List of people who've fucking roasted Trump:
> Stephen Colbert
> Trever Noah
> George Carlin
> LeafyIsHere
> Sarah Silverman
> Bill Maher
> George Lopez
> Amy Schumer
So how many funny people are on YOUR side?
List of people who've fucking roasted Trump:
> Stephen Colbert
> Trever Noah
> George Carlin
> LeafyIsHere
> Sarah Silverman
> Bill Maher
> George Lopez
> Amy Schumer
So how many funny people are on YOUR side?
does it matter
Enough people to vote him President.
> 60,000,000 vs 60,523,000
OK buddy, suuuuure thing
>meme a president into office
le republicans have no sense of humour xD.
Yes, when the Electoral College picks the better candidate who isn't a dictator
George Carlin is fucking dead, and even if he was alive he wouldn't be on YOUR side, you dumb fuck.
Also, George Lopez, funny?
I'm happy literally everyone insulted him for a year and a half
They got a slap to the face now
they can now either accept or play le can't be happening man
you're not a democracy
george lopez? is he still in america? he promised to move to mexico is he gone yet?
Oh no! a bunch of kikes don't like a president who wants to sort out corruption.
>So how many funny people are on YOUR side?
Thousands of Sup Forums posters.
Entertainers should glo back to entertaining. That's what we pay them for. the amount of libcucks that get their news from comedy shows is frightening, the amount of entertainers that believe they have anything to say in the matter of politics is ridiculous.
Just make more music, write some jokes or whatever. Dance for your jewish overlords.
OP confirmed for SUPERAIDS
Cheers! You just listed a bunch of notable HRC supporters. saged
Yeah, all the people from the right places. You know, beyond the echo chambers of cities that would beat a Trump supporter with more prejudice than the Klansmen on blacks. Everyone was saying Trump was a hateful person, and in response, everyone became a hateful person.
Fuck you ivory tower shitters, I almost want you to suffer the hell that is a Hillary presidency.
Our memes are better than all these people combined.
opinion discarded
your entire "side" got eternally BTFO two days ago and you're sitting here doing damage control
Get fucked pleb.
Trump will won the electoral vote and he will win the popular vote.
George Carlin didn't roast Trump.
He roasted the controversy.
>Trump will won the electoral vote
>So how many funny people are on YOUR side?
I'll take people who can bring me stability instead of someone who can make me laugh. I can always laugh at libtards
Bill Burr did a pretty good bit on Trump on Conan.
Don't worry, assholes, cocksuckers and losers, you made a Faustian deal.. .
we have this fuckin autismo champ
You're bragging about 6 dead careers, 2 dying careers, and 1 literally dead person
We have Clint Eastwood, no?
>> LeafyIsHere
>> Amy Schumer
>Nigger meme as picture
12 year old "trump is gonna bomb the mexicans!!!!" detected
pretty sure hillary already took that bus
Are u okay
none of those people are funny you fucking (((faggot kike)))
>funny people
We have this hilarously Asian guy, Mr. Won. Wi Won.
We've got a kid who's great with the cybers.
Don't forget Ted "Kill-'em-and-grill-'em" Nugent.
Ted is a fucking moron.
>George Carlin
Thats some mighty salt but in reallity you people are some dense motherfuckers if i ever have seen one. Over the last year Racism against whites got more and more accepted by dems to the point where you can say today whatever you want collectively about all white people that if you said the same thing about literally any other group of people on this planet you would be screamed down as racist...
And hhaha you stupid dense motherfuckers actually have the audacity to be baffled and shocked that whites didnt vote for your shit?!
How fucking blind are you people actually?
You are not surprised most muslims didnt vote for trump but you act surpised whites didnt vote for regressive leftists? X-D?
>You're not a democracy
You can't rebut this. You didn't even try because you know it's true.
Not anymore, under Drumpf, democracy is dead, user, dead. You voted for a fascist and now you get your greatness.......heh....
>Trump might have lost popular vote
>Clinton won California and New York
>She overshot victory by millions in those states
>most celebrities live in LA or NYC
>all of their votes got thrown into the trash by the electoral college
I don't even know who half of those are.
>So how many funny people are on YOUR side?
you first
Sup Forums is legitimately 6 gorillion times funnier than all of those cunts.
George carlin is the only funny person on this list and he's dead
> Amy Schumer
O, user
Comedians will never be seen as intelligent by anyone that actually has a modicum of the same
You're funny. You're making me laugh.
Pic related.
thats actually the shortened list of cucks who are now eternally BTFO
you were never a democracy baitfaggot.
Trump will win the popular vote too.
