He's right you know
He's right you know
Struggling in quicksand makes you sink faster.
>peaceful manner
then do that then
>Burning the American flag because you have an actual qualm with its problems
Ok, fine, sure, you may be an asshole but it's your right.
>Burning an American flag because you disagree with democracy
That's retarded and you're a petulant child.
user, looting stores, shooting people, and vandalizing property is just an extension of their freedom to express themselves.
It's completely peaceful. If you try to ask them to stop, you would be attempting to silence them from properly expressing themselves.
No he isn't. Flag burning is unpatriotic by definition. What's American is recognizing it is and defending his right to do so.
sounds like a good argument against hate speech laws
Google infinality you fuck
Since when is lighting anything on fire other than incense in the middle of the street a peaceful act?
Does that bitch seriously have a Troll icon as her profile picture?
Is this some next level trolling i'm seeing?
Doubt it
Wow, you are dumb. But not because you forgot to erase it.
Indeed, too bad they won't recognize the right of people to wear a KKK robe, to deny the holocaust, to burn israeli and american flags, etc, because they consider it "hate speech", and thus it is not free speech according to them.
pretty sure its illegal to destroy the flag
*african flags, not american
peaceful manner
>no one cared who I was until I put on the mask
It's like you didn't even watch batman.
Heinlein was right
It's problematic that people seem to have a skewed definition of the ambiguous term "peaceful". These protests are simply expressions that are equal and opposite reactions to the election. Chasing cars and hurling bricks is still peaceful as long as the driver of the car voted for a bigot who will collapse a comfortable world for minorities. The white voters were lashing out at being replaced by minorities, and that is why Trump won. Now the minorities lash.
He's wrong.
I made this image earlier and its spreading like wildfire on twitter. I think it's the perfect time to redpill people when they're angry and hurt.
True freedom would include the freedom of association in which case a community could expel degenerates who burn the flag, advocate for communism, etc...
He is a communist
>Burning shit
nope. it's protected under the first ammendment. Hillary and co did try to make it a criminal activity back in 2005 though.
>Burning a flag is freedom of speech
Its still hate speech. You disrespect the history of the country and the symbolism the flag represents.
Flag burners deserve public humiliation.
Curious as to what the general Russian consensus is about trump's win, you guys seem pretty damn happy on here.
So basically freedom of speech? People will shit on you no matter what you say anyways.
Then he must be physically removed in order to have a free society
Free will is a bitch
He's not wrong but at the same time it would be better for everyone if they simply fucked off to another country if they're not happy here. Instead they act like petulant children and throw a little tantrum with a lighter. I'm happy enough with them being punished by being social outcasts, the average American wants nothing to do with a flag burner.
The coloring reminds me of some Facebook thing but im assuming thats why you did it. Seems good. Saved and i may use.
>burning a flag on your own property
Fine, go ahead.
>burning a flag in the middle of the street while blocking traffic, yelling, and making a mess
Arrest them all.
what's his stance on grabbing pussy?
He's proud of being a 21 year old virgin
>my right to express myself
>im going to stop you from expressing yourself
>literally this retarded
I bet this same guy supports ANTIFA
bunch of fucking hypocrites
Freedom doesn't give you the right to infringe on someone else's freedom and expect to get away with it
They're rioting right now because they don't understand the electoral college. Nothing was stolen from them. They weren't cheated in any way.
They're destroying shit because they lost and they don't understand why.
Cool lets burn Mexican flags and see what happenes then.
But that's bigotry
Well if your "civil war" starts and Trump would ask for a volunteers - i'm ready to take the vacation and go on Chicongo safari. I hope you'll find a spare AK somewhere.
this idiot doesn't differentiate between freedom and chaos
>liberals destroying liberal states
it accomplishes nothing. Half the people/places they attack/destroy are left leaning anyway..
mfw the people of california are rioting in their neighborhood and also trying to create a state-wide safe-space through secession..
He's an anarchist-communist.
He's said before that freedom is chaos
There's a difference between burning a flag in your own house and doing it as you lead a riot, fucking retard. That shit isn't peaceful. Burning flags is not "freely expressing yourself in a peaceful manner", it's literally burning a physical representation of the country you live in.
America is never going to be what it was just 50 years ago. We have a non white population growing and they need a nation that they can identify with.
And all these white people thinking that having a non white majority is a bad thing is shooting themselves in the fucking foot into thinking that they should be revered as a tolerant people and the inventors of humanitarian leadership. fuck em.
deja vue
It seems like burning your country's flag isn't simply an innocent expression of malcontent, but an incite to aggression and violence. It's a threat, and as such, it isn't protected by the 1st amendment.
>People should be punished for burning something hundreds of soldiers sacrificed their lives to protect for your ungrateful ass
No kidding!
PFFTHAHAHAHA what? He doesn't have an "obligation" for shit. He's his own person. He doesn't have to follow the hivemind if he chooses not to.
>Recognise the right of people to freely express themselves in a peaceful manner
>Said the Liberal who yelled BIGOT SHUT UP BIGOT SHUT UP before slithering to his safe space
"peaceful manner"
Except it isn't, you dumb cunt. Flag burning has always been perceived -- and is usually intended -- as a shocking political statement (and a distasteful one, I agree) but very rarely as a threat. You can't substantiate that at all, because it's bullshit.
>Smash a business' windows
>Steal a flag off their wall
>Burn it
How do these people manage to exist without spontaneously combusting?
Burning your countries flag is not only illegal but also makes you a traitor.
>wtf mane you said you defended freedom - Benedict Arnold
MUH RIGHTZZZ. You have the right to burn the American Flag, but you are not immune from the consequences that result from this action. FUCKING NIIIIIIGGGGGGEEEERRRRZZZ. I SWEAR TO GOD.