How do you fix California?

How do you fix California?

Other urls found in this thread:

1. Deport the illegal immigrants
2. Force people to work instead of getting welfare for everything
3. Be competitive in Silicon Valley, stop letting everyone outsource jobs in tariff loopholes which is CA's cash cow

not really

Nuke the San Andreas Fault

You kill +90% of its population

Eventually the economic margins will grow to big and voters won't trust dems anymore. It will take like 10 years. Min wages and growing gov programs are cannibalizing the middle class, making more rich and poor people.

The only fix for retardation is euthanasia.

Let them leave the union.

They quickly die and fill with illegals.

Said illegals will attack the U.S

Foreign country attacks, trump wipes them out.

Scorched earth.

Seize land and admit into the union.

Alaskans, southerners, and others move in to homestead.

55 electoral votes red forever.

man, that is one ugly crowd

let us secede

>libcucks can move to the diverse utopia of mexico with all the mexicans they are rioting over keeping
>start pioneer movement again and colonize cali with real Americans

Build the wall using my digital numbers.

Please don't nuke rural areas in California, we're pretty based out in the sticks.

Give it to Russia

I said 90%, maybe add a few.

That should take care of LA, Hollywood, SF, plus the wild illegals and rural methheads

Good luck surviving on your own, faggot.

You'll succumb to dehydration within the first week.

Take away their $1,000/month welfare handout and watch them writhe into oblivion.

california was founded by catholic immigrants, it was built by catholics who wanted to destabilize the country and introduce liberalism to destroy protestant america

look up, many of the early governors were all catholics, and they serve as a gateway for mass illegal immigration of catholic latin americans into america to destroy our protestant heritage

Coastal California isn't like this right? Please tell me surfer bros are as based as they are in the movies...

fuck off mongoloid

bomb the ever loving shit out of it.

Nuke East LA and the East Bay, to start.

The rest will fall in line.


uh, coastal california is actually the worst part except for maybe orange county

the based parts are ironically where a shitload of illegals live, where the farmers are in the central valley. in fact my cali county has a hispanic majority pop but we still went red for trump

the spics here know they owe their livelihoods to us and are practically nigger-tier slaves.

god it felt good to go to the grocery store today, it was almost like they were afraid to speak spanish in public now.

god i love trump


You have to counter the propaganda, just saying.

Gotta get into dem skewls.

Gotta give kids a reason to grow up, show them the great world they can have if they rise up and take it.

>How do you fix California?

With white phosphorus over a vast area.

and here we have a roman catholic openly bragging about bringing his fellow roman catholics into the country as illegals to overrun the white protestant majority


Witnessed for truth.

With a bomb.

The only way to fix California and the united states is to purge all subversive elements. We need an actual dictator.

Sorry friend, the beaches of cali are littered with ugly fat tourists,
And the streets are filled with self righteous prics
The movies lied to you

"Love Trump's Hate"
There i fixed it.

Northern California is based. Everything above sacramento, (except hippy humbolt county)

If California split from the union, then us northerners would secede from the nation of california and then rejoin the United states as the state of Jefferson. California would be a nation without water

let it and the rest of the west coast burn, then rebuild over the ashes, when everyone is dead.

Send all of America's spics and niggers to California, then wall it off.

Oh shit, is that Carl the Cuck?

The degeneracy in this pic is too much to handle

What is the Red-Purple-Blue fag?

What letter in the fucking LGBTBBQ does it represent?

I am confused, why is America such a strange place, so many different fags.


Tool answered this year's ago. Arizona bay.

this is fucking astounding. thanks user. showing everyone i know

kill all the gays
and the faggots


2 step plan to fixing california

It's time they learn to swim if they want to live.