to loosen up on him. They don't want to lose more viewership. After all his show is on there specifically to cater to more conservative viewers.
Its like he's talking to a mirror
Make it viral, guys
See this bro
it's so pathetic how people fall for the most basic "anchor" tactic ever.. the 2 week strategy.. pretend like you changed, then right back to manipulating your mind with things you want your viewers to believe..
This is how they con you everytime, and ofcourse after a long stride of telling you how shit you are for not voting for hillary now that trump has won.. THEY ARE TRYING TO REEL YOU BACK IN YOU FUCKING IMBICILS.. THESE ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS JUST TRYING TO INFORM YOU FROM A NON BIAS POSITION.. jhc.. wake up man.. HAHAHAHA...
after all the shit trump has shown you about the media you fall for the 2 week rule.. oh man just fuck off..
Judge Jeanine
Ann Coulter
Lou Dobbs
the rest are cucks who turned on Trump at the earliest chance, Morning Cuck included
this desu.
remember just half a year ago?
>lmao brexit will never happen you stupid right wing bigot nazis!
>look at the gorillion polls we did! they all show that brexit will fail!
>its already over you dumb conservashits! the glorious EU will always win over you backwards hicks!
we all know what happened then. and now here we are again, after they did THE EXACT SAME THING to trump. and failed again. and they will do the same thing for the next big thing that happens. you can count on it.
I watched this shit this morning.
Of course every expert came on and tried to give an explanation.
They all agreed that they should actually go out into the world and stop speculating from their Ivory Tower.
Then in the next sentence they all speculated and agreed on why Trump got elected.
They're clueless.
Let them all fucking hang!
Too late, we know you're just lying to get away with your corruption
>all those coughs and paper shuffling
do these people (MSM) really not understand the bias?
>captcha store front for the everytime I post
Just watch after 2 weeks if you think i'm bullshitting, let's see what happens then.. Back to covering the news and putting their lefty spin on it to subtly get you to oppinionate a certain way about things..
Fuck off, retard.
No one is buying this shit. I've never listened and never going to listen to these people.
It's just a funny scripted speech.
Media is not going to recover from this.
>"Time for incrimination is over"
Oh, but we haven't started yet
It's such an old fucking trick that they always do.. and people who browse pol can't be that fucking stupid to fall for it right away..
Why does this faggot belive that the msm has any real power left. Fucking deluded cunt
The pendulum is swinging. Culture doesn't always move in the same direction, despite what the communists say.
Fuck you too asshole.. and i agree.
If trump has shown us all of this bullshit what the media does, and we come so far only to fall right back into their game, then we're too fucking stupid to have nice things..
>give them WAYY over two weeks give them 2 months
Go fuck yourself, you stupid retard.
None of these networks deserve a second chance. They did not deserve a first chance and they did not get the first chance from me or most people here.
You are the only person in the thread calling for forgiveness and giving the media a chance.
The day I watch their shit and give them (You)s is the day they all get fired and the people who hired them die of old age.
And we're NOT too fucking stupid at all..
but i just wanted to repudiate it immediately eventhough it's obvious because shill or slide or stupid idc.. just after a trump win and we now taking the media seriously in their change of heart.. give me a fucking break..
He's not criticizing that the media was biased, he's criticizing that they didn't do a good enough job being Clinton propaganda
Then he gets to be the press secretary
They're jewing on all cylinders now
Nate Silver actually gave Trump like a 30% chance of winning, which are pretty good odds actually so I'm not sure why people are giving him shit now. Sam Wang on the other hand... if you want a laugh, read this:
You don't agree. You're a faggot who wants to forgive the media what they have done while projecting it on us. None of us are talking about giving them 2 weeks or 2 months before we go watch their shit. None of us are going to turn on MSNBC or CNN. You're talking about giving them a chance. You're the problem.
>It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few exceptions, we were all tacitly or explicitly #WithHer, which has led to a certain anguish in the face of Donald Trump’s victory. More than that and more importantly, we also missed the story, after having spent months mocking the people who had a better sense of what was going on.
>This is all symptomatic of modern journalism’s great moral and intellectual failing: its unbearable smugness. Had Hillary Clinton won, there’s be a winking “we did it” feeling in the press, a sense that we were brave and called Trump a liar and saved the republic.
>So much for that. The audience for our glib analysis and contempt for much of the electorate, it turned out, was rather limited. This was particularly true when it came to voters, the ones who turned out by the millions to deliver not only a rebuke to the political system but also the people who cover it. Trump knew what he was doing when he invited his crowds to jeer and hiss the reporters covering him. They hate us, and have for some time.
>And can you blame them? Journalists love mocking Trump supporters. We insult their appearances. We dismiss them as racists and sexists. We emote on Twitter about how this or that comment or policy makes us feel one way or the other, and yet we reject their feelings as invalid.
>you're the only one in the thread giving the media the chance
Aside from the OP claiming they are getting red pilled rather than their usual bogus shit, you fucking crotch jockey.. cut me some slack..
Now you're just loving me way too much.. this is not healthy.. you need to stop.
Moar hot Mika pics
hey, msnbc stole my pepe intellectual property
>Swedish intellectuals
unf i need this bith on muh dik
Nice going champ.
What's that text at the bottom? Was that edited in or was that actually in the broadcast?
"red-pilled" "shills"
It looks so fucking fake like they're trying to pander to us now.
Hannity was the only one to speak the truth. I love that little guy.
We did this
We beat you so fucking bad you should call us daddy
Fuck MSNBC. Those bastards can eat shit.
Interesting thing is that the entire journalist press has been publishing articles exactly like this video and the op-ed the reporter was holding up.
Now that Trump turned Hillary upside down, they have to suck dick to get shit back.
You just exposed yourself for the new shill you are.
Who pays you to go online and tell people to forgive the media?
Morning cuck forever BTFO
>gets the country wrong
it's ok latvia you tried. It was a good run. the intial swing was great.
The one thing I've liked about Morning Joe is that for quite awhile he's been so-so about Trump and his chances of winning. It's the same thing I like about Cenk at TYT in the last day or so before the election. It's not that I like their politics or anything, but I like that they were willing to speak at least some truth from within their respective bubbles.
>now's not the time to name names
The damn fool. He really believes that's going to work.
I'd agree with this, it's just pure damage control.
No, they didn't convince themselves she was going to win and find evidence to back that up, there are emails that prove several major networks were in Clintons pocket. They didn't mess up and accidentally shill, they purposely shilled with the intention of destroying Trump and helping Clinton to the point where even normies were noticing.
Maddow claiming we "don't have an official language" while choking back tears and showing pictures of Mexicans was 11/10.
Got more? Seems like a very good segment.
Dat humble pie and bitter pill.
But still, fuck em now and forever.