>> Stephen Colbert
>> Trever Noah
>> George Carlin
>> LeafyIsHere
>> Sarah Silverman
>> Bill Maher
>> George Lopez
>> Amy Schumer
gr8 b8 m8
This made me kek hard and i don't know why.
I hate literally every person on your list except George Carlin and he made it patently clear he wasn't for candidates from either party due to what he perceived as a flawed system.
George Carlin has been dead for 8 fucking years.
>fucking roasted
You mean lashed out in impotent rage.
that's not very accepting of you, nigger.
>Literally whos
You'll have to do better than that
Can't wait until it finally happens so they have no excuse other than "I don't like what happened!"
Fucking children.
US, we are funnier than your faggot comedians.
>"Wow republicans are so dumb"
>Crowd robotically claps and laughs with marxist hatred
>Comedian mugs it up to the camera
>"I mean they are really stupid"
>Crowd goes crazy
>California allowed more immigration of a particular voting block
why should other states be at the mercy of the democrats' voting schemes?
>dunno what colbert is, don't really care
>half niglet
>old man, he's right on some things
Their opinions don't matter. Just like black lives.
Lol cunt, those people aren't funny LMFAO.
>So how many funny people are on YOUR side?
soon to be a majority of
house reps
and court justices
so now all liberals can do is scream in the street
>Donald Trump
Being this fucking stupid.
You realize these people and people like them are the reason Trump won right? The sole reason. The far left created a movement that completely excluded white men. They told white men they were racists, sexist and homophobic just because they were born white. They told white men that their accomplishments weren't their own but that the only achieved them because of "white privilege". When you marginalize a group of people you create a counter culture and that is exactly what happened here. The left became the establishment then immediately did what the people the replaced did they started labeling people as scapegoats for their problems.
Now because of your stupid exclusionary and quite frankly racist bullshit we have Donald Trump as president. So thank you so much far left for what you have done to our Democratic party. Enjoy reaping what you've sown.
You can't hear it but I'm sarcastically slow clapping.
>all either Jews or owned by Jews
>all shit-tier comedians
oyyyy veyyyyy
I bet you think Amy Schumer is funny too.
>Stranglehold is based doe.
I remember when his wife got kicked off an airplane because she forgot she had an AR-15 in her purse.
Why would you list unfunny people then ask us that?
There are still millions of votes left to be counted. I believe they are purposely taking their time to incite division.
It was never a democracy. It's a republic.
>Not anymore, under Drumpf, democracy is dead, user, dead
>, , , ,
>4 (four) commas
>now you get your greatness.......heh....
>. . . . . . . . . . .
>11 (eleven) periods
these are comedians. Who fucking cares. Shut the fuck up faggot, america has spoken
Colbert on election night was the saddest fucking thing. Watching him try to be America's dad and appealing for unity when him and his cancerous form of smug self-serving "comedy" contributed more to current divisions than any other single factor was absolutely depressing. And yet, he'll learn absolutely nothing.
I guess you tried, buddy.
I bet they're thrilled they can take shots at a president without having to fear being called a racist, the president is a bad guy again, we can make fun of him again.
If this had been Clinton it would have just been all gushing praise and sucking her holy ass clean.
Just imagine how poor of a winner these people would have been, maybe the riots would have been worse, maybe they would have started a good old fashioned leftist purge of the blue states.
If they had make fun hilary they would have been eaten alive.
None of those people are funny
If you need canned audience laughter to remind people to laugh, you're not funny
Memes are funny which is why they get spread around the internet without being forced by TV networks
The funniest thing you guys had was the "Drumpf" meme, and that's just fucking sad
We aren't actually allowed to be funny. Right-wing comedy is hurtful as fuck, Sup Forumscomedy revolves around lynching niggers, nuking countries and making fun of anything unmanly or unwomanly anyone has ever done.
It points out the flaws in every human being and makes fun of those flaws, more often than not spiked with a tad of genocide and violence.
If any comedian ever told Sup Forumstier jokes they would face a shitstorm that's out of this world. Trump said he grabs women by the pussy and the whole world literally stopped to talk about it.
Is that Pence's face on Trump's head?
>George Carlin
I used to think right along with George Carlin. But then the left went off the fucking rails and became the establishment/media sheep. MAGA bitchez!
>.........heh.... nothin personel kid
I didnĀ“t know jews were orange.
>implying those 500,000+ were not due to voter fraud and illegals voting
I honestly think the dems committed fraud, but they underestimated the Don so much, it was not enough.
He won the presidency faggot. Suck it up.
Fuckin this. The lefts narative has been so skewed, its turning liberals into conservatives. i used to be against borders, now i browse pol ffs